Nirupama Bulusu

Profile Picture of Nirupama Bulusu
Associate Professor
Computer Science
Portland State University


  • Ph.D., Computer Science, UCLA, 2002
  • B.Tech., Computer Science, IIT Madras, 1997

Research Interests

Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Sensor Network   Smart Phones, Smart Phone   Columbia River Estuary  

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Dr. Nirupama Bulusu is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Portland State University. Her research interests lie in developing fundamental building blocks for embedded networked sensors and their integration with applications in health care and environmental monitoring. She has authored numerous highly cited publications on sensor networks and is the principal editor of the forthcoming book, "Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systems Perspective". She received her Ph.D from the University of California at Los Angeles in 2002, her M.S from the University of Southern California in 2000, and her B.Tech from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in 1997, where she was a recipient of the Institute Merit Prize. Prior to joining Portland State University, Dr. Bulusu held faculty and research appointments at the Oregon Health and Sciences University and National ICT Australia Limited and short-term appointments at the University of Southern California, Sun Microsystems and the Palo Alto Research Center. Dr. Bulusu participates actively in both professional and outreach activities. She co-founded and co-chairs the First IEEE Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors (EmNetS-I), and serves on the program committee of several workshops. She has also served as a Computing Research Association (CRA) Distributed Mentor to female undergraduates, and as a Grand Awards Judge at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). She is a member of ACM, IEEE, Sigma Xi.


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List of Publications (90)
In 2016

Securing Pharmaceutical and High-Value Products against Tag Reapplication Attacks Using NFC Tags. N Alzahrani, N Bulusu Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, 1-6, 2016.

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In 2015

Ear-Phone: A context-aware noise mapping using smart phones. R Rana, CT Chou, N Bulusu, S Kanhere, W Hu Pervasive and Mobile Computing 17, 1-22, 2015.

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In 2014

Combating software and Sybil attacks to data integrity in crowd-sourced embedded systems. A Dua, N Bulusu, WC Feng, W Hu ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 13 (5s), 154, 2014.

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In 2013

Scalable map-based tasking for urban scale multi-purpose sensor networks. H Tran, N Bulusu, T Dang, W Feng Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks (WiSNet), 2013 IEEE Topical Conference ..., 2013.

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Resource-aware broadcast encryption for selective-sharing in mobile social sensing. A Dua, N Bulusu Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, 2013 IEEE ..., 2013.

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Robust Data Compression for Irregular Wireless Sensor Networks Using Logical Mapping. T Dang, N Bulusu, W Feng ISRN Sensor Networks Journal, 2013.

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The mobile fitness coach: Towards individualized skill assessment using personalized mobile devices. M Kranz, A MLler, N Hammerla, S Diewald, T PlTz, P Olivier, L Roalter Pervasive and Mobile Computing 9 (2), 203-215, 2013.

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In 2011

WIP: Towards optimal online approximation of data streams. P Sitbon, N Bulusu, W Feng 2011 International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems and ..., 2011.

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Privacy-preserving Online Mixing of High Integrity Mobile Multi-user Data. A Dua, N Bulusu, W Feng International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Systems ..., 2011.

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Demo: Zoom: a multi-resolution tasking framework for crowdsourced geo-spatial sensing. T Dang, W Feng, N Bulusu, H Tran Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems ..., 2011.

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Zoom: A multi-resolution tasking framework for crowdsourced geo-spatial sensing. T Dang, W Feng, N Bulusu INFOCOM, 2011 Proceedings IEEE, 501-505, 2011.

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In 2010

Catching Cheats with Interactive Proofs: Privacy-preserving Crowd-sourced Data Collection Without Compromising Integrity. A Dua, N Bulusu, W Feng .

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Cotrack: a framework for tracking dynamic features with static and mobile sensors. T Dang, N Bulusu, W Feng, S Frolov, A Baptista INFOCOM, 2010 Proceedings IEEE, 1-5, 2010.

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TTN: A time-to-network approach to data reporting in mobile ad hoc networks. P Sitbon, W Feng, N Bulusu World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2010 IEEE ..., 2010.

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Cane toad monitoring: Data reduction in a high rate application. W Hu, N Bulusu, T Dang, A Taylor, CT Chou, S Jha, VN Tran Wireless Sensor Networks, 193-222, 2010.

