Rachel Borchardt

Profile Picture of Rachel Borchardt
Assistant Librarian
University Library
American University


  • B.A., Oberlin College, Neuroscience and Psychology Double Major. MLIS, University of Pittsburgh, medical specialization.

Research Interests

Bibliometrics   Library Science   Altmetrics  

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I am currently the Science Librarian at Bender Library. I can help you find library materials, formulate or refine a research topic, evaluate information, and offer Endnote support. Prior to arriving at American in March of 2009, I worked at Emory University as the Biology and Neuroscience and Behavior Biology Librarian. I also spent 2 years as a research assistant in Carnegie Mellon's Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging prior to entering graduate school, where I helped design and run MRI studies on human subjects.


Contact Information

  (202) 885-3657

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List of Publications (10)
In 2015

Major Altmetrics Tools. RC Roemer, R Borchardt Library Technology Reports 51 (5), 11, 2015.

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Issues, Controversies, and Opportunities for Altmetrics. RC Roemer, R Borchardt Library Technology Reports 51 (5), 20, 2015.

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. Introduction to Altmetrics. RC Roemer, R Borchardt Library Technology Reports 51 (5), 5-10, 2015.

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Altmetrics and the Role of Librarians. RC Roemer, R Borchardt Library Technology Reports 51 (5), 31, 2015.

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New Grads, Meet New Metrics: Why Early Career Librarians Should Care About Altmetrics & Research Impact. RC Roemer, R Borchardt In the Library with the Lead Pipe, 2015.

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Meaningful metrics: a 21st century librarians guide to bibliometrics, altmetrics, and research impact. RC Roemer, R Borchardt Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015.

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In 2014

Keeping up with Altmetrics. RC Roemer, R Borchardt ACRL Keeping up with..., available: http://www. ala. org/acrl/publications ..., 2014.

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In 2013

Institutional Altmetrics and Academic Libraries. RC Roemer, R Borchardt Information Standards Quarterly, Summer 25 (2), 14-19, 2013.

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In 2012

Measuring Impact Across the Disciplines: Tools and Strategies for Supporting Faculty. SA Ariew, R Roemer, R Borchardt .

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From bibliometrics to altmetrics A changing scholarly landscape. RC Roemer, R Borchardt College & Research Libraries News 73 (10), 596-600, 2012.

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