Rowan Forbes Shepherd

Profile Picture of Rowan Forbes Shepherd
Postdoctoral Fellow
Clinical Genetics Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics
National Institutes of Health


  • PhD, The University of Melbourne; BMEDS (First Class Honors), Australian National University

Research Interests

Li Fraumeni Syndrome   Qualitative Research Methods   Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology  

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Rowan Forbes Shepherd, Ph.D., joined DCEG as a postdoctoral fellow in the Clinical Genetics Branch in 2021. Dr. Shepherd earned a Ph.D. in cancer genetic counseling/psychosocial genetics from the University of Melbourne, Australia. His thesis, “Coming of age with Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS): Perspectives of young people and health professionals,” and resultant publications were some of the very first studies aimed at understanding the psychosocial challenges faced by individuals with LFS. In DCEG, Dr. Forbes Shepherd is continuing his work on LFS, and expanding it to include inherited bone marrow failure syndromes, with the primary goal of developing psychosocial interventions for young people with high genetic risk of cancer.


Contact Information

  9609 Medical Centre Drive, Rockville, Maryland, 200850


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List of Publications (32)
In 2022

Forbes Shepherd, R., Werner-Lin, A., Keogh, L.A., Delatycki, M.B., & Forrest, L.E. Reproduction and genetic responsibility: an interpretive description of reproductive decision-making for young people with Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Qualitative Health Research. 2022; 32(1):168-181.

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Werner-Lin, A., Forbes Shepherd, R., Young, J., Wilsnack, C., Greene, M.H., & Khincha, P.P. Embodied risk for families with Li-Fraumeni syndrome: 'Like electricity through my body'. Social Science in Medicine. 2022; 301: 114905.

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Forrest, L.E., Forbes Shepherd, R., Tutty, E.,... Young, M-A. What are the clinical and psychosocial outcomes for women who have received unexpected clinically actionable genetic information identified through research? A mixed-methods comparative study. Journal of Precision Medicine. 2022; 12(7): 1112.

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Tutty, E., Forbes Shepherd, R., Hoskins, C., Purvis, R., Shanahan, M., Boussioutas, A., Forrest, L. Becoming and being a parent with an inherited predisposition to diffuse gastric cancer: A qualitative study of young adults with a CDH1 pathogenic variant. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. 2022; published online first: 1-17.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Rising, C., Boyd, P., Wilsnack, C., Sleight, A., Thomspon, A., Werner-Lin, A. Adolescent and young adults Li-Fraumeni syndrome are at high risk of poor mental health outcomes. Invited speaker at the 6th International Li-Fraumeni Association Symposium, 2022, NCI, Rockville, MD, USA.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Rising, C.J., Wilsnack, C.... Werner-Lin, A. Mental health of adolescents and young adults with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: a mixed-method study. Poster presented at the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) 55th Annual Conference, 2022; Vienna, Austria.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Werner-Lin, A., Keogh, L.A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. Reproduction and genetic responsibility: an interpretive description of reproductive decision-making for young people with Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Oral at the 5th ELSI Congress (Virtual), June, 2022.

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In 2021

Forbes Shepherd, R., Werner-Lin, A., Keogh, L.A., Delatycki, M.B., & Forrest, L.E. 'I need to know if I'm going to die young': adolescent and young adult experiences of genetic testing for Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. 2021;39(1):54-73.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., & Forrest, L.E. Benefits and burdens of risk management for young people with inherited cancer. Australian Journal of General Practice. Commissioned article. 2021;50(8):538-544.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Tutty, E., Forrest, L.E., ... Young, M-A. Unselected women's experiences of receiving actionable genetic information for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer in a research setting: a qualitative study. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers. 2021; 25(12):741-748.

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Forrest, L.E., Forbes Shepherd, R., Young, M-A, Keogh, L.A., James, P.A. Young women's decision-making and experience of using tamoxifen to reduce BRCA1/2 breast cancer risk: a qualitative study. Psycho-oncology. 2021 Feb;30(2):159-166.

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Tutty, E., Horsley, P., Forbes Shepherd, R., & Forrest, L.E. The art and science of recruitment to a cancer rapid autopsy program: A qualitative study exploring patient and clinician experiences. Palliative Medicine. 2021;35(2):437-446.

