Veronica Hinman

Profile Picture of Veronica Hinman
Associate Professor
Computational Biology Department
Carnegie Mellon University


  • Ph.D., University of Queensland, Australia
  • Postdoctoral Appointment, California Institute of Technology

Research Interests

Gene Regulatory Networks, Gene Regulatory Network   Sea Cucumber   Comparative Study, Comparative Studies  

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List of Publications (61)
In 2016

Eric Davidson (1937-2015) and the past, present and future of EvoDevo. V Hinman Evolution & development 18 (2), 67-68, 2016.

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A gene regulatory network for apical organ neurogenesis and its spatial control in sea star embryos. A Jarvela, K Yankura, V Hinman bioRxiv, 036624, 2016.

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In 2015

Dose-dependent nuclear -catenin response segregates endomesoderm along the sea star primary axis. BS McCauley, E Akyar, HR Saad, VF Hinman Development 142 (1), 207-217, 2015.

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Unraveling the tangled skein: the evolution of transcriptional regulatory networks in development. M Rebeiz, NH Patel, VF Hinman Annual review of genomics and human genetics 16, 103-131, 2015.

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Evolution of transcription factor function as a mechanism for changing metazoan developmental gene regulatory networks. AMC Jarvela, VF Hinman EvoDevo 6 (1), 1, 2015.

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In 2014

Cheatle Jarvela AM, Brubaker L, Vedenko A, Gupta A, Armitage BA, Bulyk ML, Hinman VF. Modular Evolution of DNA-Binding Preference of a Tbrain Transcription Factor Provides a Mechanism for Modifying Gene Regulatory Networks. Mol Biol Evol. 2014 Jul 12

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Relating the pentaradial starfish body plan to the bilaterian anterior posterior axis. J Levine, B Mccauley, V Hinman, C Lowe INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 54, E305-E305, 2014.

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A method for microinjection of Patiria minata Zygotes. AMC Jarvela, V Hinman JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e51913-e51913, 2014.

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Developmental gene regulatory network evolution: Insights from comparative studies in echinoderms. VF Hinman, AM Cheatle Jarvela genesis 52 (3), 193-207, 2014.

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Modular evolution of DNA-binding preference of a Tbrain transcription factor provides a mechanism for modifying gene regulatory networks. AMC Jarvela, L Brubaker, A Vedenko, A Gupta, BA Armitage, ML Bulyk, ... Molecular biology and evolution 31 (10), 2672-2688, 2014.

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In 2013

Pros and Cons of Open Access. VF Hinman .

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Open Scholarship for Graduate Students and Early Career Researchers. K Webster, JD Creswell, MJ Tarr, VF Hinman, J Kovacevic, M Shaw, ... .

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Expression of wnt and frizzled genes during early sea star development. BS McCauley, E Akyar, L Filliger, VF Hinman Gene Expression Patterns 13 (8), 437-444, 2013.

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Gene regulatory network for neurogenesis in a sea star embryo connects broad neural specification and localized patterning. KA Yankura, CS Koechlein, AF Cryan, A Cheatle, VF Hinman Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (21), 8591-8596, 2013.

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Probabilistic error correction for RNA sequencing. HS Le, MH Schulz, BM McCauley, VF Hinman, Z Bar-Joseph Nucleic acids research, gkt215, 2013.

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In 2012

McCauley BS, Wright EP, Exner C, Kitazawa C, Hinman VF. Development of an embryonic skeletogenic mesenchyme lineage in a sea cucumber reveals the trajectory of change for the evolution of novel structures in echinoderms. Evodevo. 2012 Aug 9;3(1):17. doi: 10.1186/2041-9139-3-17.

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Development of an embryonic skeletogenic mesenchyme lineage in a sea cucumber reveals the trajectory of change for the evolution of novel structures in echinoderms. BS McCauley, EP Wright, C Exner, C Kitazawa, VF Hinman EvoDevo 3 (1), 1, 2012.

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In 2011

Through their evaluation of manuscripts, the referees contribute greatly to the scientific standard of our journal. As a sign of our appreciation of this unselfish activity, we have decided to publish a list of referees. The following referees reviewed papers that were published in volume 221. LM Angerer, H Araujo, E Bach, J Bagun, A Bardin, G Bicker, M Blum, ... Dev Genes Evol 221, 363-364, 2011.