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RHA: A robust hybrid architecture for information processing in wireless sensor networks. T Dang, N Bulusu, W Feng, W Hu Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP ..., 2010.

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3-D target-based distributed smart camera network localization. J Kassebaum, N Bulusu, WC Feng Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 19 (10), 2530-2539, 2010.

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3-D target-based distributed smart camera network localization. J Kassebaum, N Bulusu, WC Feng IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 19 (10), 2530-2539, 2010.

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Ear-phone: an end-to-end participatory urban noise mapping system. RK Rana, CT Chou, SS Kanhere, N Bulusu, W Hu Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information ..., 2010.

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In 2009

Petrolwatch: Using mobile phones for sharing petrol prices. YF Dong, L Blazeski, D Sullivan, SS Kanhere, CT Chou, N Bulusu .

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Ear-Phone assessment of noise pollution with mobile phones. RK Rana, CT Chou, S Kanhere, N Bulusu, W Hu Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems ..., 2009.

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An activity-based sensor networks course for undergraduates with sun spot devices. D Tyman, N Bulusu, J Mache ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 41 (1), 34-38, 2009.

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Demo abstract: A Trusted Platform based framework for participatory sensing. A Dua, W Hu, N Bulusu Information Processing in Sensor Networks, 2009. IPSN 2009. International ..., 2009.

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Dhv: A code consistency maintenance protocol for multi-hop wireless sensor networks. T Dang, N Bulusu, WC Feng, S Park Wireless Sensor Networks, 327-342, 2009.

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Towards trustworthy participatory sensing. A Dua, N Bulusu, WC Feng, W Hu Proceedings of the 4th USENIX conference on Hot topics in security, 8-8, 2009.

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Design and evaluation of a hybrid sensor network for cane toad monitoring. W Hu, N Bulusu, CT Chou, S Jha, A Taylor, VN Tran ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 5 (1), 4, 2009.

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Design and evaluation of a hybrid sensor network for cane toad monitoring. W Hu, N Bulusu, CT Chou, S Jha, A Taylor, VN Tran ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 5 (1), 4, 2009.

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Design and evaluation of a hybrid sensor network for cane toad monitoring. W Hu, N Bulusu, CT Chou, S Jha, A Taylor, VN Tran ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 5 (1), 4, 2009.

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In 2008

Graph theory based aggregation of sensor readings in wireless sensor networks. T Bokareva, N Bulusu, S Jha 2008 33rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 514-515, 2008.

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Contour Tracking: A Comprehensive Student Project for Sensor Network Education. D Tyman, A Dua, J Mache, N Bulusu In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Applications, Technologies ..., 2008.

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Sensor network lab exercises using Java and Sun spots. J Mache, N Bulusu, D Tyman poster at ACM SIGCSE, 2008.

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Smart camera network localization using a 3d target. J Kassebaum, N Bulusu, WC Feng Proceedings of the Workshop on Applications, Systems & Algorithms for Image ..., 2008.

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Making sensor networks accessible to undergraduates through activity-based laboratory materials. J Mache, D Tyman, N Bulusu 2008 5th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and ..., 2008.

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Lightweight acoustic classification for cane-toad monitoring. T Dang, N Bulusu, W Hu Signals, Systems and Computers, 2008 42nd Asilomar Conference on, 1601-1605, 2008.

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Participatory sensing in commerce: Using mobile camera phones to track market price dispersion. N Bulusu, CT Chou, S Kanhere, Y Dong, S Sehgal, D Sullivan, L Blazeski Proceedings of the International Workshop on Urban, Community, and Social ..., 2008.

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Automatic collection of fuel prices from a network of mobile cameras. YF Dong, S Kanhere, CT Chou, N Bulusu International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, 140-156, 2008.

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Smart camera localization using a projection matrix. J Kassebaum, N Bulusu, W Feng International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, 2008.

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Automatic collection of fuel prices from a network of mobile cameras. NEWS WALES .

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In 2007

Node Localization Using Mobile Robots in Delay-Tolerant Sensor Networks. PN Pathirana, N Bulusu, AV Savkin, S Jha, TX Dang Secure Localization and Time Synchronization for Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc ..., 2007.

