Wendy Cadge

Profile Picture of Wendy Cadge
Professor of Sociology
Department of Sociology
Brandeis University


  • PhD Sociology

Research Interests

Book Review   Spiritual Care   Sacred Space, Sacred Spaces  

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Contact Information

  Department of Sociology Brandeis University 415 South Street Waltham, MS 02454

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List of Publications (155)
In 2018

2018. "Translating Spirituality: Universalism and Particularism in the Diffusion of Spiritual Care from the United States to Israel" with Michal Pagis and Orly Tal* Sociological Forum.

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2018. "Serving Seafarers in the Boston Harbor: Local Adaptation to Global Economic Change, 1820-2015" with Michael Skaggs. International Journal of Maritime History 30(2).

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2018. "Online Teaching of Public Health and Spirituality at University of Illinois: Chaplains for the Twenty-First Century" with Kathryn Lyndes and George Fitchett. In Why Religion and Spirituality Matter for Public Health: Evidence, Implications, and Resources. Edited by Doug Oman. Springer. P. 435-444.

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Reviews, Op-Eds, and Other Writing 2018. "Why does Congress have a chaplain?" with Laura Olson. The Conversation. May 1, 2018.

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2018. "As you travel, pause and take a look at airport chapels. The Conversation. January 3, 2018.

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In 2017

Symposium Co-Edited 2017. "Roundtable on Global Reflections on the Fiftieth Anniversary of The Sacred Canopy." Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 85(4):1116-1117.

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2017. "Religion in Public Institutions: Comparative Perspectives from the U.S., U.K., and Europe," with Mar Griera, Kristen Lucken, Ines Michalowski. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.

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2017. "The Evolution of American Airport Chapels: Local Negotiations in Religiously Pluralistic Contexts" Religion & American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation. 28(1):135-165.

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2017. "God on the Fly? The Professional Mandates of Airport Chaplains" Sociology of Religion. 78(4): 437-455.

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2017. "Structure, Operation, and Experience of Clinical Ethics Consultation 2007-2013: A Report from the Massachusetts General Hospital Optimum Care Committee." with Ellen Robinson, Kimberly Erler, Sharon Brackett, *Julia Bandini, Alexandra Cist, M. Cornelia Cremens, Eric Krakauer, Andrew Courtwright. Journal of Clinical Ethics. 28(2): 137-152.

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2017. "The Role of Religious Beliefs in Ethics Committee Consultation for Conflict Over Life- Sustaining Treatments" with *Julia Bandini, Ellen Robinson, Andrew Courtwright, Angelika Zollfrank. Journal of Medical Ethics. 43(6):353-358.

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2017. "After the DNR: Surrogates who persist in requesting cardiopulmonary resuscitation" with Ellen M. Robinson, Angelika Zollfrank, M. Cornelia Cremens, Andrew M. Courtwright. Hastings Center Report 47(1): 10-19.

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2017. "What do Non-clergy Spiritual Care Providers Contribute to End of Life Care in Israel? A Qualitative Study" with Michal Pagis and *Orly Tal. Journal of Religion and Health. 56(2):614- 622.

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2017. "Teaching Inter-religious Encounters: Perspectives from a Case Study Initiative" with Emily Sigalow. In Teaching Inter-Religious Encounters. Edited by Marc Pugliese and Alexander Hwang. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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2017. "Spiritual Care in Changing Times: Initial Glimpses from Theological Education." With Beth Stroud. The Huffington Post and Psychology Today. December 18.

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2017. Boston's Hidden Sacred Spaces. http://www.hiddensacredspaces.org/ 2017. "On land or ship, port chaplains offer comfort to seafarers of the world." The Conversation. July 2017. "Those Who Minister to Everyday Ships Stand Tall, To." The Huffington Post. June 21.

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2017. "Seeing Boston's Hidden Sacred Spaces." The Huffington Post. April 12. Also published in The Patriot Ledger and The Enterprise, Brockton, MA 2016. Book review of Beholden: Religion, Global Health, and Human Rights. By Susan R. Holman.

