Saundra Regan

Profile Picture of Saundra Regan
Assistant Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of Cincinnati


  • PhD, Medical Sociology
  • MGS, Gerontology

Research Interests

Family Medicine Residents   Community Based Research   PBRN  

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I have worked in the Department of Family and Community Medicine for 32 years. I started as graduate assistant, research assistant, research associate, research scientist, research assistant professor, research director. After 5 years, I stepped down. I am interested in research in underserved areas and in research training of medical students and residents in family medicine. I am currently writing a transitional year application followed by a teaching health center planning grant.


Contact Information

  University of Cincinnati COM Family & Community Medicine P.O. Box 670582 ML 0582 Cincinnati, OH 45267-0582


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List of Publications (40)
In 2023

Knapke JM, Mount HR, McCabe E, Regan SL, Tobias B. Early Identification of Family Physicians Using Qualitative Admissions Data. Family Medicine. 2023;55(4): 245-252.

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Wilson, Marian Dolor, Rowena J. Lewis, Daniel Regan, Saundra L.; Vonder Meulen, Mary Beth; Winhusen, T. Johnc,d. Opioid dose and pain effects of an online pain self-management program to augment usual care in adults with chronic pain: a multisite randomized clinical trial. PAIN 164(4): p 877-885, April 2023. | doi 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002785.

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In 2022

Bolon SD, Beverly EA, Khoury S, Regan SL, Wright JT, Koroukian S, Wexler R, Rao G, Hargraves D, Bricker D, Solomon GD, Holliday M, Gardner-Buckshaw S, Dworkin L, Perzynski AT, Littman E, Nevar A, Swiatkowski SM, Applegate M, Konstan M. Forming Cardi-OH: A Statewide Collaborative to Improve Cardiovascular Health in Ohio. 2022. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.28381. Cureus 14(8): e28381. doi:10.7759/cureus.28381.

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Brammer S, Regan S, Collins C, Gillespie G. Developing Innovative Virtual Reality Simulations to Increase Health Care Providers' Understanding of Social Determinants of Health. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 42(1):60-65, Winter 2022

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In 2021

Schrimpf Davis S, Regan S, Goodnow K, Gausvik C, Pallerla H, Schlaudecker JD. Tell Me Your Story: Experiential learning using in-home interviews of healthy older adults. J Am Geriatric Soc. 2021 Oct 20. doi: 10.1111/jgs.17483. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34669185.

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Knapke JM, Tobias B, McCabe E, Mount HR, & Regan SL. (2021). Pipeline Tracking: Use of Artificial Intelligence to Identify Potential FM Students. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine 2021 Annual Spring Conference, May 3-7, 2021; Virtual.

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Gillespie, G. L., Farra, S., Regan, SL., & Brammer, S. V. (2021). Qualitative impact of immersive

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In 2020

Winhusen T, Wilson M, Dolor RJ, Theobald J, Lewis D, Regan SL, Vonder Meulen MB. Design considerations for a remote randomized multi-site clinical trial evaluating an e-health self-management program for chronic pain patients receiving opioid therapy. Contemp Clin Trials. 2020 Dec 10;101:106245. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2020.106245. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33309947.

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Goroncy, A., Makaroff, K., Trybula, M., Regan SL, Pallerla, H., Goodnow, K. and Schlaudecker, J. (2020), Home Visits Improve Attitudes and Self Efficacy: A Longitudinal Curriculum for Residents. J Am Geriatric Soc. 2020 Apr;68(4):852-858. doi: 10.1111/jgs.16390.

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Goroncy, A., Goldstein, H., Goodnow, K., Pallerla, H. and Regan, S. (2020), Evaluating Resident Home Visit Performance: Introducing a Feedback Form Linked to ACGME Milestones. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Mar;68(3): E1-E3. doi:10.1111/jgs.16280

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Lambert J, Regan S, Feldkamp S, Grant A, Creech N, Hamrick I. Clinician Tool for Fall Prevention. The Annual Setting: A Phenomenological Study of Family Medicine Residents. Poster Presentation. The Annual Research and Service Symposium, University of Cincinnati; 2020; Cincinnati, OH.

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In 2019

Bedard-Thomas J, Gausvik C, Wessels J, Regan SL, Goodnow K, Goroncy A. (2019); I live alone but don't feel alone: social isolation and loneliness from the patient perspective. Journal of Patient-

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Schlaudecker J, Goodnow K, Goroncy A, Hartmann R, Regan S, Rich M, Butler A, White C. Meaningful Partnerships: Stages of Development of a Patient and Family Advisory Council at a Family Medicine Residency Clinic J Participat Med 2019;11(1): e12105.

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Tubb, M. R., Vonder Meulen, M. B., Pallerla, H., Regan S, Doarn, C. R. (2019). Clinical evaluation of e-Quit worRx: a mobile app to enhance smoking cessation shared decision making in primary care. MHealth, 5, 22.

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Doarn, C. R., Vonder Meulen, M. B., Pallerla, H., Acquavita, S. P., Regan S, Elder, N., & Tubb, M. R. (2019). Challenges in the Development of e-Quit worRx: An iPad App for Smoking Cessation Counseling and Shared Decision Making in Primary Care. JMIR Formative Research, 3(1), e11300.

