Zachary Wood

Profile Picture of Zachary Wood
Assistant Professor
Institute for Public Service
Seattle University


  • PhD, Public Affairs, Rutgers University

Research Interests

Nonprofit Advocacy Behavior   Urban Studies   "Community Development"  

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Contact Information

  Seattle University CASEY 210 - 16 Seattle, WA 98122


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List of Publications (31)
In 2019

--- Nickels, Ashley E., Amanda Clark, and Zachary D. Wood. (2019). How Municipal Takeovers Reshape Urban Democracy: Comparing the Experiences of Camden, New Jersey and Flint, Michigan. Urban Affairs Review. (In Print).

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Panel Presentation, "Examining the Research to Practice Continuum: Perspectives from Across the Nonprofit and Voluntary Studies Field" Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Annual Conference, Nov 21-23, 2019.

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Panel Organizer and Co-Chair, "Community and Grassroots Partnerships in San Diego: Understanding Opportunities and Challenges for Policy Change" Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Annual Conference, Nov 21-23, 2019.

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Paper Presentation, "Participatory Philanthropy as a Springboard: Examining the Merits of Grassroots Giving to Enhance Civic Participation" Association of Applied and Clinical Sociology Annual Conference, Oct 17-19, 2019.

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Invited Lecture, "Advocating Against the Grain: Examining the Importance of Local Contexts on Advocacy Behavior Among Homeless Service Organizations" CURE Seminar Series, Rutgers University - Camden, May 3, 2019.

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In 2018

--- Wood, Zachary D. (2018). "Advocating Against the Grain: Nonprofit Advocacy and Human Services" in Community Development and Public Administration Theory: Promoting Democratic Principles to Improve Communities. Eds. Jason D. Rivera and Ashley E. Nickels. Routledge.

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Paper Presentation, "Participatory Philanthropy as a Springboard: Examining the Merits of Grassroots Giving to Enhance Civic Participation" Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Annual Conference, Nov 15-17, 2018.

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Invited Panel Discussion, "Social Movements in the Era of Trump" Rutgers University - Political Science Society, Apr 26, 2018.

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Keynote Speaker, Youth Advocacy for Action Summit DC Alliance of Youth Advocates - The National Press Club, Jan 17, 2018.

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In 2017

Invited Lecture, "Philanthropy: Charity or Social Change?" Rutgers University - Camden Honors College Seminar Series, Dec 12, 2017.

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Invited Lecture, "Nonprofits United?: Critically and Structurally Assessing Nonprofit Coalitions as the Vehicle for Advocacy" Rutgers University - Camden Brown Bag Scholar Series, Dec 7, 2017.

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Paper Presentation, "Nonprofits United? : Critically and Structurally Assessing Nonprofit Coalitions as the Vehicle for Advocacy" Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Annual Conference, Nov 16-18, 2017.

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In 2016

(2016). "Expanding Educational Opportunity in Urban School Districts" in Shared Prosperity in America's Communities. Eds. Susan Wachter and Lei Ding. University of Pennsylvania Press.

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--- Rivera, Jason D. and Zachary D. Wood. (2016). Disaster Relief Volunteerism: Evaluating Cities' Planning for the Usage and Management of Spontaneous Volunteers.

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Paper Presentation, "Advocating Against the Grain: Toward a New Typology of Nonprofit Advocacy Behavior to Enhance Democracy" Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Annual Conference, Nov 18-20, 2016.

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--- Wood, Zachary D., Michael O'Bryan, and Mr. Pearson. "Testimony on Ending Youth Homelessness: Resolution Number 160235." Submitted to Philadelphia City Council. May 6, 2016

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In 2015

Paper Presentation, "Getting to the Roots of Homelessness: Breaking Through to a More Holistic, Client-Focused Advocacy Agenda" Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Annual Conference, Nov 19-21, 2015.

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Invited Lecture, "What Power Could We Have: A discussion on the potential voting power in Camden, social activism, and slacktivism." TED Tuesdays - Rutgers Civic Scholars, Oct 13, 2015

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Invited Lecture, "Dreaming Big, Being Bold, Taking the Lead: Advocacy and Partnership Strategies for Youth Service Providers in a Complicated Environment" Connection 2015 - Mid-Atlantic Network for Youth Annual Conference, Sept 2, 2015

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Paper Presentation, "Getting to the Roots of Homelessness: Breaking Through to a More Holistic, Client-Focused Advocacy Agenda" Urban Affairs Association Annual Conference, Apr 8-11, 2015.

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--- Wood, Zachary D. and Prentiss Dantzler. "Foreclosures and Abandoned Homes: Strategies and Opportunities for Strategic Partnership of Small Municipalities." Produced for the Borough of Collingswood and its Mayoral Partners. February, 2015.

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In 2014

Paper Presentation, "Putting the Compassion to Work: Strategies for Comprehensively Incorporating Disaster Relief Volunteerism Directly into Disaster Planning" with Jason D. Rivera Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Annual Conference, Nov 20-22, 2014.

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Paper Presentation, "Putting the Compassion to Work: Strategies for Comprehensively Incorporating Disaster Relief Volunteerism Directly into Disaster Planning" with Jason D. Rivera Association of Applied and Clinical Sociology Annual Conference, Oct 9-11, 2014.

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Paper Presentation, "Putting the Compassion to Work: Strategies for Comprehensively Incorporating Disaster Relief Volunteerism Directly into Disaster Planning" with Jason D. Rivera Urban Affairs Association Annual Conference, Mar 19-22, 2014.

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In 2013

Paper Presentation, "Toward a New Typology of Nonprofit Political Behavior: A New Level of Precision" Social Science History Association Annual Conference, Nov 21-24, 2013.

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Paper Presentation, "Money and Management: Impact of Foundation Funding on CDC Capacity" with Kirk A. leach and Ashley E. Nickels Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Annual Conference, Nov 21-23, 2013.

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In 2010

--- Wood, Zachary D. "Imagining the Appropriate Scale of Public Policy Interventions to Combat Youth Homelessness." April, 2010. (unpublished MA thesis)

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In 2008

--- Wood, Zachary D. and Jerome Kilbane. Testimony for the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Hearing: "Living on the Street: Finding Solutions to Protect Runaway and Homeless Youth." April 29, 2008.

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--- Wood, Zachary D., Ashley E. Nickels, and Michael D'Italia. "Participatory Philanthropy as a Springboard: Examining the Merits of Grassroots Giving to Enhance Civic Participation". (working paper)

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Paper Presentation, "Toward a New Typology of Nonprofit Political Behavior: A New Level of Precision" (also panel moderator).

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--- Wood, Zachary D. and Paul A. Jargowsky. "Eds and Meds Employment and City Resident Flight in Camden, New Jersey" Produced for the Eds and Meds Taskforce of Camden, New Jersey.

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