Nandini Manne

Profile Picture of Nandini Manne
Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation
Department of Pharmacy Practice, Administration and Research
Marshall University


  • BVSC & AH
  • MS- Biological Sciences
  • PhD- Biomedical Sciences

Research Interests

Public Health   Pharmacy Practice   Chronic Disease Prevention  

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Contact Information

  Marshall University School of Pharmacy SKH 245, 1538 Charleston Ave, SKH 245 Huntington, WV 25701


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List of Publications (40)
In 2020

Manne, N. D., G. K. Ginjupalli, K. M. Rice, R. Arvapalli, V. A. Graffeo, V. V. Bandarupalli and E. R. Blough (2020). "Long-term treatment with empagliflozin attenuates renal damage in obese zucker rat." Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 128(08): 512-519.

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In 2019

Rice, K. M., G. K. Ginjupalli, N. D. Manne, C. B. Jones and E. R. Blough (2019). "A review of the antimicrobial potential of precious metal derived nanoparticle constructs." Nanotechnology 30(37): 372001.

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In 2018

Ginjupalli, G. K., K. M. Rice, A. Katta, N. D. Manne, R. Arvapalli, M. Wu, S. Asano and E. R. Blough (2018). "Diabetic Zucker rat Tibialis anterior muscle high-frequency electrical stimulation (HFES) data: Regulation of MAPKs associated proteins." Data in brief 16: 346-353.

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Ginjupalli, G. K., K. M. Rice, A. Katta, N. D. Manne, R. Arvapalli, M. Wu, S. Asano and E. R. Blough (2018). "High-frequency electrical stimulation (HFES) data lean and obese Zucker rat Tibialis anterior muscle: regulation of Glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3B) associated proteins." Data in brief 16: 423-429.

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Kolli, V., G. Ginjupalli, M. Kumar, N. Manne and M. Hambuchen (2018). The In Vitro Effectiveness and Toxic-ity of a Quaternary Ammonium Compound as an Antimicrobial Finish on Denim. IJ Textile Sci Engg: IJTSE-121. DOI: 10.29011, IJTSE-121/100021.

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Kolli, V., G. Ginjupalli, M. Kumar, N. Manne and M. Hambuchen (2018). "Review of Antimicrobial Textile Finishes. IJ Textile Sci Engg: IJTSE-124. DOI: 10.29011." 5. Manne, N. D., R. Arvapalli, V. A. Graffeo, V. V. Bandarupalli, T. Shokuhfar, S. Patel, K. M. Rice, G. K. Ginjupalli and E. R. Blough (2017). "Prophylactic treatment with cerium oxide nanoparticles attenuate hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury in sprague dawley rats." Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 42(5): 1837-1846.

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Rice, K. M., V. V. K. Bandarupalli, N. D. Manne and E. R. Blough (2018). "Spleen data: Cerium oxide nanoparticles attenuate polymicrobial sepsis induced spenic damage in male Sprague Dawley rats." Data in brief 18: 740-746.

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Rice, K. M., A. Katta, N. D. Manne, R. Arvapalli, G. K. Ginjupalli, M. Wu, S. Asano and E. R. Blough (2018). "High-frequency electrical stimulation (HFES) data lean and obese Zucker rat soleus muscle: regulation of p70S6kinase associated proteins." Data in brief 16: 250-260.

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Rice, K. M., A. Katta, N. D. Manne, R. Arvapalli, G. K. Ginjupalli, M. Wu, S. Asano and E. R. Blough (2018). "Lean and obese Zucker rat extensor digitorum longus muscle high-frequency electrical stimulation (HFES) data: regulation of MAPKs associated proteins." Data in brief 16: 361-368.

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Rice, K. M., A. Katta, N. D. Manne, R. Arvapalli, G. K. Ginjupalli, M. Wu, S. Asano and E. R. Blough (2018). "Lean and obese Zucker rat extensor digitorum longus muscle high-frequency electrical stimulation (HFES) data: regulation of p70S6kinase associated proteins." Data in brief 16: 430-441.

