Renee Lambert-Bretiere

Profile Picture of Renee Lambert-Bretiere
Associate Professor
Modern Languages, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication
University of Maryland, Baltimore County


  • PhD, Linguistics, University of Lyon II

Research Interests

Applied Linguistics   Innu Language   Kwoma Language  

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Contact Information

  UMBC 1000 Hilltop Circle Baltimore, MD 21250


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List of Publications (68)
In 2022

Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2022. "Medials in Innu." MLLI Research Day, UMBC, November 18, 2022.

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In 2021

Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2021. "How to Smell without a Verb 'To Smell' in Fon." In ukasz Je drzejowski and Przemys aw Staniewski (Eds), The Linguistics of Olfaction, pp. 199-220. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2021. "Tail-head Linkage in Kwoma." MLLI Research Day, UMBC, Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2020. "Decolonizing the Revitalization of Kwoma," MLLI Faculty and Student Annual Research Day, UMBC, November 13, 2020.

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In 2020

Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2020. The grammar of smelling in Fon." 50th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics (CALL), Department of African Languages and Cultures, Leiden University, Netherlands, August 31-September 2, 2020.

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In 2019

Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2019. "The Bloomfieldian Heritage in Algonquian Linguistics: The verbal complex in Innu." Faits de langue/Journal of Language Diversity, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 95-112.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2019. "Les paroles s'envolent, les e crits restent: l'archivage du patrimoine oral autochtone." In Luc Vaillancourt and Sandrine Tailleur (Eds.), Voix autochtones dans les e crits de la Nouvelle-France. Paris, E ditions Hermann.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2019. "Task-based language revitalization of Kwoma, an endangered language of Papua New Guinea." PRELA 2019: Professionals and Research in Applied Linguistics: methodological challenges, social implications and perspectives for action, Ecole Normale Supe rieure, Lyon, June 24-26th, 2019.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e and Tania Lizarazo*. 2019. "Digital Storytelling and Documentary Linguistics: Transforming Engaged Scholarship into Public Knowledge." PRELA 2019: Professionals and Research in Applied Linguistics: methodological challenges, social implications and perspectives for action, Ecole Normale Supe rieure, Lyon, June 24- 26th, 2019.

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In 2018

Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2018. "Jean-Baptiste de La Brosse, Montanic lingu Elementa: Une grammaire innue du XVIIIe sie cle." Littoral, No. 13, pp. 79-85.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2018. "Savoir culturel et langue en danger: l'exemple du rituel de l'igname chez les Kwoma." Journal de la socie te des Oce anistes, Vol. 146, pp. 73- Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2017. "La multifonctionalite des conjonctions bo et b en fon." Linguistique et Langues africaines, Vol. 3, pp. 55-84.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2018. "Landmarks and Kwoma Identity." In Sebastian Drude, Nicholas Ostler, and Marielle Moser (Eds), Endangered languages and the land: Mapping landscapes of multilingualism, Proceedings of FEL XXII/2018 (Reykjavi k, Iceland), pp. 19-25. London: FEL & EL Publishing.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2018. "Landmarks and Kwoma Identity." FEL XXII - Endangered Languages and the Land, The University of Iceland, Reykjavi k, August 25-27, 2018.

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In 2017

Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2017. "Why Write When No One Wants to Read? New Methods in the Revitalization of Kwoma." Arizona Linguistics Circle 11, University of Arizona, October 21-22, 2017.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2017. "Comitative Constructions in Fon." 48th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, University of Indiana, Bloomington, March 30-April 2, 2017.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2017. "How to Do Something 'Together With' Someone in Fon," MLLI Faculty and Student Annual Research Day, UMBC, November 10, 2017.

