Stefano Galelli

Profile Picture of Stefano Galelli
Associate Professor
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Cornell University


  • Ph.D. in Information and Communication Technology, Feb. 2011, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy; M.Sc. in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering, Apr. 2007, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy; B.Sc. in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering, Jul. 2004, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

Research Interests

Water Distribution Systems   Cyber Physical Attacks   Multisector Dynamics  

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Dr. Stefano Galelli is a tenured Associate Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University, where he leads the Critical Infrastructure Systems Lab. His career has spanned across Europe, Asia, and North America. A graduate of Politecnico di Milano, Italy, where he earned a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering (2004, 2007) and a Ph.D. in Information and Communication Technology (2011), it was eventually overseas in Singapore where he first established his career. There, he worked as a Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore (2011-2013), and then later, as a faculty member of the Singapore University of Technology and Design (2013-2023). After more than a decade in Asia, Dr. Galelli’s career brought him to North America. In addition to his appointment at Cornell, he is an Adjunct Research Scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University.


Contact Information

  School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, 220 Hollister Hall, Ithaca, New York 14853

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List of Publications (228)
In 2024

Corrigendum to" Robust optimal design of urban drainage systems: A data-driven approach"[Advances in Water Resources Volume 171 (2023) 104335]. JY Ng, S Fazlollahi, M Dechesne, E Soyeux, S Galelli Advances in Water Resources 183, 104600, 2024.

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Reservoir Assessment Tool version 3.0: a scalable and user-friendly software platform to mobilize the global water management community. S Minocha, F Hossain, P Das, S Suresh, S Khan, G Darkwah, H Lee, ... Geoscientific Model Development 17 (8), 3137-3156, 2024.

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China Southern Power Grid's decarbonization likely to impact cropland and transboundary rivers. X Jin, AFMK Chowdhury, B Liu, C Cheng, S Galelli Communications Earth & Environment 5 (1), 192, 2024.

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Reoperating hydropower dams to improve sediment connectivity in the Mekong river basin. B Invernizzi, M Tangi, S Mahto, S Galelli, A Castelletti EGU24, 2024.

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Combining mechanistic modelling and observations to characterize carbon and water fluxes in mainland Southeast Asia. J Ren, Z Luo, S Galelli, S Fatichi EGU24, 2024.

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Past and future changes of streamflow in the European Alps. R Guo, H Nguyen, S Galelli, S Ceola, A Montanari EGU24, 2024.

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Why the 2022 Po River drought is the worst ever observed. A Montanari, H Nguyen, S Rubinetti, S Ceola, S Galelli, A Rubino, ... EGU24, 2024.

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Evaluating streamflow forecasts in hydro dominated power systems-When and why they matter. R Koh, S Galelli Water Resources Research 60 (3), e2023WR035825, 2024.

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In 2023

Inferring reservoir filling strategies and rule curves in Mainland Southeast Asia. SS Mahto, DTV Trung, S Galelli, S Fatichi AGU23, 2023.

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Will history repeat itself? A quantitative analysis of Myanmar's future energy pathways and their impact on free-flowing rivers. S Galelli, X Jin, TD Dang, AFMK Chowdhury, R Deshmukh AGU23, 2023.

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Multisector Dynamics: Science and Modeling for Societal Transformation II Poster. PM Reed, JF Morris, EA Moallemi, JH Kwakkel AGU23, 2023.

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Characterizing the Mekong's hydrological alterations with an open source hydrological-water management model. S Galelli, SS Mahto, TD Dang, DTV Trung, S Fatichi AGU23, 2023.

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Upper Mekong Dams Cause the Highest Dry Season Discharges in 270 Years. HTT Nguyen, DTV Trung, S Galelli, B Buckley, ER Cook, MK Kallio, I Baird, ... AGU23, 2023.

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Calibrating macroscale hydrological models in poorly gauged and heavily regulated basins. DT Vu, TD Dang, F Pianosi, S and Galelli Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 27, 3485-3504, 2023.

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Geophysical Constraints on Decarbonized Systems-Building Spatio-Temporal Uncertainties into Future Electricity Grid Planning. AFMK Chowdhury, T Wild, R Deshmukh, G Iyer, S Galelli Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports 10 (4), 218-233, 2023.

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Multisector Dynamics: Advances in Modeling, Emulation, and Uncertainty Characterization of Human and Earth Systems III Poster. J Yoon, V Srikrishnan, J Lamontagne, K Dorheim, CJA Klassert, ... AGU23, 2023.

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Enhancing Water Management: Streamflow Reconstruction and Addressing Uncertainty in Human-Water Systems II Oral. S Galelli, M Ghoreishi, HTT Nguyen, R Sheikholeslami, RS Gupta AGU23, 2023.

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Valuing seasonal streamflow forecasts in power system operations. S Galelli, R Koh EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-4304, 2023.

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The unintended consequences of decarbonizing the China Southern Power Grid. S Galelli, X Jin, K Chowdhury, C Cheng .

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High-fidelity cyber and physical simulation of water distribution systems. I: Models and Data. A Murillo, R Taormina, NO Tippenhauer, D Salaorni, R van Dijk, L Jonker, ... Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 149 (5), 04023009, 2023.

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High-fidelity cyber and physical simulation of water distribution systems. II: Enabling cyber-physical attack localization. A Murillo, R Taormina, NO Tippenhauer, S Galelli Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 149 (5), 04023010, 2023.