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Adaptive sampling in the COlumbia RIvEr observation network. T Dang, N Bulusu, W Feng, S Frolov, A Baptista Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Embedded networked sensor ..., 2007.

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Sensing data market. CT Chou, N Bulusu, S Kanhere Proceedings of Poster Papers of 3rd IEEE International Conference on ..., 2007.

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SenseTK: a multimodal, multimedia sensor networking toolkit. P Sitbon, WC Feng, N Bulusu, T Dang Electronic Imaging 2007, 65040R-65040R-12, 2007.

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Near optimal sensor selection in the Columbia river (CORIE) observation network for data assimilation using genetic algorithms. T Dang, S Frolov, N Bulusu, W Feng, A Baptista International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, 253-266, 2007.

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Rida: A robust information-driven data compression architecture for irregular wireless sensor networks. T Dang, N Bulusu, W Feng European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, 133-149, 2007.

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Sensing Data Market: Architecture, Applications and Challenges. CT Chou, N Bulusu, S Kanhere .

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In 2006

Cascades: an extensible heterogeneous sensor networking framework. P Sitbon, N Bulusu, WC Feng Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Embedded networked sensor ..., 2006.

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Learning sensor data characteristics in unknown environments. T Bokareva, N Bulusu, S Jha 2006 Third Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems ..., 2006.

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Speed control and policing in a cellular mobile network: SpeedNet. PN Pathirana, AV Savkin, N Bulusu, T Plunkett Computer communications 29 (17), 3633-3646, 2006.

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Cascades: scalable, flexible and composable middleware for multi-modal sensor networking applications. J Huang, W Feng, N Bulusu, W Feng Electronic Imaging 2006, 60710J-60710J-8, 2006.

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Deploying long-lived and cost-effective hybrid sensor networks. W Hu, CT Chou, S Jha, N Bulusu Ad Hoc Networks 4 (6), 749-767, 2006.

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In 2005

A competitive learning algorithm for checking sensor data integrity in unknown environments. T Bokareva, N Bulusu, S Jha University of New South Wales, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 2005.

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Localization. N Bulusu Wireless Sensor Networks-A Systems Perspective, 45-57, 2005.

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Dissecting the video sensing landscape. W Feng, N Bulusu, W Feng Proceedings of the international workshop on Network and operating systems ..., 2005.

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A hybrid sensor network for cane-toad monitoring. W Hu, N Bulusu, CT Chou, S Jha, A Taylor, VN Tran Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Embedded networked sensor ..., 2005.

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Sasha: Toward a self-healing hybrid sensor network architecture. T Bokareva, N Bulusu, S Jha The Second IEEE Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors, 71-78, 2005.

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A communication paradigm for hybrid sensor/actuator networks. W Hu, N Bulusu, S Jha International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 12 (1), 47-59, 2005.

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Wireless sensor networks. N Bulusu, S Jha, ebrary, Inc Artech House, 2005.

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The design and evaluation of a hybrid sensor network for cane-toad monitoring. W Hu, VN Tran, N Bulusu, CT Chou, S Jha, A Taylor Fourth International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks ..., 2005.

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Node localization using mobile robots in delay-tolerant sensor networks. PN Pathirana, N Bulusu, AV Savkin, S Jha Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on 4 (3), 285-296, 2005.

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In 2004

Resilient event detection in wireless sensor networks. A Herbold, T Lamarre, N Bulusu, S Jha Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing Conference ..., 2004.

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Adaptive, distributed location management in mobile, wireless networks. K Lee, HW Lee, S Jha, N Bulusu Communications, 2004 IEEE International Conference on 7, 4077-4081, 2004.

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A self-organizing, location-aware media access control protocol for DS-CDMA sensor networks. BH Liu, N Buluso, H Pham, S Jha Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, 2004 IEEE International Conference on, 528-530, 2004.

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Cane-toad monitoring in kakadu national park using wireless sensor networks. S Shukla, N Bulusu, S Jha Proceedings of APAN, 2004.

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A performance comparison of data dissemination protocols for wireless sensor networks. T Bokareva, N Bulusu, S Jha Global Telecommunications Conference Workshops, 2004. GlobeCom Workshops ..., 2004.