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In 2016

Drapeau, Lynn and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re*. 2016. "Insubordination in Innu." In Monica Macaulay, Margaret Noodin, and J. Randolph Valentine (Eds.), Papers of the Forty- fourth Algonquian Conference, pp. 197-210. New York: SUNY Press.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2016. "Adverbial Clause Linking in Kwoma." Workshop on Adverbial Relations and Clause Linking, Syntax of the World's Languages 7, Universidad Nacional Auto noma de Me xico, August 17-20, 2016.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2016. "Serial Verb Constructions in Caribbean Creoles." Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics Conference, Washington DC, January 8-9, 2016.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2016. "The Many Transcriptions of Innu, an Algonquian Language," MLLI Faculty and Student Annual Research Day, UMBC, November 11, 2016.

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In 2015

Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e and Claire Lefebvre. 2015. "Relabeling in Two Different Theories of the Lexicon." In Claire Lefebvre, Relabeling in Language Genesis.

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Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re - 5 - CURRICULUM VITAE Lefebvre, Claire and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re. 2015. "Relabeling and Word Order: A Construction Grammar Perspective." In Claire Lefebvre, Relabeling in Language Genesis. Chapter 5, pp. 139-163. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Drapeau, Lynn, Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re, Yvette Mollen and He le ne St-Onge*. 2015. "Non- standard Transcription of Innu: An Essential Ingredient of Its Documentation." The 4th International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation (ICLDC), "Enriching Theory, Practice, & Application," University of Hawaii, Honolulu, February 26-March 1, 2015.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2015. "Language Competence in the Field, and the Challenges of Documenting the Kwoma Language (Papua New Guinea)," MLLI Faculty and Student Annual Research Day, UMBC, November 6, 2015.

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In 2014

Lefebvre, Claire and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re. 2014. "Double-object Constructions in Caribbean Creoles." Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 142- 156.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2014. "Comitative Constructions in Fon." Syntax of the World's Languages 6, University of Pavia, Italy, September 8-10, 2014.

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In 2013

Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2013. "Ethical Dilemmas in Documenting the Kwoma Language." In Mary Jane Norris, Erik Anonby, Marie-Odile Junker, Nicholas Ostler and Donna Patrick (Eds), Endangered Languages Beyond Boundaries, Proceedings of FEL XVII/2013 (Ottawa, Canada), pp. 178-185. Bath: Foundation for Endangered Languages.

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Drapeau, Lynn and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re*. 2013. "The Innu Language Documentation Project." In Mary Jane Norris, Erik Anonby, Marie-Odile Junker, Nicholas Ostler and Donna Patrick (Eds), Endangered Languages Beyond Boundaries, Proceedings of FEL XVII/2013 (Ottawa, Canada), pp. 191-192. Bath: Foundation for Endangered Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re - 6 - CURRICULUM VITAE Languages.

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Drapeau, Lynn and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re*. 2013. "Making the Most out of the Past: Retrieving and Archiving Old Records of the Innu Language." Research, records and responsibility (RRR): Ten years of the Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC), University of Melbourne, Australia, December 2-3, 2013.

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Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re - 8 - CURRICULUM VITAE Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2013. "Variation and Change in Conjunct Third-person Plural Marking in Innu." 45th Algonquian Conference, University of Ottawa, October 18-20, 2013.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2013. "Ethical Dilemmas in Documenting the Kwoma Language." FEL XVII - Endangered Languages beyond Boundaries, Carleton University, Ottawa, October 1-4, 2013.

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Drapeau, Lynn and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re*. 2013. "The Innu Language Documentation Project." FEL XVII - Endangered Languages beyond Boundaries, Carleton University, Ottawa, October 1-4, 2013. (Poster)

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2013. "Use of the Innu Corpus to Understand Variation in Third- person Plural Marking." Change and Variation in Canada (CVC) 7, University of Toronto, May 4-5, 2013.

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In 2012

Drapeau, Lynn and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re*. 2012. "The Rise of Clause Chaining in Innu." 44th Algonquian Conference, Gleacher Center, University of Chicago, October 25-28, 2012.)

