Zhangsheng Yu

Profile Picture of Zhangsheng Yu
Associate Professor of Biostatistics
Indiana University System


  • University of Michigan, Ph.D. (Biostatistics) 2006
  • Bowling Green State University, M. A. (Mathematics with specialization in Statistics) 2002
  • East China Normal University, B. Sc.(Mathematical statistics) 1996

Research Interests

Pediatric Pulmonology   Pain   Variable Selection  

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  (317) 274-2688

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List of Publications (26)
In 2012

Yu, Z, Liu , Bravata, DM, Williams, LS, Tepper, RS. (2012) A semiparametric recurrent events model with time-varying coefficients, Statistics in Medicine, : 10.1002/sim.5575.

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Sarria, E., Mattiello, PT, Rao, L., Tiller, C., Kimmel, R., Poindexter, B, Applegate, KE, Granroth-Cook, J., Denski, C., Nguyen, J., YU, Z., Hoffman, E., Tepper, RS. (2012) Quantitative Assessement of Chronic Lung Disease of Infancy using Computed Tomography. European Respiratory Journal, 39(4) 992-9

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Singh N, Sun Q, Nadasdy T, Adams P, DiPaola NR, Pesavento T, Winters H, Satoskar A, Yu Z, Henry M, Hadley GA, Pelletier RP. (2012) The pathogenesis of acute allograft dysfunction in desensitized renal transplant recipients. Clinical Transplant, : 10.1111/j.1399-0012.2012.01684.x

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Khalil J. Diab, Zhangsheng Yu,Karen L. Wood, James A. Shmalo,Francis D. Sheski, Mark O. Farber, David S. Wilkes, Robert P. Nelson Jr. (2012) Comparison of Pulmonary Complications after Nonmyeloablative and Conventional Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbmt.2012.06.013

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In 2011

YU, Z, Liu, L. (2011). A Joint Model of Recurrent Events and a Terminal Events with Nonparametric Covariate Function. Statistics in Medicine, 30 (22), 2683 ' 95.

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Yu, Z, Lin, X., Tu, W. (2011) Semiparametric Frailty Models for Cluster Failure Time Data. Biometrics, 68 (2), 429-36.

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Sayar, H,' Yu, Z, ', Cripe, L. (2011) Thrice weekly azacitidine for two weeks with erythropoietin does not improve hematological responses in patients with anemia and lower-risk myelodysplastic syndrome: a study of the Hoosier Oncology Group. Leukemia Research, 35 (8): 1108-10.

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YU, Z, Liu, L. (2011). A Joint Model of Recurrent Events and a Terminal Events with Nonparametric Covariate Function. Statistics in Medicine, 30 (22), 2683 ' 95.

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Tu, W, Eckert, GJ, Jung, J, DiMeglio, L, Yu, Z, Pratt, H. (2011) Intensified Effect of Adiposity on Blood Pressure in Overweight and Obese Children. Hypertension, 58(5), 818-24.

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Kim, YJ, Hall, GL, Christoph K., Tabbey, R., Yu, Z, Tepper, RS, and Eigen, H. (2011) Pulmonary Diffusing Capacity in Healthy Caucasian Children. European Respiratory Journal, 47(5), 469-75.

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In 2010

Wilding, GE, Cai, XY, Hudson, A, Yu, Z (2010). A Linear Model Based Test for the Heterogeneity of Conditional Correlations. Journal of Applied Statistics, 10, 2355-66.

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Noureddine, L, Usman, SA, Yu, Z, Moe, SM (2010) Heptitis C Increases the Risk of Progression of CKD and Death in Patients with Glomerulonephritis. American Journal of Nephrology 32, 311-316

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Friedman, NA, Yu, Z, Jular, BE, Nguyen, JT, Strother, M, Quinney, SK, Li, L, Inman, M, Gomez, G, Shihabi, Z, Moe, S. (2010) Independent Influence of Dietary Protein and Weight on Markers of Kidney Function and Disease in Obese Individuals. Kidney International 78, 693-97.

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Yao, W, Barbe-Tuana, FM, Llapur, CJ, Jones, MH, Tiller, C, Kimmel, R, Kisling, J, Nguyen, ET, Nguyen, JT, Yu, Z,Kaplan, MH, Tepper, RS. (2010) Evaluation of Airway Reactivity and Immune Characteristics as Risk Factors for Wheezing Early in Life. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 126, 483-488.

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Rao L, Tiller C., Coates C., Kimmel R., Applegate K, Grannoth-Cook J., Denski C., Nguyen J, YU Z., Hoffman R., Tepper S. (2010) Lung Growth in Infants and Toddlers Assessed by Multi-slice Computed Tomography. Academic Radiology, 17, 1128-35.

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In 2009

Yu, Z. & Lin, X. (2009) Semiparametric Regression with time-dependent regression coefficients for failure time data analaysis. Statistica Sinica, 20, 853-869.

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Yu, Z, Tu, W., and Lee, M-L. (2009). A Semiparametric Threshold Regression Analysis of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescent Women. Statistics in Medicine, 28, 3029-3042.

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Moe S, Saifullah A, LaClair R, Usman S, and Yu Z (2009) Randomized trial of cholecalciferol versus doxercalciferol for lowering PTH in CKD. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 5, 299-306.

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Pelletier RP, Hadley G, Adams P, Henry ML, Yu Z, Ferguson, RM (2009). Even a single, remontely positive post-transplant alloantibody test correlates with increased chronic allograft nephropathy and graft loss after kidney transplantation. Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. 1, 7-15.

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Balinotti JE, Chakr VC, Tiller C, Kimmel R, Coates C, Kisling J, Yu Z., Nguyen J, and R.S. Tepper MD. Growth of lung parenchyma in infants and toddlers with chronic lung disease of infancy. (2009) American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 181, 1093-1097.

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In 2008

Yu, Z. & Lin, X. (2008) Nonparametric Regression Using Kernel Estimating Equations for Correlated Failure Time Data Analysis. Biometrika, 95, 123-137.

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LIU, L. & YU, Z. (2008). A Likelihood Reformulation Method in Mixed Models with Non-normal Random Effect. Statistics in Medicine. 27:3105'3124.

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In 2001

YU, Z. & HUANG, C. (2001) Projections of Capacity and Structure of Labor Employment in Shanghai in the Period of the 'Tenth Five Year Plan'. Population Journal (in Chinese), 1, 25-28.

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In 2000

RUO, K. & YU, Z. (2000). The Pressure of Attracting Talent in China and Relevant Thoughts. Northwestern Population(in Chinese).

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Williams, LS, Ofner, S., Yu, Z., Beyth, R., Plue, L, Damush, T. (201`) Automated Screening and Treatment Reminders Can Improve Detection and Management of Post-stroke Depression. Journal of General Internal Medicine,26(8), 852-7

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Damush, T., Ofner, S., Yu, Z., Plue, L., Beyth, R., Williams LS. Stroke Self-Management: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study of Veterans with Stroke. Translational Behavior Sciences, 1(4), 561-572.

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