Zhixiong Shen

Profile Picture of Zhixiong Shen
Associate Professor
Marine Science
Coastal Carolina University


  • Ph, Physical Geography, University of Liverpool

Research Interests

Mississippi Delta   Coastal Geomorphology   Marine Geology  

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Dr. Zhixiong Shen is an associate professor in the Department of Marine Science at Coastal Carolina University, USA and a visiting professor at the Jiangsu Normal University. He graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2007 and worked at Tulane University from 2007-2014. Research interests of Dr. Shen include Earth surface processes, environmental change, sea-level change, Quaternary geochronology, and fluvial and coastal geology. Dr. Shen has contributed to articles published in many journals, including Nature, Science Advances, Geology, Geological Society of America Bulletin, and AGU Advances.


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List of Publications (57)
In 2023

Wiman, C., Harden, T., Shen, Z., Curry, B.B., Reinders, J.B., Beighley, R.E., and Munoz, S., 2023, Large floods on the lower Ohio river inferred from slackwater deposits, Progress in Physical Geography, in revision.

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Shen, Z., Conway, N., Bao, S., Mun oz, S, Lang, A., 2023, Mid-20th century land-use change greatly reduced flood intensity in the Southeastern US. Communications Earth & Environment, Revision submitted.

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Yu, S. Y., Li, W., Zhou, L., Yu, X., Zhang, Q., and Shen, Z., 2023, Human disturbances dominated the unprecedentedly high frequency of Yellow River flood over the last millennium: Sci. Adv., v. 9, p. eadf8576.

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2023, Nanjing Institution of Geography and Limnology, Anthropogenic forcing as the primary drive to change climatically tuned extreme alluvial flooding 2. 2022, Coastal Carolina University, Natural Growth of the Mississippi Delta over a Millennium: Implications for Coastal Management.

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In 2022

Mauz, B., Shen, Z., Alsuwaidi, M., Mellini, D., Spada, G., and Purkis, S. J., 2022, The mid-Holocene sea-level change in the Arabian Gulf: The Holocene, v. 32, no. 11, p. 1173-1183.

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2022, Jiangsu Normal University, Deciphering flood magnitude in alluvial sedimentary record.

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In 2021

Shen, Z., Conway, N **., and Hanebuth, T. J. J., 2021, A novel binary pipette splitting sediment subsampling method for improving reproducibility in laser-diffraction particle-size analysis: MethodsX, v. 8, p. 101493.

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DeLong, K., Gonzalez, S., Obelcz, J.B., Truong, J.T., Bentley, S.J., Xu, K., Reese, C.A., Harley, G.L., Caporaso, A., Shen, Z., and Middleton, B.A., 2021. Late Pleistocene baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) forest deposit on the continental shelf of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Boreas, doi: 10.1111/bor.12524.

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Shen, Z., Rosenheim, B. E., Tornqvist, T. E., and Lang, A., 2021. Engineered continental-scale rivers can drive changes in the carbon cycle. AGU Advances 2, e2020AV000273. doi: 10.1029/2020AV000273.

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2021, Jiangsu Normal University, Embanking large rivers changes global carbon cycle: insight from the Lower Mississippi River.

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In 2020

Oldknow, C.J., Oldfield, F., Carr, A.S., Hooke, J.M., Biggin, A., Boyle, J.F., Hunt, A., and Shen, Z., 2020.

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Sedimentary Geology, 405, 105698. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2020.105698.

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Oldknow, C. J., Carr, A. S., Hooke, J. M., and Shen, Z., 2020. The suitability of a low temperature post-IR IRSL signal for dating alluvial and colluvial "cut and fill" sequences in the Great Karoo, South Africa.

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Quaternary Geochronology, 58, 101064. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2020.101064.

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2020, Louisiana Coastal Neotectonics Workshop 2, Subsidence of the Mississippi Delta Due to Deep Processes, New Orleans, Louisiana 6. 2019, Jiangsu Normal University, Hurricane-driven barrier-spit growth at centennial timescales in the western North Atlantic.

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In 2018

Munoz, S. E., Giosan, L., Therrell, M. D., Remo, J. W. F., Shen, Z., Sullivan, R. M., Wiman, C., O'Donnell, M., and Donnelly, J. P., 2018, Climatic control of Mississippi River flood hazard amplified by river engineering: Nature, v. 556, p. 95-98.

