Ya-Ping Tang

Profile Picture of Ya-Ping Tang
Associate Professor
Cell Biology and Anatomy
LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans


  • BS Medicine - 1982, Luzhou Medical College, Sichun, China
  • Clinical MD Internal Medicine, Neurology - 1983, Fushun County Hospital, Sichun, China
  • MD Behavioral Pharmacology - 1989, Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai, China
  • PhD Neurobiology & Molecular Biology - 1998, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan

Research Interests

Neurotrophic Factor, Neurotrophic Factors   Mouse Model, Mouse Models   Ag Metabolism  

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Contact Information

  (504) 568-2012

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List of Publications (49)
In 2014

Synaptic and Cognitive Improvements by Inhibition of 2-AG Metabolism Are through Upregulation of MicroRNA-188-3p in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease.. Jian Zhang, Mei Hu, Zhaoqian Teng, Ya-Ping Tang, Chu Chen

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In 2013

Delta(9)-THC-Caused Synaptic and Memory Impairments Are Mediated through COX-2 Signaling. Rongqing Chen, Jian Zhang, Ni Fan, Zhao-Qian Teng, Yan Wu, Hongwei Yang, Ya-Ping Tang, Hao Sun, Yunping Song, Chu Chen

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Temporal association of elevated cholecystokininergic tone and adolescent trauma is critical for posttraumatic stress disorder-like behavior in adult mice. Anu Joseph, Mingxi Tang, Takayoshi Mamiya, Qian Chen, Ling-Ling Yang, Jianwei Jiao, Na Yu, Ya-Ping Tang

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Expression of the G72/G30 gene in transgenic mice induces behavioral changes.. L Cheng, E Hattori, A Nakajima, N S Woehrle, M D Opal, C Zhang, K Grennan, S C Dulawa, Y-P Tang, E S Gershon, C Liu

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In 2012

Neurodevelopmental Role for VGLUT2 in Pyramidal Neuron Plasticity, Dendritic Refinement, and in Spatial Learning. Hongbo He, Amanda H Mahnke, Sukhjeevan Doyle, Ni Fan, Chih-Chieh Wang, Benjamin J Hall, Ya-Ping Tang, Fiona M Inglis, Chu Chen, Jeffrey D Erickson

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Monoacylglycerol Lipase Is a Therapeutic Target for Alzheimer's Disease. Rongqing Chen, Jian Zhang, Yan Wu, Dongqing Wang, Guoping Feng, Ya-Ping Tang, Zhaoqian Teng, Chu Chen

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Tang MX, Joseph A, Tang YP (2012) Interaction between CCKergic system and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis system in response to early-life stress. Glucocorticoids (book chapter) 21-40.

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In 2011

Sun XY, Hayashi Y, Xu S, Kanou Y, Takagishi Y, Tang YP, Murata Y (2011) Inactivation of the Rcan2 gene in mice ameliorates the age- and diet-induced obesity by causing a reduction in food intake. PLoS ONE 6: e-14605.

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In 2010

Bi-Directional Effect of Cholecystokinin Receptor-2 Overexpression on Stress-Triggered Fear Memory and Anxiety in the Mouse. Qian Chen, Mingxi Tang, Takayoshi Mamiya, Heh-In Im, Xiaoli Xiong, Anu Joseph, Ya-Ping Tang

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TNF- and Microglial Hormetic Involvement in Neurological Health & Migraine.. Richard P Kraig, Heidi M Mitchell, Barbara Christie-Pope, Phillip E Kunkler, David M White, Ya-Ping Tang, George Langan

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In 2009

Post-Training Dephosphorylation of eEF-2 Promotes Protein Synthesis for Memory Consolidation. Heh-In Im, Akira Nakajima, Bo Gong, Xiaoli Xiong, Takayoshi Mamiya, Elliot S Gershon, Min Zhuo, Ya-Ping Tang

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In 2008

Loss of presenilin function causes Alzheimer's disease-like neurodegeneration in the mouse. Qian Chen, Akira Nakajima, Se Hoon Choi, Xiaoli Xiong, Ya-Ping Tang

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Adult neurogenesis is functionally associated with AD-like neurodegeneration.. Qian Chen, Akira Nakajima, Se Hoon Choi, Xiaoli Xiong, Sangram S Sisodia, Ya-Ping Tang

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Expression of NR2B in Cerebellar Granule Cells Specifically Facilitates Effect of Motor Training on Motor Learning. Jianwei Jiao, Akira Nakajima, William G M Janssen, Vytautas P Bindokas, Xiaoli Xiong, John H Morrison, James R Brorson, Ya-Ping Tang

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Jiao J, Nakajima A, Janssen WG, Bindokas VP, Xiong X, Morrison JH, Brorson JR, Tang YP (2008) Expression of NR2B in cerebellar granule cells specifically facilitates effect of motor training on motor learning. PLoS ONE 3: e1684.

