Paul Gavrilyuk

Profile Picture of Paul Gavrilyuk
Aquinas Chair in Theology and Philosophy
University of St. Thomas


  • Ph.D., Religious Studies, Southern Methodist University

Research Interests

Early Christianity   Historical Theology   Orthodox Catholic Dialogue  

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Prof. Paul L. Gavrilyuk holds the Endowed Aquinas Chair in Theology and Philosophy in the Theology Department at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. His fields of expertise range from historical theology to philosophy of religion to ecumenical studies. He has contributed to the understanding of the early Christian doctrine of God, of modern Russian religious thought, and of Orthodox-Catholic dialogue. He is the founding president of the International Orthodox Theological Association and Rebuild Ukraine.


Contact Information

  Theology Department, University of St. Thomas, 2115 Summit Ave.,/ JRC 140, Saint Paul, MN 55105.


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List of Publications (4)

Prof. Gavrilyuk presents here the Spiritual Perception Research Project: "'Spiritual Perception' is an umbrella term that covers a range of perceptual powers that make divine-human communication possible. In the first phase of our project, we explored how different authors in the Christian tradition from Origen of Alexandria to John Wesley, Karl Rahner, and Hans Urs von Balthasar understood spiritual perception."

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Readership: Theologians and historians of religion, graduate and undergraduate theology students

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Drawing on unpublished archival material and correspondence, this study sheds new light on such aspects of Florovsky's career as his family background, his participation in the Eurasian movement, his dissertation on Alexander Herzen, his lectures on Vladimir Solovyov, and his involvement in Bulgakov's Brotherhood of St Sophia. * Offers an accessible introduction to the thought of Georges Florovsky * Presents a new interpretation of twentieth-century Orthodox theology that revises the standard narrative of Russian e migre theology * Contextualizes Florovsky's neopatristic theology through analysis of different currents of the Paris school of Orthodox theology * Discusses little known aspects of Florovsky's biography * Draws on unpublished works and correspondence Readership: Students and scholars of Orthodox theology; of religious studies;of Slavic/ Russian studies.

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En este nuevo contexto, la encarnacio n aparece como prueba y testimonio esenciales de la compasio n divina, salvaguardando asi la absoluta dignidad del ser humano, carnal y terreno, que no se consume ante la grandeza de la realidad divina.

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