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CSMAC: A novel DS-CDMA based MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks. BH Liu, N Bulusu, H Pham, S Jha Global Telecommunications Conference Workshops, 2004. GlobeCom Workshops ..., 2004.

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The REKF localization system: node localization using mobile robots. XT Dang, B Mulyawan, N Bulusu, S Jha, PN Pathirana Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Embedded networked sensor ..., 2004.

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Self-configuring localization systems: Design and experimental evaluation. N Bulusu, J Heidemann, D Estrin, T Tran ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 3 (1), 24-60, 2004.

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In 2003

An Anycast Service for Hybrid Sensor/Actuator Networks UNSW Computer Science and Engineering Technical Report#: UNSW-CSE-TR-0331. W Hu, N Bulusu, S Jha, P Senac .

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In 2002

Self-configuring localization systems. N Bulusu University OF California Los Angeles, 2002.

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Scalable, ad hoc deployable, RF-based localization. N Bulusu, V Bychkovskiy, D Estrin, J Heidemann Proceedings of the Grace Hopper Conference on Celebration of Women in Computing, 2002.

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In 2001

Tradeoffs in location support systems: The case for quality-expressive location models for applications. N Bulusu, D Estrin, J Heidemann .

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Using geospatial information in sensor networks. J Heidemann, N Bulusu Proc. CSTB workshop on Intersection of Geospatial Information and ..., 2001.

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Density-adaptive beacon placement algorithms for localization in Ad hoc wireless network [R]. B Nirupama, H John California: UCLA, 2001.

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Effects of detail in wireless network simulation. J Heidemann, N Bulusu, J Elson, C Intanagonwiwat, K Lan, Y Xu, W Ye, ... Proceedings of the SCS Multiconference on Distributed Simulation, 3-11, 2001.

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Scalable coordination for wireless sensor networks: self-configuring localization systems. N Bulusu, D Estrin, L Girod, J Heidemann International Symposium on Communication Theory and Applications (ISCTA 2001 ..., 2001.

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Adaptive beacon placement. N Bulusu, J Heidemann, D Estrin Distributed Computing Systems, 2001. 21st International Conference on., 489-498, 2001.

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In 2000

GPS-less low-cost outdoor localization for very small devices. N Bulusu, J Heidemann, D Estrin Personal Communications, IEEE 7 (5), 28-34, 2000.

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Urban-Scale Sensing for Science. P Sitbon, N Bulusu, W Feng .

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tung Chou C, Jha S, Taylor A (2005) The design and evaluation of a hybrid sensor network for cane-toad monitoring. W Hu, VN Tran, N Bulusu Proceedings of the Fourth Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN ..., 0.

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Demo Abstract: DHV-An Efficient Code Consistency Management Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. T Dang, N Bulusu, W Feng, SW Park .

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Extending Sensor Capability Using Concurrent Random Sampling. T Dang, N Bulusu, W Feng, W Hu .

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An Immunology Inspired Approach to Robust Sensor Networking. T Bokareva, N Bulusu, S Jha .

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Location Tracking and Optimal Path Planning in Disconnected Sensor Networks. PN Pathirana, N Bulusu, S Jha, AV Savkin .

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CoTrack: A framework for tracking dynamic features with static and mobile underwater sensors. T Dang, N Bulusu, W Feng, S Frolov, A Baptista .

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Self-Configuring Localization Systems: Design and Experimental Evaluation. J HEIDEMANN, D ESTRIN, T TRAN .

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Demo Abstract: A Hybrid Sensor Network for Cane-toad Monitoring. W Hu, N Bulusu, CT Chou, S Jha, A Taylor .

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Demo Abstract: Smart Camera Localization Using the Projection Matrix. J Kassebaum, N Bulusu, WC Feng .

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Welcome from the EmNetS-I Chairs. D Estrin, N Bulusu, S Jha .

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Adaptive Sampling in The COlumbia RIvEr Observation Network. S Frolov, A Baptista .

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LCN Program Committee and Demo Board. A Abdel-Hamid, M Abolhasan, O Akan, M Akba, K Akkaya, F Al-Turjman, ... .

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