Shawn Brueshaber

Profile Picture of Shawn Brueshaber
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Michigan Technological University


  • PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Western Michigan University
  • Masters of Mechanical Engineering, Western Michigan University
  • BS, Aerospace Engineering, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Research Interests

Atmospheric Dynamics   Lake Effect Snow Storms   Planetary Atmospheres  

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Shawn Brueshaber (he/him/his) is a planetary atmospheric scientist and member of the Juno Science Team researching the atmospheric dynamics of the Solar System’s giant planets using global circulation modeling, cloud tracking methods, and analysis of remote sensing data. He uses data acquired from the Hubble Space Telescope, from NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility, and from four instruments onboard the Juno spacecraft, which is currently orbiting Jupiter. He earned his Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering at Western Michigan University in 2020, his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Western Michigan University in 2008, and his Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 1994. Prior to joining the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a postdoctoral researcher in 2020, he spent 21 years designing mechanical products and systems; conducting stress, fluid dynamics/heat transfer, fatigue and fracture analyses in the aerospace, automotive, paper, and pulp, and appliance industries. Shawn has also taught graduate and undergraduate engineering courses at Western Michigan University. He was awarded Western Michigan University’s All University Graduate Teaching Award in 2017. As a graduate student, Shawn was the recipient of a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (2016–2019) and Western Michigan University’s Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2019–2020). In 2020, while still a graduate student, Shawn’s NASA Solar System Workings proposal was selected for funding, which seeks to study convection and vortex formation on Uranus and Neptune. He is currently a Co-Investigator on two Hubble Space Telescope projects, and another on NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility studying Jupiter’s weather and climate. To date, Shawn has published 14 papers in the field of planetary science either as lead author or as a co-author.


Contact Information

  1400 Townsend Drive Houghton, MI 49931


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List of Publications (21)
In 2023

Cheng Li, Michael Allison, Sushil Atreya, Shawn Brueshaber, Leigh Fletcher, Tristan Guil- lot, Liming Li, Jonathan Lunine, Yamila Miguel, Glenn Orton, Paul Steffes, J. Hunter Waite, Michael H. Wong, Steven Levin, Scott Bolton. Super-adibatic Temperature Gradient at Jupiter's Equatorial Zone and Implications for the Water Abundance (accepted). Icarus Emma Dahl, Naomi Rowe-Gurney, Glenn Orton, Shawn Brueshaber, Richard Cosentino, Csaba Palotai, Ramanakumar Sankar, Kunio Sayanagi. Atmospheric Science Questions for a Uranian Probe (accepted). Space Science Review Csaba Palotai, Shawn Brueshaber, Ramanakumar Sankar, Kunio Sayanagi. Moist Convection in the Giant Planet Atmospheres. Remote Sensing (2023) 15, 219.

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In 2022

Hueso, R., I nurrigarro, P., S anchez-Lavega, A., Foster, C.R., Rogers, J.H., Orton, G.S., Hansen, C., Eichst adt, G., Ordonez-Etxeberria, I., Rojas, J.F., Brueshaber, S.R., Sanz-Requena, J.F., P erez-Hoyos, S., Wong, M.H., Momary, T.W., J onsson, B., Antu nano, A., Baines, K.H., Auguiano- Artega, A. Convective storms in closed cyclones in Jupiter's South Temperate Belt: (I) observa- tions. Icarus (2022) 380, 114994.

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Rogers, J.H., Eichst adt, G., Hansen, C.J., Orton, G.S., Momary, T., Casely, A., Adamoli, G., Jacquesson, M., Bullen, R., Peach, D., Olivetti, T., Brueshaber, S., Ravine, M., Bolton, S. Flow patterns of Jupiter's south polar region. Icarus (2022) 372, 114742.

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In 2021

Ingersoll. A.P., Atreya, S., Bolton, S., Brueshaber, S., Fletcher, L.N., Levin, S.M., Li, C., Li, L., Lunine, J.I., Orton, G.S., Waite, H. Jupiter's overturning circulation: Breaking waves take the place of solid boundaries. Geophysical Research Letters (2021) 48(23) e2021GL095756.

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Brueshaber, S.R., and Sayanagi, K.M. Effects of Forcing Scale and Intensity on the Emergence and Maintenance of Polar Vortices on Saturn and the Ice Giants. Icarus (2021) 361, 114386.