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In 2016

2016. "Where are you organizationally situated? Views from here" with *Rebecca Barton.

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2016. "Congressional Chaplains: Can They Welcome All Religions and No Religion at All?" Religion & Politics. August 31.

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2016. "A Hospital Tradition Remembers the Youngest Patients." Religion & Politics. April 26

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2016. "Along the Edges of Faith: The Many Sectors of American Chaplaincy." Religion & Politics.

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In 2015

2015. "Idiosyncratic Prophets: Personal Style in the Prayers of Congressional Chaplains, 1990- 2010" with Laura Olson and *Margaret Clendenen. Journal of Church and State.

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2015. "The Evolution of Spiritual Assessment Tools in Healthcare" with *Julia Bandini. Society 52(5):430-437.

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2015. "'Watch Over Us Sweet Angels:' How Loved Ones Remember Babies in a Hospital Cadge C.V. Page 2

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2015. "Teaching Healthcare Providers How to Provide Spiritual Care: A Pilot Study" with Angelika Zollfrank, Kelly Trevino, Michael Balboni, Mary Martha Thiel, George Fitchett, Kathleen Gallivan, Tyler VanderWeele, and Tracy Balboni, Journal of Palliative Medicine.

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2015. "Assessing Learning in a Sociology Department: What Do Students Say That They Learn?" with *Julia Bandini, David Cunningham and Sara Shostak. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education.

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2015. "Experience with a Hospital Policy on Not Offering Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation When Believed More Harmful than Beneficial" with Andrew Courtwright, Sharon Brackett, Erik L. Krakauer, Ellen M. Robinson. Journal of Critical Care 30(1):173-7.

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2015. Book review of Remaking the Heartland: Middle American since the 1950s by Robert Wuthnow. Contemporary Sociology. 44(4): 574-6.

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In 2014

2014. "Making 'Invisible Religion' Visible: The Significance of Religion and Spirituality in Secular Organizations" with Mary Ellen Konieczny. Sociology of Religion 75(4):551-563.

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2014. "Negocier les differences religieuses dans les organisations laiques: l'exemple des chapelles d'hopitaux." Social Compass 61(2): 178-194.

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2014. "How Do Social Service Providers View Recent Immigrants? Perspectives from Portland, Maine and Olympia, Washington" with *Casey Clevenger, *Amelia Seraphia Derr and Sara Curran.

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2014. Book review of One Family Under God: Immigration Politics and Progressive Religion in America by Grace Yukich. American Journal of Sociology. 120(3). November Institutional Change in American Religion" with *Casey Clevenger. Emerging Trends.

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2014. Teaching Materials, Jewish-Buddhist Encounters, with *Emily Sigalow, available at www.jewbu.net 2014. Book review of The Arts of Contemplative Care: Pioneering Voices in Buddhist Chaplaincy and Pastoral Work. Edited by Cheryl A. Giles and Willa B. Miller. Journal of Global Buddhism.

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In 2013

Reviews published in American Journal of Sociology, Contemporary Sociology, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Times Higher Education, Society, Christian Century, Religion, International Journal of Palliative Nursing, Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy, Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, Journal of Pastoral Theology, Church Health Reader 2013. Religion on the Edge: De-Centering and Re-centering the Sociology of Religion with Courtney Bender, Peggy Levitt, and David Smilde. Edited volume. New York: Oxford University Press.

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2013. "Strategies of Emotion Management: Not Just On, But Off the Job" with *Clare Hammonds.

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2013. "Negotiating Religious Differences: The Strategies of Interfaith Chaplains in Healthcare" with *Emily Sigalow. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 52(1):146-158.

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2013. "Religious Dimensions of Contexts of Reception: Comparing Two New England Cities" with Peggy Levitt, *B. Nadya Jaworsky and *Casey Clevenger. International Migration. 51(3): 84-98.

