Truong Le

Profile Picture of Truong Le
Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics
Physics Astronomy and Geology
Berry College


  • B.S., M.S., Wichita State University
  • Ph.D., George Mason University

Research Interests

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  (706) 290-2675

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List of Publications (40)
In 2014

Le, T., Wood, K. S., Wolff, M. T., Becker, P. A., *Putney, J. "Standing Shock Instability in Advection-Dominated Accretion Flows", 2014, in preparation 14. Le, T., *Brown, C., " Jet Locations and Mass Accretion Rates of 13 Low-Power Radio-Loud AGNs", 2013, submitted to ApJ.

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Le, T., Wood, K. S., Wolff, M. T., Becker, P. A., *Putney, J. "Standing Shock Instability in Advection-Dominated Accretion Flows", AAS Meeting #223, 2014, B.A.A.S. *21. Cave, B., DeGrace, C., Butler, J., Wilkerson, M., & Le, T., "Maximizing the Acceleration and Fuel Efficiency for Vehicle at a Particular Price Point" (won Special Award at 2012 Tidewater Science Fair).

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Le, T., *Putney, J., *Brown, C., "Jets Launching Radius Correlation in Low-Power Radio-Loud AGNs", Meeting of Astronomers in South Carolina (MASC) in 2014.

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Le, T., "Physics with demonstration to CD & 2nd-grade students", James Island Elem., Charleston, SC, Mar. 2014

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INVITED PUBLIC OUTREACH TALKS: 7. Le, T., Guess Lecturer, University of South Carolina at Sumter, SC, Feb. 2014

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In 2012

*19. Douchess, C., Buffkin, J., McCarter, R., & Le, T., "The Mass to Electricity Ratio of Lift in the Biefeld-Brown Effect: An Experiment" (Honorable Mention at 2012 Tidewater Science Fair).

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Le, T., "Physics with demonstration to fourth grade students", James Island Elem., Charleston, SC, Oct. 2012

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*15. Silveria, C., Matthews, J., Pandolf, J., Murray, D., & Le, T., "Different swim Suits: A Noticeable Difference?", Hampton University 17th Annual Student Research Symposium, Hampton, VA, Feb. 10, 2012 (3 rd place award; honorable mention at 2012 Tidewater Science Fair; presented at the VA Academy of Science 90 th Annual Meeting).

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*20. Cragg, P., Trepte, M., Kenny, A., & Le, T., "Wind Energy: Harvesting Power Through Cars" (won Special Award at 2012

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*16. Stewart, S., Rosen, Z., chasten-Boyd, D., Reese, C., & Le, T., "Most Efficient Alternative Filling for Sandbags", Hampton University 17th Annual Student Research Symposium, Hampton, VA, Feb. 10, 2012 (3 rd place at 2012 Tidewater Science Fair; presented at the VA Academy of Science 90 th Annual Meeting).

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Le, T., "Physics with demonstration to kindergarten students", Seaford Elementary, Yorktown, VA, Mar. 2012

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*17. Sharlette, A., Hayward, M., & Le, T., "The Effect of a Magnetic Configuration on the Production of Electricity", Hampton University 17th Annual Student Research Symposium, Hampton, VA, Feb. 10, 2012.

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Le, T., Becker, P. A., Das, S., "Formation of Relativistic Outflows in ADAF Disks with Shocks", Hampton University 17th Annual Student Research Symposium, Hampton, VA, Feb. 10, 2012

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*14. Brown, C. & Le, T., "A Correlation Study between the Jet Locations, Mass Accretions and Jet Power of 13 Radio-Loud AGNs", Hampton University 17th Annual Student Research Symposium, Hampton, VA, Feb. 10, 2012 (1st place award; presented at the VA Academy of Science 90 th Annual Meeting).

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Participant in the Astro-Night Open House at the College of Charleston every third Friday of the month (Aug 2012 - Current)

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In 2011

Becker, P. A., Das, S., Le, T. "Particle Acceleration in Viscous Accretion Disks with Shocks: Green's Function Energy Distribution'', 2011, ApJ. Vol. 743, Page 47.

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In 2009

Attend the "Proposal Planning Subsystem System Design Review Infrastructure & Shared Components", Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, Jan. 22, 2009

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Le, T., "Our place in the universe to 1st grade students", Vincent Farm Elementary, White Marsh, MD, Nov. 2009

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Le, T., & Dermer, C., D., "Gamma Ray Burst Predictions for the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope", 2009, ApJ, Vol. 700, page 1026.