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Through their evaluation of manuscripts, the referees contribute greatly to the scientific standard of our journal. As a sign of our appreciation of this unselfish activity, we have decided to publish a list of referees. The following referees reviewed papers that were published in volume 220. J Achatz, M Affolter, K Agata, F Alwes, O Andersen, G Bicker, PR Biga, ... Dev Genes Evol 220, 355, 2011.

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RNA deep sequencing reveals differential microRNA expression during development of sea urchin and sea star. S Kadri, VF Hinman, PV Benos PLoS one 6 (12), e29217, 2011.

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In 2010

Uncoupling of complex regulatory patterning during evolution of larval development in echinoderms. KA Yankura, ML Martik, CK Jennings, VF Hinman BMC biology 8 (1), 1, 2010.

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A conserved gene regulatory network subcircuit drives different developmental fates in the vegetal pole of highly divergent echinoderm embryos. BS McCauley, EP Weideman, VF Hinman Developmental biology 340 (2), 200-208, 2010.

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In 2009

Evolution of gene regulatory network architectures: examples of subcircuit conservation and plasticity between classes of echinoderms. VF Hinman, KA Yankura, BS McCauley Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1789 (4), 326-332, 2009.

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HHMMiR: efficient de novo prediction of microRNAs using hierarchical hidden Markov models. S Kadri, V Hinman, PV Benos BMC bioinformatics 10 (Suppl 1), S35, 2009.

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In 2007

Caught in the evolutionary act: precise cis-regulatory basis of difference in the organization of gene networks of sea stars and sea urchins. VF Hinman, A Nguyen, EH Davidson Developmental biology 312 (2), 584-595, 2007.

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Evolutionary plasticity of developmental gene regulatory network architecture. VF Hinman, EH Davidson Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (49), 19404-19409, 2007.

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In 2006

Developmental expression of transcription factor genes in a demosponge: insights into the origin of metazoan multicellularity. C Larroux, B Fahey, D Liubicich, VF Hinman, M Gauthier, M Gongora, ... Evolution & development 8 (2), 150-173, 2006.

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In 2005

Expression of AmHNF6, a sea star orthologue of a transcription factor with multiple distinct roles in sea urchin development. O Otim, VF Hinman, EH Davidson Gene expression patterns 5 (3), 381-386, 2005.

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In 2004

Evolution and developmental expression of nuclear receptor genes in the ascidian Herdmania. C Devine, VF Hinman, BM Degnan International Journal of Developmental Biology 46 (4), 687-692, 2004.

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Ecological regulation of development: induction of marine invertebrate metamorphosis. D Jackson, SP Leys, VF Hinman, R Woods, MF Lavin, BM Degnan International Journal of Developmental Biology 46 (4), 679-686, 2004.

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In 2003

Developmental genes in sponges and the antiquity of animal development. BM Degnan, SP Leys, C Larroux, VF Hinman Integrative and Comparative Biology 43 (6), 989-989, 2003.

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Expression of a gene encoding a Gata transcription factor during embryogenesis of the starfish Asterina miniata. VF Hinman, EH Davidson Gene expression patterns 3 (4), 419-422, 2003.

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Expression of AmKrox, a starfish ortholog of a sea urchin transcription factor essential for endomesodermal specification. VF Hinman, EH Davidson Gene expression patterns 3 (4), 423-426, 2003.

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Expression and function of a starfish Otx ortholog, AmOtx: a conserved role for Otx proteins in endoderm development that predates divergence of the eleutherozoa. VF Hinman, AT Nguyen, EH Davidson Mechanisms of development 120 (10), 1165-1176, 2003.

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Expression of anterior Hox genes during larval development of the gastropod Haliotis asinina. VF Hinman, EK O'Brien, GS Richards, BM Degnan Evolution & development 5 (5), 508-521, 2003.

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Developmental gene regulatory network architecture across 500 million years of echinoderm evolution. VF Hinman, AT Nguyen, RA Cameron, EH Davidson Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (23), 13356-13361, 2003.

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In 2002

Galliot, Brigitte, 377 Garcia-Fernandez, Jordi, 455 Gerton, George L., 480 Griffin, Gareth, 86. TL Gumienny, AM Arias, MI Arnone, J Barasch, E Bloch-Gallego, A Blum, ... Developmental Biology 246, 496, 2002.

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Evolution and developmental expression of nuclear receptor genes in the ascidian Herdmania. VFHBMD Christine Devine .