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Robust optimal design of urban drainage systems: A data-driven approach. JY Ng, S Fazlollahi, M Dechesne, E Soyeux, S Galelli Advances in Water Resources 171, 104335, 2023.

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Why the 2022 Po River drought is the worst in the past two centuries. A Montanari, H Nguyen, S Rubinetti, S Ceola, S Galelli, A Rubino, ... Science Advances 9 (32), eadg8304, 2023.

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Reservoir Assessment Tool version 3.0: a scalable and user-friendly software platform to mobilize the global water management community. S Minocha, F Hossain, P Das, S Suresh, S Khan, G Darkwah, H Lee, ... Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 2023, 1-23, 2023.

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Exploding the myths: An introduction to artificial neural networks for prediction and forecasting. HR Maier, S Galelli, S Razavi, A Castelletti, A Rizzoli, IN Athanasiadis, ... Environmental modelling & software, 105776, 2023.

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Valuing the codesign of streamflow forecast and reservoir operation models. G Yang, M Giuliani, S Galelli Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 149 (8), 04023037, 2023.

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In 2022

Satellite observations reveal thirteen years of reservoir filling strategies, operating rules, and hydrological alterations in the Upper Mekong River Basin. DT Vu, TD Dang, S Galelli, F Hossain Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 26, 2345-2364, 2022.

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Valuing Tree-Ring-Based Streamflow Reconstructions in Water Resources Management II Poster. HTT Nguyen, S Galelli, B Buckley, R Gupta Fall Meeting 2022, 2022.

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Multi-sector Dynamics: Extreme Weather, Society, and Uncertainty Characterization I Oral. E Monier, J Lamontagne, D Rastogi, V Srikrishnan, S Galelli, R Singh Fall Meeting 2022, 2022.

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The Greater Mekong's climate-water-energy nexus: how ENSO-triggered regional droughts affect power supply and CO2 emissions. KAFM Chowdhury, TD Dang, HTT Nguyen, R Koh, S Galelli Authorea Preprints, 2022.

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Enabling a low-carbon electricity system for Southern Africa. AFMK Chowdhury, R Deshmukh, GC Wu, A Uppal, A Mileva, T Curry, ... Joule 6 (8), 1826-1844, 2022.

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Towards Eco-Sensitive Management of Current and Future Dams Around the World: The FUTURIST Diagnostic Tool. SK Ahmad, F Hossain, GW Holtgrieve, T Pavelsky, S Galelli Frontiers in Hydrology 2022, 237-168, 2022.

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Opportunities to curb hydrological alterations via dam re-operation in the Mekong. S Galelli, TD Dang, JY Ng, AFMK Chowdhury, ME Arias Nature Sustainability 5 (12), 1058-1069, 2022.

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Droughts, Pluvials, and Wet Season Timing Across the Chao Phraya River Basin: A 254-Year Monthly Reconstruction From Tree Ring Widths and 18O. TTN Hung, S Galelli, C Xu, BM Buckley Geophysical Research Letters 49 (17), e2022GL100442, 2022.

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Hard-coupling water and power system models increases the complementarity of renewable energy sources. R Koh, J Kern, S Galelli Applied Energy 321, 119386, 2022.

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Unfolding the relationship between seasonal forecast skill and value in hydropower production: a global analysis. D Lee, JY Ng, S Galelli, P Block Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 26 (9), 2431-2448, 2022.

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Next Generation Hydroinformatics Applications in Water Resources Research and Education. I Demir, S Galelli ICWRER 2022 9th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment ..., 2022.

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Mult-sector Dynamics: Extreme Weather, Society, and Uncertainty Characterization II Poster. V Srikrishnan, D Rastogi, R Singh, S Galelli, E Monier, J Lamontagne, ... Fall Meeting 2022, 2022.

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Characterizing Malaysia's Transition into a Liberalized Electricity Market. Z Feng, P Bunnak, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, GC51E-02, 2022.

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Characterizing the Effect of Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts on the Operation of Coupled Water-Energy Systems. R Koh, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, GC42M-0873, 2022.

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Using satellite data to calibrate large-scale hydrological models in poorly-gauged and heavily-regulated basins. DT Vu Trung, TD Dang, F Pianosi, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, H32G-04, 2022.

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Avoiding the Potential Pitfalls of Clean Energy Transition in Myanmar. S Galelli, S Uppili Raghavan, AFM Chowdhury, TD Dang, R Deshmukh AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, GC23D-04, 2022.

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Evaluating the Effect of Climate Change on the Power Systems of Mainland Southeast Asia. P Bunnak, TD Dang, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, GC14E-01, 2022.

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Unfolding the relationship between seasonal forecasts skill and value in hydropower production: A global analysis. D Lee, JY Ng, S Galelli, P Block Authorea Preprints, 2022.

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Tree-Ring Evidence of Increasing Drought Risks over the Past Five Centuries amidst Projected Flood Intensification in the Kabul River Basin (Afghanistan and Pakistan). K Nasrullah, NH TT, G Stefano, C Paolo Authorea Preprints, 2022.

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Curbing hydrological alterations in the Mekong--limits and opportunities of dam re-operation. S Galelli, T Dang, JY Ng, K Chowdhury, M Arias .

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Improving the reliability of large-scale hydrological models with satellite observations. DT Vu, TD Dang, S Galelli EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-4817, 2022.