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2013. "How Do Organizations Respond to Immigrants? Comparing Two New England Cities" with *Ken Sun. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. 11(2): 157-177.

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2013. "Negotiating Health-Related Uncertainties: Biomedical and Religious Sources of Information and Support" with *Meredith Bergey. Journal of Religion and Health. 52(3): 981-990.

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2013. "Religion on the Edge: An Introduction" and "Conclusion: Working the Edges" with Courtney Bender, Peggy Levitt and David Smilde. In Religion on the Edge: De-Centering and Re-centering the Sociology of Religion with Courtney Bender, Wendy Cadge, Peggy Levitt, and David Smilde.

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2013. "Negotiating Religious Differences in Secular Organizations: The Case of Hospital Chapels" In Religion on the Edge: De-Centering and Re-centering the Sociology of Religion with Courtney Bender, Wendy Cadge, Peggy Levitt, and David Smilde. Eds. New York: Oxford University Press.

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2013. Book review of Faith and Money: How Religion Contributes to Wealth and Poverty by Lisa Keister. Journal of Religion 93(3):412-413.

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2013. "Paging God in Health Care." The Huffington Post. February 25.

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In 2012

2012. Paging God: Religion in the Halls of Medicine. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

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2012. "Reconsidering Detached Concern: The Case of Intensive Care Nurses" with *Clare Hammonds.

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2012. "A Survey of Chaplains' Roles in Pediatric Palliative Care: Integral Members of the Team." With Kathryn Lyndes, George Fitchett, Nancy Berlinger, Jennifer Misasi, and Erin Flanagan. Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy. 18(1-2):74-93.

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2012. "Possibilities and Limits of Medical Science: Debates over Double Blind Clinical Trials of Intercessory Prayer." Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science. March. 47(1):43-64

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2012. "New Perspectives on Immigrant Contexts of Reception: The Cultural Armature of Cities" With B. *Nadya Jaworsky, Peggy Levitt, Jessica Hejtmanek and Sara R. Curran. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. 2(1):78-88.

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2012. "Clergy and Controversial Family Issues: Divorce and Homosexuality as Case Studies" with *Madison Lyleroehr and Laura Olson. International Journal of Sociology of the Family 38: 85- 104.

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2012. "Uncertainty in Clergy's Perspectives on Homosexuality: A Research Note" with *Jennifer Girouard, Laura Olson and *Madison Lyleroehr. Review of Religious Research. 54(3):371-387.

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2012. "Sacred Space in a Secular Nation of Believers: A Working Paper." With Alice Friedman, Karla Johnson and *Margaret Clendenen. Radcliffe Exploratory Seminar. Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, September.

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2012. "The Tissue Controversy, Tears in Hospitals." The Huffington Post and Psychology Today Blogs.

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2012. "Paging God: Working with Chaplains in Healthcare." Congregations Magazine. 4: 18-20.

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2012. "Waiting for a Miracle? Perspectives from Healthcare Providers." The Huffington Post and Psychology Today Blogs. September 24.

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2012. "Speaking Different Languages: Physicians and Chaplains in Healthcare." The Huffington Post and Psychology Today Blogs. August 23.

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2012. "A Religious Hand in the Modern Temple of Science." Brandeis Magazine. Summer.

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2012. "Becoming a Spiritual Generalist? What Physicians Know about Religion and Spirituality." The Huffington Post and Psychology Today Blogs. July 31.

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2012. Book review of Religion and Modern Society: Citizenship, Secularisation and the State by Bryan S. Turner. Contemporary Sociology. 41(3):371-372.

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2012. Book review of Helping the Good Shepherd: Pastoral Counselors in a Psychotherapeutic Culture 1925-1975.by Susan Myers-Shirk. Society. 49:203-204.

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In 2011

2011. "De-Centering and Re-Centering: Rethinking Concepts and Methods in the Sociological Study of Religion" with Peggy Levitt and David Smilde. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.