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Chamberlain, E. L.**, To rnqvist, T. E., Shen, Z., Mauz, B., and Wallinga, J., 2018, Anatomy of Mississippi Delta growth and its implications for coastal restoration: Science Advances, v. 4, p. eaar4740.

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Chamberlain, E. L.**, Wallinga, J., and Shen, Z., 2018, Luminescence age modeling of variably-bleached sediment: Model selection and input: Radiation Measurements.

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Mikhailova, E., Bryant, R., Galbraith, J., Wang, Y., Post, C., Khokhlova, O., Schlautman, M., Cope, M., and Shen, Z., 2018, Pedogenic Carbonates and Radiocarbon Isotopes of Organic Carbon at Depth in the Russian Chernozem: Geosciences, v. 8, no. 12, p. 458.

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De La Garza, R. G., Gonzalez, J. L., and Shen, Z., 2018, Luminescence chronology of a Mass Grave of Giant Gopher Tortoises (Gopherus hexagonatus), Willacy County, TX: Bulletin of the South Texas Geological Society, v. LIX, no. 1, p. 20-33.

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Mauz, B., Shen, Z., Elmejdoub, N., and Spada, G., 2018, No evidence from the eastern Mediterranean for a MIS 5e double peak sea-level highstand: Quaternary Research, v. 89, no. 2, p. 505-510.

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In 2017

Shen, Z., Dawers, N. H., To rnqvist, T. E., Gasparini, N. M., Hijma, M. P., and Mauz, B., 2017, Mechanisms of late Quaternary fault throw-rate variability along the north central Gulf of Mexico coast: implications for coastal subsidence: Basin Research, v. 29, no. 5, p. 557-570.

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Hijma, M. P., Shen, Z., To rnqvist, T. E., and Mauz, B., 2017, Late Holocene evolution of a coupled, mud-dominated delta plain-chenier plain system, coastal Louisiana, USA: Earth Surface Dynamics, Discussion, v. 2017, p. 1-38.

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Chamberlain, E.**, Wallinga, J., Reimann, T., Goodbred, S., Steckler, M., Shen, Z., Sincavage, R., 2017, Luminescence dating of delta sediments: novel approaches explored for the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta: Quaternary Geochronology, v. 41, p. 97-111.

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Hunt, A., Oldfield, F., Bloemendal, J., Boyle, J., Chiverrell, R., Lyons, R., Shen, Z., Williams, E., Balsam, W., 2017, To what extent have laterites contributed to the geochemical, surface reflectance and magnetic properties of adjacent tropical soils? Evidence from Niger and Burkina Faso: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, DOI: 10.1002/esp.4203.

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Esposito, C. R.**, Shen, Z., To rnqvist, T. E., Marshak, J.*, and White, C., 2017, Efficient retention of mud drives land building on the Mississippi Delta plain: Earth Surface Dynamics, 2017, v. 5, p. 387-397.

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Mehta, J. M., Evans, R. S., and Shen, Z., 2017, Mississippian monumentality in the Yazoo Basin: recent investigations at the Carson Site (22CO505), northwestern Mississippi: Southeastern Archaeology, v. 36, p.

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2017, South Carolina Soil Survey Work Planning Conference, Columbia, USA, An update on the age of Pleistocene shoreline deposits in northeastern South Carolina coast.

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In 2016

Shen, Z. and Lang, A., 2016, Quartz fast component optically-stimulated luminescence: towards routine extraction for dating applications. Radiation Measurements, v. 89, p. 27-34.

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Yang, N., Shen, Z., Datta, S., Johannesson, K.H., 2016, High Arsenic (as) Concentrations in the Shallow Groundwaters of Southern Louisiana: Evidence of Microbial Controls on as Mobilization from Sediments.

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2016, Louisiana State University, Anthropogenically reduced residence time of organic carbon in the Lower Mississippi River.

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2016, East China Normal University, Growth and Waning of a Delta: Implication for the Restoration of Deltas.

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2016, Capital Normal University, Sinking Deltas: Drivers of Subsidence in the Mississippi Delta.

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In 2015

Shen, Z., To rnqvist, T.E., Mauz, B., Chamberlain, E.L.**, Nijhuis, A.N.*, Sandoval, L.*, 2015, Episodic overbank deposition as a dominant mechanism of floodplain and delta-plain aggradation. Geology, v. 43, p.