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Assessing the impact of climate change on Southeast Asia's hydropower availability. S Galelli, TD Dang EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-4561, 2022.

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Optimal real-time control of water distribution systems undergoing cyber-physical attacks. A Murillo, D Salaorni, R Taormina, S Galelli EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-11444, 2022.

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From forecast-informed reservoir operations to integrated forecast-control design. M Giuliani, G Yang, S Galelli IFAC-PAPERSONLINE, 2022.

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Increasing drought risks over the past four centuries amidst projected flood intensification in the Kabul River Basin (Afghanistan and Pakistan)-Evidence from tree rings. N Khan, HTT Nguyen, S Galelli, P Cherubini Geophysical Research Letters 49 (24), e2022GL100703, 2022.

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Multi-proxy, multi-season streamflow reconstruction with mass balance adjustment. H Nguyen, S Galelli, C Xu, B Buckley Authorea Preprints, 2022.

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In 2021

Predicting the Likely Thermal Impact of Current and Future Dams Around the World. S Ahmad, F Hossain, G Holtgrieve, T Pavelsky, S Galelli Earth's Future 9 (10), e2020EF001916, 2021.

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Multi proxy, multi season streamflow reconstruction with mass balance adjustment. HTT Nguyen, S Galelli, C Xu, BM Buckley Water Resources Research 57 (8), e2020WR029394, 2021.

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Time to use dendrohydrological data in water resources management?. S Galelli, HTT Nguyen, SWD Turner, BM Buckley Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 147 (8), 01821001, 2021.

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Unfolding the relationship between seasonal forecast skill and value in hydropower production: A global analysis. D Lee, JY Ng, S Galelli, P Block Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2021, 1-27, 2021.

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Restoring environmental flows in tropical floodplains by coordinating water-energy operations. TD Dang, JY Ng, AFM Chowdhury, M Arias, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, GC25L-0774, 2021.

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Multi-model application in electricity sector transition in southern Africa. AFM Chowdhury, R Deshmukh, A Trainor, G Wu, A Uppal, E Martin, ... AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, GC23B-01, 2021.

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Conservation, climate change, and optimal energy pathways in southern Africas low carbon energy transition. R Deshmukh, AFM Chowdhury, G Wu, A Uppal, A Trainor, E Martin, ... AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, GC21D-01, 2021.

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Valuing sub-annual streamflow reconstructions in water systems vulnerability assessments. HTT Nguyen, S Galelli, BM Buckley Interactive session 2 Modelling for integrated water resource management ..., 2021.

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Valuing feedback mechanisms between water and energy systems in hydropower networks. R Koh, J Kern, AFM Kamal Chowdhury, S Galelli EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-9919, 2021.

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Using space observations to monitor reservoir operations in the Lancang River. DT Vu, TD Dang, S Galelli EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-8615, 2021.

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Monthly streamflow reconstruction for the Chao Phraya River Basin with tree rings and 180. H Nguyen, S Galelli, C Xu, B Buckley EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-9029, 2021.

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Designing sustainable energy plans for the Greater Mekong Subregion. S Galelli, K Siala, AFM Kamal Chowdhury, TD Dang EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-2270, 2021.

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Assessing the impact of climate change on Southeast Asia's hydropower availability. TD Dang, JY Ng, S Galelli EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-6929, 2021.

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Solar energy and regional coordination as a feasible alternative to the'Battery of Asia'plan. K Siala, AFMK Chowdhury, T Dang, S Galelli .

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The Greater Mekong's Climate-Water-Energy Nexus: How ENSO-Triggered Regional Droughts Affect Power Supply and CO2 Emissions. C Kamal, T Dang, HTT Nguyen, R Koh, S Galelli .

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Solar energy and regional coordination as a feasible alternative to large hydropower in Southeast Asia. K Siala, AK Chowdhury, TD Dang, S Galelli Nature Communications 12 (1), 4159, 2021.

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The Greater Mekong's Climate Water Energy Nexus: How ENSO Triggered Regional Droughts Affect Power Supply and CO2 Emissions. AFMK Chowdhury, TD Dang, HTT Nguyen, R Koh, S Galelli Earth's Future 9 (3), e2020EF001814, 2021.

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In 2020

Co-simulating physical processes and network data for high-fidelity cyber-security experiments. A Murillo, R Taormina, N Tippenhauer, S Galelli Sixth Annual Industrial Control System Security (ICSS) Workshop, 13-20, 2020.

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Do design storms yield robust drainage systems? How rainfall duration, intensity, and profile can affect drainage performance. JY Ng, S Fazlollahi, S Galelli Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 146 (3), 04020003, 2020.

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Cascading failures in interconnected power-to-water networks. E Pournaras, R Taormina, M Thapa, S Galelli, V Palleti, R Kooij ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 47 (4), 16-20, 2020.

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Designing sustainable energy futures for Myanmar. SU Raghavan, AFMK Chowdhury, TD Dang, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 2020.

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Do design storms yield robust drainage systems? How rainfall duration, intensity, and profile can affect drainage performance. NJY Ng JiaYi, S Fazlollahi, S Galelli .

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Economic controls for smart water distribution networks undergoing supply failures. P Lai, C Courcoubetis, L Duan, S Galelli IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 8 (1), 555-574, 2020.

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The Greater Mekong's Climate-Water-Energy Nexus: How Regional Droughts Affect Electricity Trading, Production Costs, and Carbon Dioxide Emissions. TD Dang, AFMK Chowdhury, R Koh, HTT Nguyen, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 2020.