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2011. "The Role of Professional Chaplains on Pediatric Palliative Care Teams: Perspectives from Physicians and Chaplains." With George Fitchett, Kathryn Lyndes, Nancy Berlinger, Erin Flanagan, and Jennifer Misasi. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 14(6): 704-707.

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2011. "What Do Chaplains Contribute to Large Academic Hospitals? The Perspectives of Pediatric Physicians and Chaplains" with *Katherine Calle and *Jennifer Dillinger. Journal of Religion and Health. 50(2).

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2011. "American Mainline Protestantism and Deliberation about Homosexuality" with Laura Olson and Paul Djupe. Faith, Politics, and Sexual Diversity in Canada and the United States. Edited by David Rayside and Clyde Wilcox. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

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In 2010

2010. "Negotiating Ambivalence: The Social Power of Muslim Community Based Health Organizations in America" with Lance Laird. Political and Legal Anthropology Review.

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2010. "Teaching Graduate and Undergraduate Research Methods: A Multi-Pronged Departmental Initiative" with Sara Shostak, *Jennifer Girouard, and David Cunningham. Teaching Sociology 38(2): 93-105.

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2010. "La Ciudad y su Contexto: Organizaciones Religiosas y la Integracion de los Migrantes" with Peggy Levitt, *B. Nadya Jaworsky and Sara Curran. Numero Monografico: Religion y Migracion; copublicacion Les Cahiers Alhim y la Revista Migraciones; Universidad Paris 8 y Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

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2009. "Constructing American Muslim Identity: Tales of Two Clinics in Southern California" with Lance Laird. Muslim World 99: 270-293. (Reprinted in Adkins, Julie, Laurie Occhipinti, and Tara Hefferan Eds. 2010. Not By Faith Alone: Social Services, Social Justice, and Faith-Based Organizations in the United States. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books).

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Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 41(1): 153-167. (Reprinted in Sociology of Religion: A Reader, Second Edition, Susanne Monahan, William Mirola and Michael Emerson Eds. 2010, Pearson Education).

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2010. "Religion, Spirituality, Health and Medicine: Sociological Intersections" with *Brian Fair.

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2010. "Bow Out politics, prayer is personal," Atlanta Journal Constitution, May 6. Op-Ed Page Also printed as "A personal day of prayer" Pittsburgh Post Gazette, May 3. Op-Ed Page.

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2010. "Different health care reform: doctors trained to deal with patients about faith," Christian Science Monitor, January 5. Op-Ed Page.

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2010. Book review of Immigration and Religion in America: Comparative and Historical Perspectives edited by Richard Alba, Albert J. Raboteau and Josh DeWind. American Journal of Sociology.

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2010. "Engaging Emerging Adults" with *Casey Clevenger. Changing Spirituality of Emerging Adults Project. http://www.changingsea.net/essays/Clevenger.pdf 2009. "Where medical, spiritual worlds meet at life's end" with Heather M. Hinton, Baltimore Sun, October 4. Op-Ed Page "Protestant churches shift slowly toward gay equality" with Laura Olson, Boston Globe, September 1. Op-Ed Page.

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In 2009

2009. "Religion and Spirituality: A Barrier and a Bridge in the Everyday Professional Work of Pediatric Physicians" with Elaine Howard Ecklund and *Nicholas Short. Social Problems 56(4): 702-721.

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2009. "Prayers in the Clinic: How Pediatricians and Pediatric Oncologists Respond" with Elaine Howard Ecklund. Southern Medical Journal 102(12):1218-1221.

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2009. "Physicians' Experiences and Satisfaction With Chaplains: A National Survey" with George Fitchett, Kenneth Rasinski and Farr Curlin. Archives of Internal Medicine 169(19): 1808-1810.

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2009. "Saying Your Prayers, Constructing Your Religions: Medical Studies of Intercessory Prayer." Journal of Religion 89: 299-327

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2009. "Religion, Spirituality, and Health: An Institutional Approach" Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion. Peter Clarke Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 836-856.

