Sarah Peterson

Profile Picture of Sarah Peterson
Kenyon College


  • PhD, Vanderbilt University

Research Interests

Myelinating Glia   Neurodevelopment   Synaptic Plasticity  

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Sarah Petersen joined the faculty of Kenyon College in 2016 and teaches in the Departments of Neuroscience and Biology. She has used genetic techniques in a variety of model organisms to characterize the molecular mechanisms that set up a properly functioning nervous system. Currently, her research group uses zebrafish to understand the interactions between neurons and glia and their environments during neurodevelopment. Their work in this field is supported by a National Science Foundation CAREER Award. Prior to Kenyon, Petersen was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Developmental Biology at Washington University at St. Louis. She has also taught in the Citizen Science Program at Bard College and served as a co-coordinator of the Zebrafish Development & Genetics Course at the Marine Biological Laboratory.


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