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Would power grid interconnections protect the Mekong's wetlands?. S Galelli, TD Dang, AFMK Chowdhury, M Arias AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 2020.

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The Greater Mekong's Climate-Water-Energy Nexus: How Regional Droughts Affect Electricity Trading, Production Costs, and Carbon Dioxide Emissions. S Galelli, TD Dang, A Chowdhury, R Koh, HTT Nguyen AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, H148-07, 2020.

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Designing sustainable energy futures for Myanmar. S Uppili Raghavan, AK Chowdhury, TD Dang, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, GC118-0002, 2020.

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Securing urban water infrastructures with digital twins. R Taormina, A Murillo, M Ashrafi, NO Tippenhauer, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, H148-03, 2020.

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Would power grid interconnections protect the Mekong's wetlands?. TD Dang, S Galelli, AK Chowdhury, M Arias AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, GC057-0003, 2020.

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Exploring the feedback mechanisms between water and energy sectors in hydropower systems. R Koh, AK Chowdhury, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, GC072-0008, 2020.

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Response of southern African growing hydropower systems to climate change and penetration of solar and wind. AFMK Chowdhury, R Deshmukh, P Wolski, GC Wu, A Uppal, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, GC057-0006, 2020.

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How Much Water Is Withheld in the Upper Mekong's Hydropower Dams?. DT Vu, TD Dang, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, H011-0016, 2020.

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Benefits and limits of seasonal forecasts for hydropower production: a global analysis. D Lee, JY Ng, S Galelli, P Block .

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Deep Learning-based Surrogate Models for Water Distribution Systems. R Taormina, M Ashrafi, A Murillo, S Galelli EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 22576, 2020.

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Benefits and limits of season-ahead forecasts for hydropower production: a global analysis. JY Ng, D Lee, S Galelli, P Block EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12440, 2020.

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Forecast-informed operation of transboundary water-energy systems: a case study in the lower Mekong River Basin. TD Dang, AFM Kamal Chowdhury, P Block, S Galelli EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6877, 2020.

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Challenges, trade-offs, and opportunities in the design of power transmission lines: a water-energy perspective. S Galelli, AFMK Chowdhury, TD Dang EGU2020, 2020.

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A Review of Cybersecurity Incidents in the Water Sector. A Hassanzadeh, A Rasekh, S Galelli, M Aghashahi, R Taormina, ... Journal of Environmental Engineering 146 (5), 2020.

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On the representation of water reservoir storage and operations in large-scale hydrological models: implications on model parameterization and climate change impact assessments. TD Dang, AFMK Chowdhury, S Galelli Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (1), 397--416, 2020.

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A software package for the representation and optimization of water reservoir operations in the VIC hydrologic model. TD Dang, DT Vu, AFMK Chowdhury, S Galelli Environmental Modelling & Software 126, 104673, 2020.

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Expected benefits of Laos' hydropower development curbed by hydroclimatic variability and limited transmission capacity: Opportunities to reform. AFMK Chowdhury, TD Dang, A Bagchi, S Galelli Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 146 (10), 05020019, 2020.

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Constrained concealment attacks against reconstruction-based anomaly detectors in industrial control systems. A Erba, R Taormina, S Galelli, M Pogliani, M Carminati, S Zanero, ... Proceedings of the 36th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference ..., 2020.

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Coherent streamflow variability in monsoon Asia over the past eight centuries-Links to oceanic drivers. HTT Nguyen, SWD Turner, BM Buckley, S Galelli Water Resources Research 56 (12), e2020WR027883, 2020.

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Battle of postdisaster response and restoration. D Paez, Y Filion, M Castro-Gama, C Quintiliani, S Santopietro, ... Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 146 (8), 04020067, 2020.

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PowNet: A Network-Constrained Unit Commitment/Economic Dispatch Model for Large-Scale Power Systems Analysis. K Chowdhury, J Kern, T Dang, S and Galelli Journal of Open Research Software 8 (1), 2020.

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In 2019

A numerical framework for the multi-objective optimal design of check dam systems in erosion-prone areas. D Pal, S Galelli Environmental modelling & software 119, 21-31, 2019.

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A coupled water-energy model reveals key interdependencies between hydro-climatic variability, energy generation, and power distribution in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. S Galelli, AFM Chowdhury, TD Dang Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019.

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Cascading Effect of ENSO on the Mekong's Water-Energy Infrastructures: Implications for Water Management. S Galelli, AFMK Chowdhury, TD Dang AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, H13S-2033, 2019.

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Improving the performance of transnational water-energy systems through the use of seasonal rainfall forecasts: a case study in the Mekong River basin. TD Dang, AFMK Chowdhury, PJ Block, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, H51B-04, 2019.

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Exploring management and planning interventions to improve the efficiency of water-energy systems: insights from the Thai and Laotian grids. AFMK Chowdhury, TD Dang, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, H51Q-1712, 2019.

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Development of a demand-and network-based tool for automatic detection of post meter leakages. T Riccardo, A Cominola, M Giuliani, S Galelli, AF Castelletti Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019.

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Spatial-temporal variability of Monsoon Asia streamflow over the past four centuries. H Nguyen, S Turner, S Galelli Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019.

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A decision-making framework for the design of check dam systems in erosion-prone areas. D Pal, N Bezak, S Galelli Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019.