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Das, S., Becker, P. A., & Le, T. "Dynamical Structure of Viscous Accretion Disks with Shocks", 2009, ApJ, Vol. 702, page 649.

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In 2008

Attend the "JWST Integrated Science Instrument Module Flight Software", Computer Science Corporation, Lanham- Seabrook, MD, April 29 - May 1, 2008

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Attend the "JWST Preliminary Design Review", NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenville, MD, March 31 - April 4, 2008

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Becker, P. A., Das, S., & Le, T. "Particle Acceleration and the Formation of Relativistic Outflows in Viscous Accretion Disks with Shocks", 2008, ApJ Letter, L93.

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Attend the "James Webb Space Telescope Operations Scripts Subsystem Preliminary Design Review", Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, Jan. 22 - 24, 2008

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Attend the "Science & Operations Center Proposal Planning Subsystem System Requirements Review", Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, Feb. 19, 2008

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In 2007

Le, T., & Dermer, C., D., "Gamma Ray Bursts in the Swift and GLAST Era'', 2007, The First GLAST Symposium. AIP Conference Proceeding, Vol. 921, Page 462.

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Le, T., & Becker, P. A., "Particle Acceleration in Advection-Dominated Accretion Disks with Shocks: Green's Function Energy Distribution", 2007, ApJ, Vol. 661, page 416

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Le, T., "Exploring objects in space to pre-K students", Cardinal Montessori School, Woodbridge, VA, Apr. 2007.

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Le, T., & Dermer, C. D., "On the Redshift Distribution of Gamma Ray Bursts in the Swift Era", 2007, ApJ, Vol. 661, page 394

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Le, T., & Dermer, C., D., "Gamma Ray Bursts in the Swift and GLAST Era'', 1 st GLAST Symposium, Palo Alto, CA, Feb. 5-8, 2007

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Dermer, C. D., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Le, T., "Correlations between Photon and High-Energy Neutrino Fluxes in Blazars and Gamma Ray Bursts", 2007, ApJL, Vol. 664, page L67.

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In 2006

Becker, P. A., Le, T., & Dermer, C. D., "Time-Dependent Stochastic Particle Acceleration in Astrophysical Plasmas: Exact Solutions Including Momentum-Dependent Escape", 2006, Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), Vol. 647, page 539

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In 2005

Le, T., Becker, P. A., "Jets and Accretion Disks '', Relativistic Jets: The Common Physics of AGN, Microquasars and Gamma-Ray Bursts Meeting, 2005, at Ann Arbor, MI.

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Le, T., Becker, P. A., "Particle Acceleration in Advection-Dominated Accretion Disks", TeV Particle Astrophysics Meeting, 2005, Fermilab, Batavia, IL.

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Le, T., & Becker, P. A., "Particle Acceleration and the Production of Relativistic Outflows in Advection-Dominated Accretion Disks with Shocks", 2005, ApJ, Vol. 632, page 476.

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In 2004

Le, T., & Becker, P. A., "Self-Consistent Model for Relativistic Outflows from Advection-Dominated Accretion Disks", AAS Meeting #203, 2004, B.A.A.S. 3. Le, T., & Becker, P. A., "Advection-Dominated Accretion Flows with Outflows", AAS Meeting #199, 2001, B.A.A.S. 2. Becker, P. A., & Le, T., "Inner Boundary Conditions for Advection-Dominated Accretion onto Black Holes", AAS Meeting #199, 2001, B.A.A.S. 1. Becker, P. A., Le, T., & Kazanas, D., "Cosmic-Ray Modified Shocks: Structure and Stability", HEAD Meeting #32, 2000, B.A.A.S.

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Le, T., & Becker, P. A., "A Self-Consistent Model for the Formation of Relativistic Outflows in Advection-Dominated Accretion Disks with Shocks'', 2004, Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL), Vol. 617, page L25.

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In 2003

Becker, P. A., & Le, T., "Inner Boundary Conditions for Advection-Dominated Accretion onto Black Holes", 2003, ApJ, Vol. 588, page 408.

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In 2000

Nandra, K., Le, T., George, I. M., Edelson, R. A., Mushotzky, R. F., Peterson, B. M., & Turner, T. J., "The Origin of the X- Ray and Ultraviolet Emission in NGC 7469", 2000, Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), Vol.544, page 734.

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*18. Chambers, L., Luchtenberg, A., Chanza, R., Gonzalez, M., & Le, T., "Altering Roof Structures to Maximize Solar Power Efficiency" (submitted to VA Academy of Science 90 th Annual Meeting).

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