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Mox homeobox expression in muscle lineage of the gastropod Haliotis asinina: evidence for a conserved role in bilaterian myogenesis. V Hinman, B Degnan Development genes and evolution 212 (3), 141-144, 2002.

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A provisional regulatory gene network for specification of endomesoderm in the sea urchin embryo. EH Davidson, JP Rast, P Oliveri, A Ransick, C Calestani, CH Yuh, ... Developmental biology 246 (1), 162-190, 2002.

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A genomic regulatory network for development. EH Davidson, JP Rast, P Oliveri, A Ransick, C Calestani, CH Yuh, ... science 295 (5560), 1669-1678, 2002.

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In 2001

A Genomic Regulatory Network for. EH Davidson, JP Rast, P Oliveri, A Ransick, C Calestani, CH Yuh, ... .

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Homeobox genes, retinoic acid and the development and evolution of dual body plans in the ascidian Herdmania curvata. VF Hinman, BM Degnan American Zoologist 41 (3), 664-675, 2001.

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In 2000

Homeobox genes and retinoic acid in the development of the ascidian Herdmania curvata: Evolution of body plan transitions. VF Hinman University of Queensland, 2000.

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Neuroectodermal and endodermal expression of the ascidian Cdx gene is separated by metamorphosis. VF Hinman, E Becker, BM Degnan Development genes and evolution 210 (4), 212-216, 2000.

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Retinoic acid perturbs Otx gene expression in the ascidian pharynx. VF Hinman, BM Degnan Development genes and evolution 210 (3), 129-139, 2000.

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Expression of a Scr/Hox5 gene in the larval central nervous system of the gastropod Haliotis, a nonsegmented spiralian lophotrochozoan. AF Giusti, VF Hinman, SM Degnan, BM Degnan, DE Morse Evolution & development 2 (5), 294-302, 2000.

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In 1999

Homeobox genes in ascidian development: Evolution through heterochrony. V Hinman, B Degnan American Zoologist 39 (5), 89A-89A, 1999.

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Which way up? Phototaxis and polarity in a sponge. SP Leys, VF Hinman, BM Degnan American Zoologist 39 (5), 38A-38A, 1999.

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Hemps, a novel EGF-like protein, plays a central role in ascidian metamorphosis. R Eri, JM Arnold, VF Hinman, KM Green, MK Jones, BM Degnan, ... Development 126 (24), 5809-5818, 1999.

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In 1998

Retinoic acid disrupts anterior ectodermal and endodermal development in ascidian larvae and postlarvae. VF Hinman, BM Degnan Development genes and evolution 208 (6), 336-345, 1998.

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In 1997

Changes in homeobox gene expression precede the transformation of the ascidian body plan at metamorphosis. BM Degnan, VF Hinman Developmental Biology 186 (2), A3-A3, 1997.

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Retinoic acid disrupts anterior ectodermal and endodermal development in ascidian embryos and postlarvae: Implications for the changing role of retinoic acid during chordate evolution. VF Hinman, BM Degnan Developmental Biology 186 (2), A19-A19, 1997.

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Supporting Information for. S Kadri, V Hinman, PV Benos .

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Issue contents 387. EA Lumpkin, T Collisson, P Parab, A Omer-Abdalla, H Haeberle, P Chen, ... .

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Issue contents 1095. K Hashimoto-Torii, J Motoyama, CC Hui, A Kuroiwa, M Nakafuku, ... .

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Issue contents 303. LD Wilson, SA Ross, DA Lepore, T Wada, JM Penninger, PQ Thomas, ... .

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EA Lumpkin, T. Collisson, P. Parab, A. Omer-Abdalla, H. Haeberle, P. Chen, A. Doetzlhofer, P. White, A. Groves, N. Segil, JE Johnson (USA) Math1-driven GFP expression in the developing nervous system of transgenic mice 389. XH Zhou, O Brandau, K Feng, T Oohashi, BJ Martinsen, NJ Groebner, ... .

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Supplementary Information for:HHMMiR: Efficient de novo Prediction of MicroRNAs using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models. S Kadri, V Hinman, PV Benos .

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Justification for the Support of Echinobase and Associated Genome Resources: Enhancing the Impact of Echinoderm Model Systems for Biosciences. RA Cameron, C Ettensohn, V Hinman .

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McCauley BS, Akyar E, Filliger LZ, Hinman VF. Expression of Wnt and Frizzled genes in the embryos of the sea star Patiria miniata. (in press).

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