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Development of a demand-and network-based tool for automatic detection of post meter leakages. R Taormina, A Cominola, M Giuliani, S Galelli, A Castelletti Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019.

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Disclosing cyber-attacks on water distribution systems. An experimental approach to the sonification of threats and anomalous data. S Lenzi, T Riccardo, T Ginevra, G Stefano, P Ciuccarelli Sonification for Everyday Life: Proceedings of the 25th Annual International ..., 2019.

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A toolbox for assessing the impacts of cyber-physical attacks on water distribution systems. R Taormina, S Galelli, HC Douglas, NO Tippenhauer, E Salomons, ... Environmental modelling & software 112, 46-51, 2019.

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On the value of ENSO state for urban water supply system operators: opportunities, trade-offs, and challenges. S Libisch-Lehner, C.P., Nguyen, H.T.T., Taormina, R., Nachtnebel, H.P., Galelli Water Resources Research 55 (4), 2856-2875, 2019.

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From probabilistic seasonal streamflow forecasts to optimal reservoir operations: A stochastic programming approach. G Gokayaz, SD Ahipasaoglu, S Galelli IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (23), 1-8, 2019.

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Pressure-driven modeling of cyber-physical attacks on water distribution systems. HC Douglas, R Taormina, S Galelli Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 145 (3), 06019001, 2019.

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In 2018

Impact of operating rules on planning capacity expansion of urban water supply systems. X Tian, S Galelli, R de Neufville Urban Water Journal 15 (7), 654-661, 2018.

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Coupling hydrologic and network constrained unit commitment models to understand the water-energy nexus in Laos. AFMK Chowdhury, TD Dang, S Galelli AGU fall meeting abstracts 2018, H23F-03, 2018.

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Modelling cyber-physical attacks on water networks with EpanetCPA. R Taormina, S Galelli, HC Douglas, NO Tippenhauer, E Salomons, ... Proceedings of the 1st International WDSA/CCWI 2018 Joint Conference ..., 2018.

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Four centuries of streamflow variability in the Asian Monsoon region detailed in two climate-informed reconstructions. HTT Nguyen, SWD Turner, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, PP23B-07, 2018.

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Assessing hydrological regime alterations caused by climate change in reservoir-regulated river basins: a case study in the Mekong Basin. TD Dang, AFMK Chowdhury, S Galelli AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, H21H-1722, 2018.

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Modeling Cyber-Physical Attacks on Water Networks with epanetCPA:(103). R Taormina, S Galelli, HC Douglas WDSA/CCWI Joint Conference Proceedings 1, 2018.

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Real-time information on ENSO state reduces the severity of shortfalls in water supply-the case of Metro Manila, Philippines. C Libisch-Lehner, TTH Nguyen, S Galelli, R Taormina, HP Nachtnebel EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6248, 2018.

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An automated model to design optimal check dam systems in erosion-prone areas. D Pal, S Galelli, H Tang, Q Ran EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 5864, 2018.

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Toward improved design of check dam systems: a case study in the Loess Plateau, China. P Debasish, S Galelli, HL Tang, QH Ran Journal of Hydrology (Amsterdam) 559, 762-773, 2018.

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Cyber-security of water distribution systems: current challenges and future directions. R Taormina, S Galelli .

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Automatic Detection Of Post Meter Leakages Enables Reduced Water Losses And Costs For Urban Residential Water Users. A Cominola, M Giuliani, R Taormina, S Galelli, A Castelletti IWA World Congress and Exibition, 2018.

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Battle of the attack detection algorithms: Disclosing cyber attacks on water distribution networks. R Taormina, S Galelli, NO Tippenhauer, E Salomons, A Ostfeld, ... Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 144 (8), 04018048, 2018.

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Deep-learning approach to the detection and localization of cyber-physical attacks on water distribution systems. R Taormina, S Galelli Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 144 (10), 04018065, 2018.

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Toward improved design of check dam systems: a case study in the Loess Plateau, China. D Pal, S Galelli, H Tang, Q Ran Journal of hydrology 559, 762-773, 2018.

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A linear dynamical systems approach to streamflow reconstruction reveals history of regime shifts in northern Thailand. HTT Nguyen, S Galelli Water Resources Research 54 (3), 2057-2077, 2018.

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In 2017

Influence of El Nin o Southern Oscillation on global hydropower production. NJY Ng JiaYi, SWD Turner, S Galelli .

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Water and Society: Modeling Basin Storage and Human Interventions to the Terrestrial Water Cycle Across Scales II Posters. R Fernandez, SWD Turner, S Galelli, T Sayama 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, 2017.

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Determining the effect of key climate drivers on global hydropower production. JY Ng, D Lee, S Galelli, PJ Block 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, 2017.

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Impact of Operating Rules on Planning Capacity Expansion of Urban Water Supply Systems. R de Neufville, S Galelli, X Tian AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, H32G-08, 2017.

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Economic implications of climate-driven trends in global hydropower generation. SWD Turner, S Galelli, MI Hejazi, L Clarke, J Edmonds, SH Kim AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, GC44A-06, 2017.

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Determining the effect of key climate drivers on global hydropower production. S Galelli, JY Ng, D Lee, PJ Block AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, H43K-1792, 2017.

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A numerical simulation framework for assessing check dam performance in erosion-prone areas. S Galelli, D Pal, H Tang, Q Ran AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, EP33B-1926, 2017.