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In 2017

Rice, K. M., N. D. Manne, R. Arvapalli, G. K. Ginjupalli and E. R. Blough (2017).

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Rice, K. M., N. D. Manne, R. Arvapalli, G. K. Ginjupalli and E. R. Blough (2017).

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Rice, K. M., N. D. Manne, R. Arvapalli, G. K. Ginjupalli and E. R. Blough (2017).

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In 2016

Shaver, A., A. Nichols, E. Thompson, A. Mallick, K. Payne, C. Jones, N. D. Manne, S. Sundaram, J. I. Shapiro and K. Sodhi (2016). "Role of Serum Biomarkers in Early Detection of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy in the West Virginian Population." Int J Med Sci 13(3): 161-168.

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In 2015

Rice, K. M., N. D. Manne, M. B. Kolli, P. S. Wehner, L. Dornon, R. Arvapalli, V. Selvaraj, A. Kumar and E. R. Blough (2015). "Curcumin nanoparticles attenuate cardiac remodeling due to pulmonary arterial hypertension." Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol: 1- 17. Manne, N. D., R. Arvapalli, N. Nepal, T. Shokuhfar, K. M. Rice, S. Asano and E. R. Blough (2015). "Cerium oxide nanoparticles attenuate acute kidney injury induced by intra-abdominal infection in Sprague-Dawley rats." J Nanobiotechnology 13:75.

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Asano S, Manne ND, Nandyala G, et al. Cecal inoculum peritonitis: An alternative model for sepsis vascular dysfunction study. Life sciences 2015.

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Asano S, Arvapalli R, Manne N, et al. Cerium oxide nanoparticle treatment ameliorates peritonitis-induced diaphragm dysfunction. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2015:6215.

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Manne NDPK, Arvapalli R, Nepal N, et al. Therapeutic Potential of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Peritonitis Induced by Polymicrobial Insult in Sprague- Dawley Rats. Critical Care Medicine 2015:1.

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Rice, K. M., S. K. Nalabotu, N. D. Manne, M. B. Kolli, G. Nandyala, R. Arvapalli, J. Y. Ma and E. R. Blough (2015). "Exposure to Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Is Associated With Activation of Mitogen-activated Protein Kinases Signaling and Apoptosis in Rat Lungs." J Prev Med Public Health 48(3): 132-141.

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Rice, K. M., N. D. Manne, M. K. Gadde, S. Paturi, R. Arvapalli and E. Blough (2015).

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Selvaraj, V., N. Nepal, S. Rogers, N. D. P. K. Manne, R. Arvapalli, K. M. Rice, S. Asano, Fankenhanel, J. Y. Ma, T. Shokuhfar, M. Maheshwari and E. R. Blough (2015). "Cerium oxide nanoparticles inhibit lipopolysaccharide induced MAP kinase/NF-kB mediated severe sepsis." Data in Brief 4: 105-115.

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Selvaraj, V., N. Nepal, S. Rogers, N. D. P. K. Manne, R. Arvapalli, K. M. Rice, S. Asano, Fankenhanel, J. Y. Ma, T. Shokuhfar, M. Maheshwari and E. R. Blough (2015).

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Selvaraj, V., N. Nepal, S. Rogers, N. D. Manne, R. Arvapalli, K. M. Rice, S. Asano, E. Fankhanel, J. J. Ma, T. Shokuhfar, M. Maheshwari and E. R. Blough (2015). "Inhibition of MAP kinase/NF-kB mediated signaling and attenuation of lipopolysaccharide induced severe sepsis by cerium oxide nanoparticles." Biomaterials 59: 160-171.

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Selvaraj, V., N. D. Manne, R. Arvapalli, K. M. Rice, G. Nandyala, E. Fankenhanel and E. R.Blough (2015). "Effect of cerium oxide nanoparticles on sepsis induced mortality and NF- kappaB signaling in cultured macrophages." Nanomedicine (Lond) 10(8): 1275-1288.