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2009. "The City as Context: Culture and Scale in New Immigrant Destinations" with Sara Curran, Jessica Hejtmanek, *B. Nadya Jaworsky and Peggy Levitt. Willy Brandt Series of Working Papers in International Migration and Ethnic Relations, Malmo Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare, Malmo University.

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2009. "A Profession in Process." Chaplaincy Today 25(2): 26-7.

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2009. "Saying Your Prayers, Constructing Your Religions: Medical Studies of Intercessory Prayer." Religious Studies News, published by the American Academy of Religion. 24(4): 35-36

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2009. "Paging God: Religion in the Halls of Medicine." Religious Studies News, published by the American Academy of Religion. 24(2):24

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In 2008

2008. "Blessings, Strength, and Guidance: Prayer Frames in a Hospital Prayer Book" with M. Daglian.

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2008. "The Spiritual and Religious Identities, Beliefs, and Practices of Academic Pediatricians in the United States" with Elizabeth Catlin, Elaine Howard Ecklund, *Elizabeth A. Gage, and Angelika Zollfrank. Academic Medicine. 83(12):1146-1152.

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Comment: Curlin, F. 2008. "Commentary: A Case for Studying the Relationship Between Religion and the Practice of Medicine." Academic Medicine 83(12):1118-20.

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2008. "De Facto Congregationalism and the Religious Organizations of Post-1965 Immigrants to the United States: A" Revised Approach." Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 76(2): 344- 374.

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2008. "Hospital Chaplaincy in the United States: A National Overview" with Jeremy Freese and Nicholas Christakis. Southern Medical Journal. 101(6):626-630.

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2008. "Facilitators and Advocates: How Mainline Protestant Clergy Respond to Homosexuality" with *Christopher Wildemen. Sociological Perspectives. 51(3):587-603.

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2008. "How Denominational Resources Influence Debates about Homosexuality in Mainline Protestant Congregations" with Laura Olson and *Christopher Wildeman. Sociology of Religion. 69(2):187- 207.

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Social Science Quarterly. 87(2):340-360. (One of ten most downloaded articles from the SSQ webpage in 2006. Reprinted in Dulio, David, Erin O'Brien, and John S. Klemanski Eds. 2008.

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2008. "What We Pray." Baltimore Sun. December 14. Op-Ed Page.

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2008. "Lost in Translation? Sociological Observations and Reflections on the Practice of Hospital Chaplaincy" with Raymond De Vries and Nancy Berlinger. The Hastings Center Report. 38(6):9- 2008. Book review of Be Not Deceived: The Sacred and Sexual Struggles of Gay and Ex-gay Christian Men by Michelle Wolkomir and Straight to Jesus: Sexual and Christian Conversions in the Ex- Gay Movement by Tanya Erzen. Social Forces. 86(4):1841-1843.

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In 2007

2007. "Immigration and Religion" with Elaine Howard Ecklund. Annual Review of Sociology. 33: 17.1- 2007. "The Religious and Spiritual Beliefs and Practices of Academic Pediatric Oncologists in the United States" with Elaine Howard Ecklund, *Elizabeth A. Gage, and Elizabeth A. Catlin.

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Comment: Walco, GA. 2007. "Religion, Spirituality, and the Practice of Pediatric Oncology." 29(11): 733-35.

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2007. "Reflections on Habits of the Heart, Buddhism in America, and Religious Individualism." Sociology of Religion. 68(2): 201-205.

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2007. "Bridging the Denomination-Congregation Divide: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Congregations Respond to Homosexuality" with *Heather Day and *Christopher Wildemen.

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2007. "Early Factors Leading to College Graduation for Asians and Non-Asians in the United States" with Thomas Vartanian, *Page Buck, and David Karen. Sociological Quarterly. 48:165-197.