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A surrogate modelling framework for the optimal deployment of check dams in erosion-prone areas. D Pal, H Tang, S Galelli, Q Ran EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11043, 2017.

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Effect of land use and check dams on sediment yield and transport in Shejiagou Catchment (Loess Plateau, China). D Pal, H Tang, S Galelli, Q Ran EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11282, 2017.

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Linking seasonal streamflow forecast performance to operational value in emergency response settings. S Turner, J Bennett, D Robertson, S Galelli EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11001, 2017.

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A linear dynamical systems algorithm for streamflow reconstruction reveals history of regime shifts in northern Thailand. H Nguyen, S Galelli .

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Characterizing cyber-physical attacks on water distribution systems. R Taormina, S Galelli, NO Tippenhauer, E Salomons, A Ostfeld Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 143 (5), 04017009, 2017.

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Examining global electricity supply vulnerability to climate change using a high-fidelity hydropower dam model. SWD Turner, JY Ng, S Galelli Science of the Total Environment 590, 663-675, 2017.

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Complex relationship between seasonal streamflow forecast skill and value in reservoir operations. SWD Turner, JC Bennett, DE Robertson, S Galelli Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (9), 4841-4859, 2017.

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Influence of El Nin o Southern Oscillation on global hydropower production. JY Ng, SWD Turner, S Galelli Environmental Research Letters 12 (3), 034010, 2017.

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Real-time detection of cyber-physical attacks on water distribution systems using deep learning. R Taormina, S Galelli World environmental and water resources congress 2017, 469-479, 2017.

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In 2016

An R package for the design, analysis and operation of reservoir systems. S Turner, JY Ng, S Galelli EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-3635, 2016.

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Vulnerability of water supply systems to cyber-physical attacks. S Galelli, R Taormina, N Tippenhauer, E Salomons, A Ostfeld EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-8311, 2016.

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Package 'scenario'. S Turner, S Galelli, MS Turner .

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Simulation of cyber-physical attacks on water distribution systems with EPANET. R Taormina, S Galelli, NO Tippenhauer, E Salomons, A Ostfeld Proceedings of the Singapore Cyber-Security Conference (SG-CRC) 2016, 123-130, 2016.

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Water supply sensitivity to climate change: An R package for implementing reservoir storage analysis in global and regional impact studies. SWD Turner, S Galelli Environmental Modelling & Software 76, 13-19, 2016.

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Regime shifting streamflow processes: Implications for water supply reservoir operations. SWD Turner, S Galelli Water Resources Research 52 (5), 3984-4002, 2016.

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Effect of catchment-scale green roof deployment on stormwater generation and reuse in a tropical city. P Schmitter, A Goedbloed, S Galelli, V Babovic Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142 (7), 05016002, 2016.

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An information theoretic approach to select alternate subsets of predictors for data-driven hydrological models. R Taormina, S Galelli, G Karakaya, SD Ahipasaoglu Journal of hydrology 542, 18-34, 2016.

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Assessing the effect of cyber-physical attacks on water distribution systems. R Taormina, S Galelli, NO Tippenhauer, A Ostfeld, E Salomons World environmental and water resources congress 2016, 436-442, 2016.

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In 2015

Incorporating teleconnection information into reservoir operating policies using stochastic dynamic programming and a hidden Markov model. S Turner, S Galelli, K Wilcox EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 3335, 2015.

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What is the Effect of Interannual Hydroclimatic Variability on Water Supply Reservoir Operations?. SWD Turner, S Galelli 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, 2015.

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High-Performance Integrated Control of water quality and quantity in urban water reservoirs by dynamic emulation and model predictive control. A Castelletti, S Galelli, A Goedbloed AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, H53D-1688, 2015.

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Yielding physically-interpretable emulators-A Sparse PCA approach. S Galelli, A Alsahaf, M Giuliani, A Castelletti AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, H52B-03, 2015.

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What is the Effect of Interannual Hydroclimatic Variability on Water Supply Reservoir Operations?. S Galelli, SWD Turner AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, H41G-1431, 2015.

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A minimum redundancy maximum relevance input variable selection approach to identify equally informative subsets for hydrological models. G Karakaya, SD Ahipas aog lu .

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Model reduction of process-based hydro-ecological models: a comparison between projection-and selection-based methods. A Alsahaf, M Giuliani, S Galelli, A Castelletti EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 5210, 2015.

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An entropy-based input variable selection approach to identify equally informative subsets for data-driven hydrological models. G Karakaya, R Taormina, S Galelli, S Damla Ahipasaoglu EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2340, 2015.

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Indicators of reservoir performance. S Galelli .

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Modelling rainfall-runoff processes (empirical models). S Galelli .

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Analysis of rainfall time-series. S Galelli .

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Water Resources Management-Singapore University of Technology and Design. S Galelli .

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Identifying (quasi) equally informative subsets in feature selection problems for classification: a max-relevance min-redundancy approach. G Karakaya, S Galelli, SD Ahipas aog lu, R Taormina IEEE transactions on cybernetics 46 (6), 1424-1437, 2015.

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High P erformance I ntegrated C ontrol of water quality and quantity in urban water reservoirs. S Galelli, A Castelletti, A Goedbloed Water Resources Research 51 (11), 9053-9072, 2015.

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In 2014

A new evaluation framework for input variable selection algorithms used in environmental modelling. GB Humphrey, S Galelli, A Castelleti, HR Maier, GC Dandy, MS Gibbs .