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Rogers, S., K. M. Rice, N. D. Manne, T. Shokuhfar, K. He, V. Selvaraj and E. R. Blough (2015). "Cerium oxide nanoparticle aggregates affect stress response and function in Caenorhabditis elegans." SAGE Open Medicine 3(0).

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In 2014

N. D. P. K. M. Sunil K Kakarla.(2014). "Molecular Mechanisms of Age-Related Cardiac Hypertrophy in the F344XBN Rat Model." Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology 05(12).

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Kolli, M. B., N. D. Manne, R. Para, S. K. Nalabotu, G. Nandyala, T. Shokuhfar, K. He, A.Hamlekhan, J. Y. Ma, P. S. Wehner, L. Dornon, R. Arvapalli, K. M. Rice and E. R. Blough (2014). "Cerium oxide nanoparticles attenuate monocrotaline induced right ventricular hypertrophy following pulmonary arterial hypertension." Biomaterials 35(37): 9951-9962.

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In 2013

Wang, C., E. R. Blough, R. Arvapalli, X. Dai, S. Paturi, N. Manne, H. Addagarla, W. Triest, O. Olajide and M. Wu (2013). "Metabolic syndrome-induced tubulointerstitial injury:role of oxidative stress and preventive effects of acetaminophen." Free Radic Biol Med 65:1417-1426.

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Manne, N. D., M. Lima, R. T. Enos, P. Wehner, J. A. Carson and E. Blough (2013).

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Katta, A., S. Thulluri, N. D. Manne, H. S. Addagarla, R. Arvapalli, S. K. Nalabotu, M. Gadde, K. M. Rice and E. R. Blough (2013). "Overload induced heat shock proteins (HSPs), MAPK and miRNA (miR-1 and miR133a) response in insulin- resistant skeletal muscle." Cell Physiol Biochem 31(2-3): 219-229.

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In 2012

Katta, A., S. K. Kakarla, N. D. Manne, M. Wu, S. Kundla, M. B. Kolli, S. K. Nalabotu and E. R. Blough (2012). "Diminished muscle growth in the obese Zucker rat following overload is associated with hyperphosphorylation of AMPK and dsRNA- dependent protein kinase." J Appl Physiol (1985) 113(3): 377-384.

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Thulluri, S., M. Wu, E. R. Blough, N. D. Manne, A. B. Litchfield and B. Wang (2012).

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In 2011

Nalabotu, S. K., M. B. Kolli, W. E. Triest, J. Y. Ma, N. D. Manne, A. Katta, H. S. Addagarla, K. M. Rice and E. R. Blough (2011). "Intratracheal instillation of cerium oxide nanoparticles induces hepatic toxicity in male Sprague-Dawley rats." Int J Nanomedicine 6:2327-2335.

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"Diabetes alters vascular mechanotransduction data: Pressure-induced regulation of mTor and associated signaling in the rat inferior vena cava." Data in brief 15: 63-71.

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"Diabetes alters vascular mechanotransduction data: pressure-induced regulation of Nf- kapa-B p65 and Translational Associated Signaling in the Rat Inferior Vena Cava." Data in brief 14: 676-685.

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"Vascular mechanotransduction data in a rodent model of diabetes: Pressure-induced regulation of SHP2 and associated signaling in the rat inferior vena cava." Data in brief 15: 300-307.

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"Differential regulation of apoptosis in slow and fast twitch muscles of aged female F344BN rats." Age (Dordr) 37(2): 30.

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"Lipopolysaccharide induced MAP kinase activation in RAW 264.7 cells attenuated by cerium oxide nanoparticles." Data in Brief 4: 96-99.

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"Altered cardiac muscle mTOR regulation during the progression of cancer cachexia in the ApcMin/+ mouse." Int J Oncol 42(6): 2134-2140.

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"Regulation of iron-related molecules in the rat hippocampus: sex- and age- associated differences." Ann Clin Lab Sci 42(2): 145-151.

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