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2012. "Clause Linking Devices in Kwoma." Syntax of the World's Languages 5, University of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 1-4, 2012.

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Drapeau, Lynn and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re*. 2012. "From Preverbs to Sequence Markers: Clause Chaining in Innu." Syntax of the World's Languages 5, University of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 1-4, 2012.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e and Claire Lefebvre. 2012. "Relabeling in Two Different Theories of the Lexicon." Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics Conference, Portland, Oregon, United States, January 6-7, 2012.

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Lefebvre, Claire and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re. 2012. "A Construction Grammar Perspective on How Word Order Is Established in Creole Genesis." Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics Conference, Portland, Oregon, United States, January 6-7, 2012.

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In 2011

Drapeau, Lynn and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re*. 2011. "Verbal Classifiers in Innu." Anthropological Linguistics, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 293-322.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2011. "La documentation linguistique au service de la pre servation et conservation des langues autochtones du Que bec." In Lynn Drapeau (Ed.), Les langues autochtones du Que bec: un patrimoine en danger, pp. 195-218. Sainte-Foy: Presses de l'Universite du Que bec.

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Drapeau, Lynn and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re*. 2011. "Le conjonctif en innu : un cas d'insubordination." 4th International Conference of the French Cognitive Linguistics Association (AFLiCo) - Cognitive linguistics and typology: Language diversity, variation and change, Universite Lumie re Lyon 2, France, May 24-27, 2011.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e and Claire Lefebvre. 2011. "Serial Verb Constructions in Caribbean Creoles: A Relabeling Account within the Framework of Construction Grammar." 4th International Conference of the French Cognitive Linguistics Association (AFLiCo) - Cognitive linguistics and typology: Language diversity, variation and change, Universite Lumie re Lyon 2, France, May 24-27, 2011.

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Drapeau, Lynn and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re*. 2011. "Innu Verbal Classifiers: Classifiers or Incorporated Nouns?" 14th Annual Workshop on American Indigenous Languages (WAIL), University of California, Santa Barbara, April 15-16, 2011.

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In 2010

Floricic, Frank and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re (Eds).* 2010. La ne gation et les e nonce s non susceptibles d'e tre nie s. Paris: E ditions du CNRS.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2010. "Se ries verbales: le crite re de la ne gation revisite ." In Frank Floricic and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re (Eds), La ne gation et les e nonce s non susceptibles d'e tre nie s, pp. 211-223. Paris: E ditions du CNRS.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2010. "L'expression de la se quentialite en fon." In Franck Floricic (Ed), Essais de Linguistique Ge ne rale et de Typologie Linguistique offerts a Denis Creissels, pp. 167-186. Paris: Presses de l'E cole Normale Supe rieure.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2006. "Les constructions se rielles en s en fon et la grammaire constructionnelle." In Katia Ploog and Catherine Paulin (Eds), Constructions verbales et production de sens, pp. 87-98. Besanc on: Presses Universitaires de Franche- Comte . o Floricic, Frank and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re*. 2010. "Introduction." In Franck Floricic and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re (Eds), La ne gation et les e nonce s non susceptibles d'e tre nie s, pp. 1-4. Paris: E ditions du CNRS.

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Drapeau, Lynn and Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re*. 2010. "Verbal Classifiers in Innu." 9th Conference of the High Desert Linguistic Society, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, November 3-6, 2010.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2010. "Discourse-based Transitivity in Kwoma." Syntax of the World's Languages 4, Laboratory Dynamique du Langage (DDL), Lyon, France, September 23-26, 2010.

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In 2009

Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2009. "Serializing Languages as Satellite-framed: The Case of Fon." Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics, Vol. 7, pp. 1-29.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2009. "Faut-il reconnai tre une classe d'adjectifs en fon?" Faits de langues - Les cahiers, Vol. 1, pp. 205-228.