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Conjunctively optimizing flash flood control and water quality in urban water reservoirs by model predictive control and dynamic emulation. S Galelli, A Goedbloed, P Schmitter, A Castelletti EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 4641, 2014.

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Quantifying ENSO impacts at the basin scale using the Iterative Input variable Selection algorithm. L Beltrame, D Carbonin, S Galelli, A Castelletti, M Giuliani .

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Dynamic emulation modelling for the optimal operation of water systems: an overview. A Castelletti, S Galelli, M Giuliani AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, H41J-01, 2014.

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Projection-vs. selection-based model reduction of complex hydro-ecological models. S Galelli, M Giuliani, A Castelletti, A Alsahaf AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, H31J-0759, 2014.

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Automatic input selection for hydrological modelling: a comparative analysis. G Humphrey, S Galelli, A Castelletti, H Maier, G Dandy, M Gibbs EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2621, 2014.

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Using the Iterative Input variable Selection (IIS) algorithm to assess the relevance of ENSO teleconnections patterns on hydro-meteorological processes at the catchment scale. L Beltrame, D Carbonin, S Galelli, A Castelletti EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12070, 2014.

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Using Input Variable Selection to assess the relevance of ENSO teleconnections patterns on hydro-meteorological processes at the catchment scale. L Beltrame, D Carbonin, S Galelli, AF Castelletti Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, 2014.

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An evaluation framework for input variable selection algorithms for environmental data-driven models. S Galelli, GB Humphrey, HR Maier, A Castelletti, GC Dandy, MS Gibbs Environmental Modelling & Software 62, 33-51, 2014.

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Optimal real-time operation of multipurpose urban reservoirs: Case study in Singapore. S Galelli, A Goedbloed, D Schwanenberg, PJ van Overloop Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 140 (4), 511-523, 2014.

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A dimensionality reduction approach for many-objective Markov Decision Processes: Application to a water reservoir operation problem. M Giuliani, S Galelli, R Soncini-Sessa Environmental Modelling & Software 57, 101-114, 2014.

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In 2013

Coordinating multiple model predictive controllers for the management of large-scale water systems. A Anand, S Galelli, L Samavedham, S Sundaramoorthy Journal of Hydroinformatics 15 (2), 293-305, 2013.

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Projection vs. selection-based model reduction for emulation modeling in water resources planning and management problems. AMJA ALSAHAF Politecnico di Milano, 2013.

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Many-objective operation of selective withdrawal reservoirs including water quality targets. M Giuliani, A Castelletti, S Galelli, R Soncini-Sessa, E Weber World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: Showcasing the Future ..., 2013.

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Emulation modelling of salinity dynamics to inform real-time control of water quality in a tropical lake. SC Marin, S Galelli, A Castelletti, A Goedbloed 20 th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, December, 1-6, 2013.

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Numerical weather models as virtual sensors to data-driven rainfall predictions in urban catchments. L Cozzi, S Galelli, AF Castelletti, S Jolivet 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and ..., 2013.

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Assessing The Effect Of Green RoofsImplementation At The Catchment Level. S Galelli, A Goedbloed, P Schmitter 2nd WaterResearch Conference, 20-23, 2013.

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Numerical weather models as virtual sensors to data-driven rainfall forecasts in urban catchments. L Cozzi, S Galelli, A Castelletti, S Jolivet .

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A new evaluation framework for input variable selection algorithms used in environmental modelling. HB Greer, HR Maier, AF Castelletti, S Galelli, GC Dandy, MS Gibbs Proceedings of the 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 2013.

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Tree based iterative input variable selection for hydrological modeling. S Galelli, A Castelletti Water Resources Research 49 (7), 4295-4310, 2013.

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Assessing the predictive capability of randomized tree-based ensembles in streamflow modelling. S Galelli, A Castelletti Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (7), 2669-2684, 2013.

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An empirical modeling approach to predict and understand phytoplankton dynamics in a reservoir affected by interbasin water transfers. R Fornarelli, S Galelli, A Castelletti, JP Antenucci, CL Marti Water Resources Research 49 (6), 3626-3641, 2013.

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In 2012

Adjoint modeling framework for water resources models. D Schwanenberg, I Sheret, T Rauschenbach, S Galleli, JM Vieira, ... 10th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, HIC 2012, 2012.

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Dynamic Emulation Modelling (DEMo) of large physically-based environmental models. S Galelli, A Castelletti AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2012, H42C-02, 2012.

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A real-time control framework for urban water reservoirs operation. S Galelli, A Goedbloed, D Schwanenberg EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7981, 2012.

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Improved dynamic emulation modeling by time series clustering: the case study of Marina Reservoir, Singapore. S Galelli, SC Marin, A Castelletti, H Eikaas .

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A general framework for dynamic emulation modelling in environmental problems. A Castelletti, S Galelli, M Ratto, R Soncini-Sessa, PC Young Environmental Modelling & Software 34, 5-18, 2012.

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Data-driven dynamic emulation modelling for the optimal management of environmental systems. A Castelletti, S Galelli, M Restelli, R Soncini-Sessa Environmental Modelling & Software 34, 30-43, 2012.

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In 2011

Tree-based feature selection for dimensionality reduction of large-scale control systems. A Castelletti, S Galelli, M Restelli, R Soncini-Sessa IEEE ADPRL, 2011.