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Kunio M. Sayanagi, Tracy Becker, Shawn Brooks, Shawn Brueshaber, Emma Dahl, Imke de Pater and 17 additional co-authors. Priority Questions for Jupiter System Science in the 2020s and Opportunities for Europa Clipper. BAAS Vol 53, Issue 4 (2021)

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In 2020

Glenn S. Orton, Fachreddin Tabataba-Vakili, Gerald Eichst adt, John Rogers, Candice Hansen, Tom Momary, Andrew P. Ingersoll, Shawn R. Brueshaber, Michael H. Wong, Amy A. Simon, Michael Ravine, Michael Caplinger, Chloe Thepenier, Hamish Nicholson. A Survey of Small- Scale Waves and Wave-Like Phenomena in Jupiter's Atmosphere Detected by JunoCam. Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets (2020), 125(7), e2019JE006369.

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In 2019

Liu, T., Sayanagi, K.M., Brueshaber, S.R., Ingersoll, A.P., Dyudina, U.A., Ewald, S.P. Saturn's North Polar Structure Extracted from Cloud Images by the Optical Flow Method. Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 15 October 2019.

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Brueshaber, S.R, Sayanagi, K.M., and Dowling, T.E. Dynamical Regimes of Giant Planet Polar Vortices. Icarus (2019) 323, 46-61.

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In 2018

Samuel M. Howell, Luoth Chou, Michelle Thompson, Michael C. Bouchard, Sarah Cusson, Matthew L. Marcus, Harrison Brodsky Smith, Srinivasa Bhattaru, John J Blalock, Shawn Brue- shaber, Siegfried Eggl, Erica Jawin, Kelly Miller, Maxime Rizzo, Kathryn Steakley, Nancy H Thomas, Kimberly Trent, Melissa Ugelow, Charles John Budney and Karl L Mitchell. Camilla: A centaur reconnaissance and impact mission concept. Planetary and Space Science (2018) 164, 184-193

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Ramanakumar Sankar, Shawn Brueshaber, Lucy Fortson, Candice Hansen-Koharchek, Chris Lintott, Kameswara Mantha, Glenn Orton. Jovian Vortex Hunter: a citizen science project to study Jupiter's vortices (submitted).

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Brueshaber, S.R., Sayanagi, K.M., Antu nano, A., Baines, K., Fletcher, L.N., S anchez-Lavega, A., Sromovsky, L., West, R.A. Saturn's Polar Atmosphere. Chapter in The New View from Cassini's Grand Finale. Cambridge University Press (accepted)

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Shawn Brueshaber, Zhimeng Zhang, Fabiano Oyafuso, Glenn Orton, Shannon Brown, Steve Levin, Andrew Ingersoll, Davide Grassi, Alessandro Mura, Gerald Eichstadt, Candice Hansen, Leigh N. Fletcher, Shinji Mizumoto, Scott Bolton. Multi-Instrument Sounding of a Jovian Thun- derstorm from Juno and Earth. (in prep)

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Emma Dahl, Shawn Brueshaber, Richard Cosentino, Csaba Palotai, Naomi Rowe-Gurney, Ramanakumar Sankar, Kunio Sayanagi and 20 additional co-authors.

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Ice Giant Atmospheric Science, A White Paper for NASA's Planetary Science Decadal Survey. BAAS Vol 53, Issue 4

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Grants and Contributions to Proposals NASA New Frontiers Data Analysis Program, #23-NFDAP23-0008 Investigation of Jupiter's Circumpolar Cyclones using Multiple Instrument Data Sets from Juno. PI: Dr. Shawn Brue- shaber, Co-I's: Drs. Emma Dahl, Glenn Orton, and Michael Wong (submitted)

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NASA New Frontiers Data Analysis Program, #23-NFDAP23-0007 Understanding the Dynamical Contributions of Jupiter's Polar Atmospheric Vortices to the Vertical Heat Transport and Energy Balance. PI: Dr. Kunio Sayanagi, Co-I's: Dr. Shawn Brueshaber and Mr. Justin Garland (submitted)

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MTU C2E2 Thermal-IR All-Sky Camera. PI: Dr. Shawn Brueshaber (submitted)

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Hubble Space Telescope General Observer Program, #17275 The Closure of Two climate Cycles in Jupiter. Cycle 30, 8 orbits. PI: Dr. Michael Wong, Co-I's: Shawn Brueshaber, Dr. Glenn Orton, and Dr. Amy Simon (selected)

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Hubble Space Telescope General Observer Program, #16193 The Role of Stealth Superstorms in a Planetary-Scale Transition on Jupiter. Cycle 29, 6 orbits. PI: Dr. Michael Wong, Co-I's: Shawn Brueshaber, Dr. Leigh Fletcher, Dr. Glenn Orton, and Dr. Amy Simon (selected)

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NASA Solar Systems Workings Program, #NNH19ZDA001-N-SSW ($402,401) Modeling of Dark Anticyclonic Vortex Formation on Ice Giant Planets. PI: Dr. Kunio M. Sayanagi, Science PI:

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