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In 2008

Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re - 9 - CURRICULUM VITAE Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2008. "The Grammaticalization of the Verb WO 'to say' in Kwoma." 2nd Sydney Papuanists' Workshop, University of Sydney, Australia, June 28- 29, 2008.

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In 2006

Lambert, Rene e. 1998. "Structure arborescente et identification du groupe nominal." In Claire Ge linas-Chebat and Monique Lemieux (Eds), Actes du Colloque des e tudiants de Sciences du langage, pp. 87-96. De partement de linguistique et didactique des langues, University of Quebec at Montreal. (with Nathalie Parise e) o Corpora Lambert, Rene e. 2006. Kwoma Recordings (RLB1). Digital collection managed by PARADISEC.

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Lambert, Rene e. 2006. Tok Pisin recordings (RLB2), Digital collection managed by PARADISEC.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2006. "Constructional Constraints in Take Serial Verb Constructions in Fon." 37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, University of Oregon, Eugene, April 6- 9, 2006.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2006. "Culturally-driven Sequential Serializations in Fon." Leipzig Students' Conference in Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, March 26-27, 2006.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2006. "Les constructions se rielles en prendre et la grammaire constructionnelle." Colloquium Constructions verbales et production de sens, Universite de Franche-Comte , Besanc on, France, January 26-28, 2006.

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In 2005

Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2005. "Comparison and Serial Verb Constructions in Fon." 35th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics (CALL), Department of African Languages and Cultures, Leiden University, Netherlands, August 29-31, 2005.

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In 2004

Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2004. "Diminutive Reduplication in Government Phonology." Revista de Estudos da Linguagem [The Journal of Language Studies], Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 89-113.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2004. "Se ries verbales: le crite re de la ne gation revisite ." 4e Colloque Typologie des langues et universaux linguistiques (TYPO 4), Maison des Universite s, Paris, France, November 15- 16, 2004.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2004. "Le phe nome ne de 'factativite ' en fon." Sur la route du verbe, Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences du Langage, Universite des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Nancy, France, September 30 -October 1-2, 2004.

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Lambert-Bre tie re, Rene e. 2004. "The Grammaticalization of Directional Verbs in Fon." 34th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics (CALL), Department of African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden University, Netherlands, August 23-25, 2004.

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In 2003

Lambert, Rene e. 2003. "Le se mantisme grammatical du verbe prendre dans les constructions se rielles en fon." Repre sentation du sens linguistique II, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada, May 23-25, 2003.

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In 2002

Lambert, Rene e. 2002. "La se mantique en morphologie: pour un nouveau mode le d'organisation lexicale." In Peggy Afuta, Adil El Ghali and Franc ois Toussenel (Eds), Actes des 7e rencontres de l'Atelier des doctorants en linguistique, pp. 29-36. E cole doctorale de Sciences du langage, Universite de Paris 7.

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In 2001

Lambert, Rene e. 2001. "Le V1 dans les constructions se rielles en fon: le cas des verbes prendre et tenir." In Emmanuel Ai m, Kim Gerdes and Hi Yon Yoo (Eds), Actes des 6e rencontres de l'Atelier des doctorants en linguistique, pp. 77-82. E cole doctorale de Sciences du langage, Universite de Paris 7.

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Lambert, Rene e. 2001. "Est-ce que les comparatives et les directionnelles sont des se ries verbales?" In Ve ronique Perron (Ed), Actes des XIVes Journe es de Linguistique, pp. 133-143. Centre international de recherche en ame nagement linguistique (CIRAL), Universite Laval, Quebec.

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Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re - 10 - CURRICULUM VITAE Lambert, Rene e. 2001. "The Semantic Properties of the V1 in Serial Verb Constructions in Fon." 31th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics (CALL), Department of African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden University, Netherlands, August 27-29, 2001.

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Rene e Lambert-Bre tie re - 4 - CURRICULUM VITAE Leuven & Paris: Peeters.

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Chapter 4, pp. 103-138. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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