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In 2007

Maintenance of superior learning and memory function in NR2B transgenic mice during ageing. Xiaohua Cao, Zhenzhong Cui, Ruiben Feng, Ya-Ping Tang, Zhenxia Qin, Bing Mei, Joe Z Tsien

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In 2006

Abeta star: a light onto synaptic dysfunction?. Seong-Hun Kim, Ya-Ping Tang, Sangram S Sisodia

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Elevated cholecystokininergic tone constitutes an important molecular/neuronal mechanism for the expression of anxiety in the mouse.. Qian Chen, Akira Nakajima, Corbin Meacham, Ya-Ping Tang

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In 2005

Genetic approaches to the molecular/neuronal mechanisms underlying learning and memory in the mouse.. Akira Nakajima, Ya-Ping Tang

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Environmental enrichment reduces Abeta levels and amyloid deposition in transgenic mice.. Orly Lazarov, John Robinson, Ya-Ping Tang, Ilana S Hairston, Zeljka Korade-Mirnics, Virginia M-Y Lee, Louis B Hersh, Robert M Sapolsky, Karoly Mirnics, Sangram S Sisodia

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In 2003

Inducible protein knockout reveals temporal requirement of CaMKII reactivation for memory consolidation in the brain.. Huimin Wang, Eiji Shimizu, Ya-Ping Tang, Min Cho, Maureen Kyin, Wenqi Zuo, Daphne A Robinson, Peter J Alaimo, Chao Zhang, Hiromi Morimoto, Min Zhuo, Ruiben Feng, Kevan M Shokat, Joe Z Tsien

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Genetic studies in Alzheimer's disease.. Ya-Ping Tang, Elliot S Gershon

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Wang H, Shimizu E, Tang YP, Cho M, Kyin M, Zuo W, Robinson DA, Alaimo PJ, Zhang C, Morimoto H, Zhuo M, Feng R, Shokat KM, Tsien JZ. (2003) Inducible protein knockout reveals temporal requirement of CaMKII reactivation for memory consolidation in the brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100: 4287-92.

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In 2002

Deficient Neurogenesis in Forebrain-Specific Presenilin-1 Knockout Mice Is Associated with Reduced Clearance of Hippocampal Memory Traces. Ruiben Feng, Claire Rampon, Y P Tang, David Shrom, Janice Jin, Maureen Kyin, Bryce Sopher, M W Miller, C B Ware, George M Martin, S H Kim, Ronald B Langdon, Sangram S Sisodia, Joe Z Tsien

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In 2001

Effect of transgenic overexpression of NR2B on NMDA receptor function and synaptic plasticity in visual cortex. Benjamin D. Philpot, Michael P. Weisberg, Margarita S. Ramos, Nathaniel B. Sawtell, Ya-Ping Tang, Joe Z. Tsien, Mark F. Bear

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Differential effects of enrichment on learning and memory function in NR2B transgenic mice.. Y P Tang, H Wang, R Feng, M Kyin, J Z Tsien

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Feng R, Rampon C, Tang YP, Shrom D, Jin J, Kyin M, Sopher, B, Miller MW, Ware CB, Martin GM, Kim SH, Langdon RB, Sisodia SS, Tsien JZ (2001) Deficient neurogenesis in forebrain-specific presenilin-1 knockout mice is associated with reduced clearance of hippocampal memory traces. Neuron 32: 911-26.

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Tang Y-P, Shimizu E, Tsien JZ (2001) Do 'smart' mice feel more pain, or are they just better learners? Nat Neurosci (comment) 4: 453-4.

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In 2000

Effects of environmental enrichment on gene expression in the brain.. C Rampon, C H Jiang, H Dong, Y P Tang, D J Lockhart, P G Schultz, J Z Tsien, Y Hu

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NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic reinforcement as a crucial process for memory consolidation.. E Shimizu, Y P Tang, C Rampon, J Z Tsien

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Spatiotemporal expression of BDNF in the hippocampus induced by the continuous intracerebroventricular infusion of -amyloid in rats. Ya-Ping Tang, Kiyofumi Yamada, Yasuhiko Kanou, Takashi Miyazaki, Xiao-Li Xiong, Fukushi Kambe, Yoshiharu Murata, Hisao Seo, Toshitaka Nabeshima

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Enrichment induces structural changes and recovery from nonspatial memory deficits in CA1 NMDAR1-knockout mice.. C Rampon, Y P Tang, J Goodhouse, E Shimizu, M Kyin, J Z Tsien

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Tang YP, Yamada K, Kanou Y, Miyazaki T, Xiong X, Kambe F, Murata Y, Seo H, Nabeshima T (2000) Spatiotemporal expression of BDNF in the hippocampus induced by the continuous intracerebroventricularn infusion of beta-amyloid in rats. Brain Res Mol Brain Res 80: 188-97.