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Forbes Shepherd, R. Youth-friendly care for adolescents and young adults with Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Invited keynote for the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Association Youth Connect meeting (Virtual), June, 2021.

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In 2020

Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., & Forrest, L.E. Health professionals' practice for young people with, or at risk of, Li-Fraumeni syndrome: An Australasian survey. Journal of Genetic Counseling. 2020;29(5):737-47.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. Adolescent and young adult experiences of Li-Fraumeni syndrome: an Australian perspective. Invited speaker at the 5th International Li-Fraumeni Association Symposium (Virtual), 2020, Dana Farber, Boston, USA.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. Negotiating autonomy and interdependence with family: how young people and health professionals navigate genetic testing for Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Oral presented at the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) 53rd Annual Conference (Virtual), 2020; Berlin, Germany.

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In 2019

Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. Adolescent and young adult experiences of genetic testing for Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Oral presented at the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) 38th Annual Conference, 2019; Salt Lake City, Utah, United States of America.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. Adolescent and young adult experiences of genetic testing for Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Invited speaker at Familial Aspects of Cancer: Research and Practice (KConFab), 2019; Kingscliff, Australia.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. Adolescent and young adult experiences of genetic testing for Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Oral presented at the Human Genetics Society of Australasia (HGSA) 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting, 2019; Wellington, New Zealand.

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^Rasmussen, V., ^Forbes Shepherd, R., Forrest, L. E., James, P. A., & Young, M-A. Men's experiences of recontact about a potential increased risk of prostate cancer due to Lynch Syndrome: "Just another straw on the stack". Journal of Genetic Counseling. 2019; 28(4), 750-759. ^ Co-first authors

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Tutty, E., Petelin, L., McKinley, J., Young, M.-A., Meiser, B., Rasmussen, V. M., Forbes Shepherd, R., . . Forrest, L. E. Evaluation of telephone genetic counselling to facilitate germline BRCA1/2 testing in women with high-grade serous ovarian cancer. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2019; 27(8), 1186-1196.

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In 2018

Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. "It really does affect everything, even if you don't have cancer": The experiences of Australian adolescents and young adults with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. Oral presented at the 3rd Global Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Congress, 2018; Sydney, Australia.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. Vulnerability, Control and Development: The experiences of young Australians with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. Oral presented at the "Growing up in the Genomic Era" Symposium, 2018; Sydney, Australia.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. "It really does affect everything, even if you don't have cancer": The experiences of Australian adolescents and young adults with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. Oral presented at Familial Aspects of Cancer: Research and Practice (KConFab), 2018; Kingscliff, Australia.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. Predictive genetic testing for Li-Fraumeni syndrome in minors: an ethical bind? Oral presented at the Hastings Centre for Bioethics, 2018; Garrison, New York, United States of America.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. The experiences of Australian adolescents and young adults with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. Oral presented at the Clinical Genetics Branch, National Cancer Institute, 2018; Rockville, Maryland, United States of America.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. The experiences of Australian adolescents and young adults with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. Oral presented at Interfaculty Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, KU Leuven, 2018; Leuven, Belgium.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. The psychosocial experiences of Australian adolescents and young adults with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: a qualitative study. Poster presented at European Meeting on Psychosocial Aspects of Genetics, 2018; Milan, Italy.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Lewis, A., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., & Forrest, L.E. A systematic review of how young people live with inherited disease: what can we learn for Li-Fraumeni Syndrome? Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology. 2018;7(5):525-545.

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In 2017

Forbes Shepherd, R., Keogh, L.A., Werner-Lin, A., Delatycki, M.B., Forrest, L.E. The psychosocial experiences of Australian adolescents and young adults with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: a qualitative study. Poster presented at the World Congress on Genetic Counselling, 2017; Cambridge, UK.

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Forbes Shepherd, R., Browne, T. K., & Warwick, L. A Relational Approach to Genetic Counseling for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer. Journal of Genetic Counseling. 2017;26(2):283-299.

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In 2015

Forbes Shepherd, R., Browne, T.K., Warwick, L. A relational approach to genetic counselling for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer. Oral presented at: 39th Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Annual Scientific Meeting, 2015; Perth, Australia.

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