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Dealing with many-objective problems in water resources planning and management. S Galelli, M Giuliani, S Sessa IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 10547-10552, 2011.

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Nonlinear model predictive control for heterogeneous process models in water resources. D Schwanenberg, S Galelli, I Sheret IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 10565-10570, 2011.

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Assessing the effectiveness of a real-time control method for Marina Reservoir management. A Goedbloed, S Galelli, D Schwanenberg .

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Input variable selection for ecological modelling in inter-basin water transfer management. R Fornarelli, S Galelli, JP Antenucci, A Castelletti 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2011), 4022-4028, 2011.

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Dynamic emulation modelling of a 1D hydrodynamic-ecological model: Tono Dam case study. A Castelletti, S Galelli, M Restelli, R Soncini-Sessa IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 14170-14175, 2011.

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A data-driven Dynamic Emulation Modelling approach for the management of large, distributed water resources systems. A Castelletti, S Galelli, M Restelli, R Soncini-Sessa 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth, Australia ..., 2011.

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Coordinating Multiple Model Predictive Controllers for water reservoir networks operation. A Anand, S Galelli, M Giuliani, L Samavedham, D Schwanenberg .

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Weather models as virtual sensors to data driven rainfall predictions in urban watersheds. L Cozzi Politecnico di Milano, 2011.

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Tree-based variable selection for dimensionality reduction of large-scale control systems. A Castelletti, S Galelli, M Restelli, R Soncini-Sessa 2011 IEEE Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement ..., 2011.

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In 2010

Neural network and evolutionary algorithms for water resources management. F Pianosi, S Galelli .

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Dealing with complexity and dimensionality in water resources management. S Galelli Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2010.

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Fitted Q-iteration for the optimal operation of multi-purpose water reservoirs. AF Castelletti, S Galelli, M Restelli, R SONCINI SESSA .

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A tree-based feature ranking approach to enhance emulation modelling of 3D hydrodynamic-ecological models. A Castelletti, S Galelli, R Soncini-Sessa .

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Extremely randomized trees and feature ranking for daily streamflow prediction. AF Castelletti, S Galelli, A Salvetti, A Ventimiglia .

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Ensembles of extremely randomized trees and feature ranking for streamflow prediction. A Castelletti, S Galelli Proceedings of the EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Vienna ..., 2010.

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Batch-mode Reinforcement Learning for improved hydro-environmental systems management. A Castelletti, S Galelli, M Restelli, R Soncini-Sessa AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2010, H33B-1134, 2010.

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Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Objective Water System Management. F Pianosi, A Castelletti, S Galelli, M Restelli, R SONCINI SESSA .

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Tree based reinforcement learning for optimal water reservoir operation. A Castelletti, S Galelli, M Restelli, R Soncini Sessa Water Resources Research 46 (9), 2010.

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Combining metamodelling and stochastic dynamic programming for the design of reservoir release policies. S Galelli, R Soncini-Sessa Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (2), 209-222, 2010.

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Building a metamodel of an irrigation district distributed-parameter model. S Galelli, C Gandolfi, R Soncini-Sessa, D Agostani Agricultural water management 97 (2), 187-200, 2010.

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In 2009

Deriving an emulation model of a rectangular-basin two-layer numerical model. S Galelli, T Shintani, F Pianosi, J Imberger, R Soncini-Sessa 18th World IMACS/MODSIM Congress, Cairns (Australia), 13-17, 2009.

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An emulation modelling approach to reduce the complexity of a 3D hydrodynamic-ecological model of a reservoir. A Castelletti, M De Zaiacomoa, S Galellia, BM Restellia, P Sanaviaa, ... Environ. Softw. Syst. 8, 13-22, 2009.

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In 2008

Meta-model of an irrigation district distributed-parameter model. S Galelli, F Pianosi, R Soncini-Sessa IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 15523-15528, 2008.

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Coherent streamflow variability in Monsoon Asia over the past eight centuries---links to oceanic drivers. NTT Hung, SWD Turner, BM Buckley, S Galelli OSF, 0.

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Multi-sector Dynamics: Uncertainty Characterization for Coupled Natural-Human Systems. V Srikrishnan, J Lamontagne, R Singh, S Galelli AGU23, 0.

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Valuing Streamflow Reconstructions in Water Resources Management. S Galelli, HTT Nguyen, R Gupta AGU23, 0.

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This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which .... AFMK Chowdhury, TD Dang, HTT Nguyen, R Koh, S Galelli .

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Multi-Proxy, Multi-Season Streamflow Reconstruction. HTT Nguyen, S Galelli, C Xu, BM Buckley .

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On the value of ENSO state for urban water supply system. CP Libisch-Lehner, HTT Nguyen, R Taormina, HP Nachtnebel, S Galelli .

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Parsimonious Models of Distributed Parameters Models. S Galelli Politecnico di Milano, 0.

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On the value of ENSO state for urban water supply system operators: opportunities, trade offs, and challenges. .

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Deciphering rainfall-runoff land cover contributions using computational hydrograph separation techniques in a tropical urban megacity. P Schmitter, A Meshgi, D Bui, SK Ooi, S Galelli .

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High-Performance Integrated Control of water quality and quantity in urban water reservoirs by dynamic emulation and model predictive control. S Galelli, A Castelletti, A Goedbloed .

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IVS framework datasets. GB Humprhey, S Galelli, HR Maier, A Castelletti, GC Dandy, MS Gibbs .

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