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In 1999

Genetic enhancement of learning and memory in mice. YP Tang, E Shimizu, G R Dube, C Rampon, GA Kerchner, M Zhuo, GS Liu, J Z Tsien

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Genetic enhancement of learning and memory in mice. Ya-Ping Tang, Eiji Shimizu, Gilles R. Dube, Claire Rampon, Geoffrey A. Kerchner, Min Zhuo, Guosong Liu, Joe Z. Tsien

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In 1998

Continuous infusion of -amyloid into the cerebral ventricle of rats promotes expression of BDNF messenger RNA in the hippocampus. Kiyofumi Yamada, Ya-Ping Tang, Yasuhiko Kano, Takashi Miyazaki, Yoshiharu Murata, Hisao Seo, Toshitaka Nabeshima

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In 1997

A concussive-like brain injury model in mice (I): impairment in learning and memory.. Y P Tang, Yukihiro Noda, Takaaki Hasegawa, Toshitaka Nabeshima

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A concussive-like brain injury model in mice (II): selective neuronal loss in the cortex and hippocampus.. Y P Tang, Yukihiro Noda, Takaaki Hasegawa, Toshitaka Nabeshima

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Effects of VA-045 on learning and memory deficits in traumatic brain injury (TBI)-induced retrograde and anterograde amnesic mice.. Y P Tang, Yukihiro Noda, Takaaki Hasegawa, Toshitaka Nabeshima

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Involvement of activation of dopaminergic neuronal system in learning and memory deficits associated with experimental mild traumatic brain injury.. Y P Tang, Yukihiro Noda, Toshitaka Nabeshima

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NGFI-B, c-fos, and c-jun mRNA Expression in Mouse Brain After Acute Carbon Monoxide Intoxication. Ya-Ping Tang, Yoshiharu Murata, Takashi Nagaya, Yukihiro Noda, Hisao Seo, Toshitaka Nabeshima

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(+)-Eburnamenine-14-carboxylic acid (2-nitroxyethyl) ester (VA-045), a putative cognitive enhancer, facilitates recovery from concussive brain injury-induced learning and memory impairments in mice. Ya-Ping Tang, Yukihiro Noda, Takaaki Hasegawa, Toshitaka Nabeshima

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A synergistic interaction between dopamine D1 and D2 receptor subtypes in the memory impairments induced by concussive brain injury (CBI) in mice.. Y P Tang, Y Noda, T Nabeshima

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Conditional protein knockout approach to synaptic erasure of old memories in mice. Eiji Shimizu, Ya-Ping Tang, Huimin Wang, Claire Rampon, Daphne A. Robinson, Anthony C. Bishop, Kevita Shah, Peter J. Alaimo, Hiromi Morimoto, Min Zhuo, Kevan M. Shokat, Joe Z. Tsien

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expression in the brain. Claire Rampon, Cecilia H. Jiang, Helin Dong, Ya-Ping Tang, David J. Lockhart, Peter G. Schultz, Joe Z. Tsien, Yinghe Hu

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Deficient Neurogenesis in Forebrain-Specific Presenilin-1 Knockout Mice Is Associated with Reduced Clearance of Hippocampal Memory Traces gles. These abnormal deposits accumulate in the brain. Ruiben Feng, Claire Rampon, Ya-Ping Tang, David Shrom, Janice Jin, Maureen Kyin, Bryce Sopher, George M. Martin, Seong-Hun Kim, Ronald B. Langdon, Sangram S. Sisodia, Joe Z. Tsien

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Joseph A, Chen Q, Tang M, Mamiya T, Jiao J, Gong B, Xiong X, Yu N, Yang LL, Xu TL, Zhuo M, Tang YP (2015?) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a gatekeeper for learning and memory. (Revision).

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Joseph A, Chen Q, Tang M, Mamiya T, Li X, Jiao J, Xiong X, Yu N, Luo Y, Tang YP (2015?) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a gatekeeper for behaviors in response to stress. (Revision).

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*, these authors contributed equally to this work.

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