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Contexts: Understanding People in Their Social Worlds. 3(1): 45-51. (Reprinted in The Contexts Reader, Jeff Goodwin and James Jasper, Eds. 2007, New York: W.W. Norton and Companies).

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2007. Book Review of A Nation of Religions: The Politics of Pluralism in Multi-religious America.

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2007. "Muslim Community-Based Health Organizations" with Lance Laird. Report to the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding and the Association of Muslim Health Professionals.

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2007. "Religious Leaders Opinions about Social Issues: A Pilot Study" with Laura R. Olson. Report to the Gill Foundation.

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In 2006

2006. "Constructing Buddhism(s): Interreligious Dialogue and Religious Hybridity" with Courtney Bender. Sociology of Religion. 67(3):229-247.

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2006. "2005 SSSR Presidential Address: On Being a Community of Scholars--Practicing the Study of Religion" with Nancy Ammerman, Milagros Pena, Robert D. Woodberry and Omar M. McRoberts. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 45(2): 137-148.

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2006. "Religious Service Attendance among Immigrants: Evidence from the New Immigrant Survey Pilot" with Elaine Howard Ecklund. American Behavioral Scientist. 49(11): 1574-1595.

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2006. "Religion and Public Opinion about Same-Sex Marriage" with Laura Olson and *James Harrison.

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2006. "Ascription, Choice, and the Construction of Religious Identities in the Contemporary United States" with Lynn Davidman. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 45(1): 23-38.

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2006. "Making Sense of Suffering and Death: How Healthcare Providers Construct Meanings in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit" with Elizabeth A. Catlin. Journal of Religion and Health. 45(2): 248-263.

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2006. "Religion and the Non-profit Sector" with Robert Wuthnow. Handbook of NonProfits. Walter Powell and Richard Steinberg. Eds. New Haven: Yale University Press. 485-505.

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2006. "Dialogue Across Differences: Mainline Protestant Congregations Talking about Homosexuality." Congregations. Alban Institute. Summer: 18-21.

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2006. Book review of Congregations in America by Mark Chaves. Journal of Religion. 86(2):326-328.

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2003. "Homosexuality and the Natural, Social, and Behavioral Sciences." Background Paper for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's National Sexuality Study. (Reprinted as "Homosexuality and the Social Sciences" in Encyclopedia of Religion and Homosexuality. Jeffrey Siker Ed. 2006. Greenwood Press).

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Student Paper Award Committee Chair 2006, Committee 2005

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In 2005

Reviews published in Contemporary Sociology, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Religion & Theology, Critical Research on Religion 2005. Heartwood: The First Generation of Theravada Buddhism in America. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

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2005. Thai Buddhism in America: A Historical and Contemporary Overview" with Sidhorn Sangdhanoo Contemporary Buddhism. 6(1): 8-35.

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2005. "Religions of Immigrants in the Mid-Atlantic States" Religion in the Middle Atlantic States: Fount of Diversity. Randall Balmer and Mark Silk, Eds. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press. 133-154.

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2005. "Reconciling Congregations Bridging Gay and Straight Communities" Gay Religion. Edward R. Gray and Scott Thumma, Eds. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press. 31-46.

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2005. "Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Buddhist Practitioners" Gay Religion. Edward R. Gray and Scott Thumma. Eds. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press. 139-152.

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2005. Book review of Handbook of the Sociology of Religion. Michele Dillon, Ed. Social Forces. 83(4): 1783-1785.

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2005. Book review of God, Sex, and Politics: Homosexuality and Everyday Theologies by Dawne Moon. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 44(2):232-233.

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In 2004

2004. "Buddhists and Buddhism in the United States: The Scope of Influence" with Robert Wuthnow Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 43(3): 361-378.

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2004. "Gendered Religious Organizations: The Case of Theravada Buddhism in America." Gender and Society. 18(6): 777-793.

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2004. "Yoga and Rebirth in America: Asian Religions are Here to Stay" with Courtney Bender.