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Meaningful Partnerships: Stages of Development of a Patient and Family Advisory Council at a Family Medicine Residency ClinicJ Participat Med 2019;11(1):e12105.

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In 2017

Elder NC, Imhoff R, Chubinski J, Jacobson CJ, Pallerla H, Saric P, Rotenberg V, Vonder Meulen MB, Leonard AC, Carrozza M, Regan S. Congruence of patient self-rating of health with physician ratings in family medicine offices. J Am B Fam Med. 2017;30:196-204. Doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2017.02.160243

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In 2015

Roberts K, Park T, Elder NC, Regan S, Theodore SN, Mitchell M. Johnson YN. Urban Health Project: A Sustainable and Successful Community Internship Program for Medical Students. J Hlth Care Poor Underserved. 2015. 26 (4): 1407-17.

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In 2014

Smucker DR, Regan S, Elder NC, Gerrety E. Patient safety incidents in home hospice care: The experiences of hospice interdisciplinary team members. J Palliative Med. 2014 May;17(5):540

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Elder NC, Jacobson J, Bolon S, Fixler JS, Pallerla H, Busick C, Gerrety E, Kinney D, Regan S, Pugnale M. Patterns of relating between physicians and medical assistants in small family medicine offices. Ann Fam Med. 2014;12(2):150-157

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In 2012

Elder NC, Simmons T, Regan SL, Gerrety E. Care for patients with chronic non-malignant pain among those prescribed and not prescribed chronic opioids: A report from the Cincinnati Area Research Group (CARinG) Network. J Am Board Fam Med. 2012; 25:652-660.

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In 2011

Fisher BS, Zink T, Regan SL. Abuses against older women: prevalence and health effects. J Interpers Violence. 2011; 26(2): 254-68.

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In 2008

Elder NC, Regan S, Pallerla H, Levin L, Post DP, Cegala DJ. 2008. Educating seniors to be patient safety self-advocates in primary care. J Pat Safety. 4:106-112.

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In 2007

Elder NC, Regan S, Pallerla H, Levin L, Post DP, Cegala DJ. 2007. Development of an instrument to ensure seniors' patient safety health beliefs: The Seniors Empowerment and Advocacy in Patient Safety survey. Patient Educ Couns. 69: 100-107.

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In 2006

Elder NC, Regan S, Pallerla H. 2006. What do family physicians consider an error? A comparison of definitions and physician perception. BMC Family Practice. 7:73

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Zink, T., Jacobson, CJ., Regan SL, Fisher, B., Pabst, S. 2006. "Older Women's Descriptions and Understandings of their Abusers." Violence Against Women. 12 (9): 851-865.

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Zink, T., C. J. Jacobson, S. Pabst, Regan SL, B. Fisher 2006. A Lifetime of Intimate Partner Violence: Coping Strategies of Older Women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 21 (5): 634-651.

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Fisher, B., and Regan, S. 2006. The Extent and Frequency of Abuse in the Lives of Older Women and Their Relationship with Health Outcomes. The Gerontologist. 46(2):200-9.

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Zink, T., Jacobson, J., Fisher, B., Regan, SL., Pabst, S. 2006. A Lifetime of Intimate Partner Violence: Coping Strategies of Older Women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 21(5):634-51.

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In 2005

Zink, T., Fisher, B., Regan, S., Pabst, S., October 2005. The Prevalence and Incidence of Intimate Partner Violence in Older Women in Primary Care Practices. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 20: 884-888.

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In 2004

Zink, T., Regan SL., Goldenhar, L., Pabst, S., Rinto, B. (2004). "Intimate Partner Violence: What are Physicians' Perceptions?" Journal of American Board of Family Practice. 17: 332-40.

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Zink, T., Jacobson, C.J., Regan SL, Pabst, S. (2004). "Hidden Victims: The Healthcare Needs

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Fisher, B., Zink, T., Pabst, SL. Regan, S., Rinto, B., Gothelf, E. (2004). Services and Programming for Older Abused Women: The Ohio Experience. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect. 15 (2): 67-84.

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In 2003

Fisher, B. Zink, T., Regan, SL., Pabst, S., Rinto, B. Guest Editors (Dec. 2003). "Overlooked Issues during the Golden Years: Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence against Older Women" Violence Against Women. 9 (12):1409-16.

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Zink, T. Regan, SL., Jacobson, C., Pabst. S. (2003). Cohort, period, and aging effects: A qualitative study of older women's reasons for remaining in abusive relationships. Violence Against Women 9 (12):1429-41.

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virtual reality simulations for changing knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding social determinants of health. Nurse Education Today.

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Schlaudecker J, Zamudio O, Goodnow K, Pallerla H, Regan S. Using patient voice to personalize the opioid epidemic: An evaluation of two educational interventions. Journal of Patient Experience

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Centered Research and Reviews 6(4): 262-266.

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Schlaudecker J, Goodnow K, Goroncy A, Hartmann R, Regan S, Rich M, Butler A, White C.

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and Experiences of Older Women in Abusive Relationships." Journal of Women's

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