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2004. "Educational Opportunities for Boys and Girls in Thailand" with Sara Curran, Chang Chung, and Anchalee Varangrat. Research in Sociology of Education 14: 59-102.

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2004. "Report: Interviews with Participants of 'Nuns in the West'" with Courtney Bender. Monastic Inter-religious Dialogue.

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2004. Book Review of God in Chinatown: Religion and Survival in New York's Evolving Immigrant Community by Kenneth J. Guest. Contemporary Sociology. 33(5):564-566.

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In 2003

2003. "Arranged and Love Marriage in Kandy, Sri Lanka: Evidence from 1978 and 1998." with Kamala Liyanage and Nina Paynter. Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies: Alam-e-Niswan. 10(2): 229- 240.

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2003. Entries about "Charitable Choice," "Homosexual Reeducation Programs," "American Friends Service Committee," and "Mainline Protestant Pro-Gay Groups." Encyclopedia of American Religion and Politics. Paul A. Djupe and Laura R. Olson. Eds. New York: Facts on File.

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In 2002

2002. "Talking about Homosexuality: the Views of Mainline Protestant Clergy" with Laura R. Olson.

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2002. "Conceptualizing Your Community-Based Learning Project: Decision Points for the Initial Stages of Project Design" with Marion Carter, Estella Rivero, and Sara Curran. Teaching Sociology. 30

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2002. "Vital Conflicts: The Mainline Protestant Denominations Debate Homosexuality" The Hand of God: Faith-Based Activism and the Public Role of Mainline Protestantism. Robert Wuthnow and John Evans, Eds. Berkeley: University of California Press. 265-286.

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2002. "Sex, Sexuality, and Gender Syllabus" with Sara Curran. The Sociology of Gender: Syllabi & Other Instructional Materials. Amy Blackstone and Betsy Lucal, Eds. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.

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In 2001

2001. "The Role of Religion in Public Conflicts over the Arts in the Philadelphia Area, 1965-1997" with Paul DiMaggio, Lynn Robinson, and Brian Steensland. Crossroads: Art and Religion in American Life. Alberta Arthurs & Glenn Wallach. Eds. New York: The New Press. 103-137.

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2001. "Forging Links Between Disciplines and Area Studies" with Angelique Haugerud. Items & Issues. Social Science Research Council. 2:1-2. p. 8-10.

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In 2000

2000. "The Social Sciences and Area Studies: the Social Science Research Council's International Predissertation Fellowship Program (1991-2000)" with Angelique Haugerud. A Report to the Ford Foundation.

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In 1999

1999. Book Review of Speaking Out: Women's Economic Empowerment in South Asia. Marilyn Carr, Martha Chen, and Renana Jhabvala, Eds. Ethnic Studies Report. 16 (2).

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Reviews published in the American Journal of Sociology, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Social Forces, Contemporary Sociology, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Journal of Global Buddhism, and Buddhadharma.

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Forthcoming. "Healthcare Chaplaincy as a Companion Profession: Historical Developments" Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy.

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Critical Research on Religion. 4(3): 279-285.

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Memory Book" with *Nicole Fox and Qiong Lin. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying. 73: 287- 207.

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Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. 12: 67-86.

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Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55(2): 266-282.

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Journal of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. 29(11):736-742.

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Review of Religious Research. 48(3): 245-259.

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Forthcoming. "Re-enchanting the End of Life: Spiritual Care in the Israeli Medical System" with Michael Pagis and *Orly Tal. In Current Perspectives on Death in Israel. Edited by Haim Hazan and Shai Lavie. Tel Aviv: Hakibutz Hameuad (in Hebrew)

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Eds. New York: Oxford University Press.

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Handbook of Medical Sociology. Chloe Byrd, Allan Fremont, Stefan Timmermans, and Peter Conrad, Eds. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. 341-362.

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Stephen Prothero, Ed. American Journal of Sociology. 113(3): 912-914.

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