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Zhang, Y., Shen, Z., Ma, C., Shankar, N., Feng, C.X., Yang, P., Sun W., Wang, Q., 2015, Cluster of Human Infections with Avian Influenza A (H7N9) Cases: A Temporal and Spatial Analysis: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, v. 12, p. 816-828.

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In 2014

Wolstencroft, M., Shen, Z., To rnqvist, T.E., Milne, G.A., and Kulp, M., 2014, Understanding the components of basement subsidence in the Mississippi Delta: insights from geophysical modeling Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, v. 119, 2013JB010928.

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Oldfield, F., Chiverrell, R.C., Lyons, J.R., Williams, E., Shen, Z., Bristow, C., Bloemendal, J., Torrent, J., and Boyle, J.F., 2014, Discriminating dusts and dusts sources using magnetic properties and hematite:goethite ratios of surface materials and dust from North Africa, the Atlantic and Barbados.

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Gonza lez, J.L., Shen, Z., and Mauz, B., 2014, New constrains on Holocene uplift rates for the Baudo mountain range, northwest Columbia. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 52, p. 194-202.

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In 2013

Shen, Z., To rnqvist, T.E., Autin, W.J., Straub, K.M., and Mauz, B., 2013, Rapid and widespread response of the Lower Mississippi River to eustatic forcing during the last glacial-interglacial cycle: Reply. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 125, p. 1375, doi: 10.1130/b30756.1.

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2013, University of Missouri, Sedimentary records of late Quaternary vertical crustal motions in the Mississippi Delta and their geodynamic implications.

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In 2012

Hernandez, M., Mauz, B., Mercier, N. and Shen, Z., 2012, Evaluating the efficiency of TT-OSL SAR protocols. Radiation Measurements, v. 47, p. 669-673, doi:10.1016/j.radmeas.2012.04.017.

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Shen, Z. and Mauz, B., 2012, Optical dating of young deltaic deposits on a decadal time scale. Quaternary Geochronology, v. 10, p. 110-116.

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Shen, Z., To rnqvist, T.E., Autin, W.J., Mateo, Z.R.P., Straub, K.M. and Mauz, B., 2012, Rapid and widespread response of the Lower Mississippi River to eustatic forcing during the last glacial-interglacial cycle. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 124, p. 690-704.

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2012, University of New Orleans, Spatial and temporal pattern of tectonic subsidence in coastal Louisiana.

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In 2011

Shen, Z., Mauz, B. and Lang, A., 2011, Identification and characterization source traps of thermally transferred OSL in quartz at medium temperatures. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, v. 44, 295405.

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Shen, Z. and Mauz, B., 2011, Determining the equivalent dose of the late Pleistocene fine silt quartz in the Lower Mississippi Valley using a standardized growth curve. Radiation Measurements, v. 46, p. 649-654.

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In 2010

2010, University of Texas Pan America, Quartz optically-stimulated luminescence dating and its application to fluvial deposits in the Lower Mississippi Valley and the Mississippi Delta.

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In 2009

Shen, Z. and Mauz, B., 2009, De determination of quartz samples showing falling De(t) plots. Radiation Measurements, v. 44, p, 566-570.

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2009, University of Louisiana Lafayette, Optical chronology of the Late Pleistocene strata in the Lower Mississippi Valley and their implications.

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In 2008

Shen, Z., Bloemendal, J., Mauz, B., Chiverrell, R.C., Dearing, J.A., Lang, A. and Liu, Q.S., 2008, Holocene environmental reconstruction of sediment-source linkages at Crummock Water, English Lake District, based on magnetic measurements. The Holocene, v. 18, p. 129-140.

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In 2007

Shen, Z., Mauz, B., Lang, A., Bloemendal, J. and Dearing, J.A., 2007, Optical dating of Holocene lake sediments: Elimination of the feldspar component in fine silt quartz samples. Quaternary Geochronology, v.

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2007, Peking University, Optical dating of lake sediments: an example from the British Isles.

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Chamberlain, E.L.**, Shen, Z., Kim, W., T rnqvist, T.E., McKinley, S*., and Anderson, A.*, Does load-induced shallow subsidence inhibit delta growth? Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, V. 126, no. 11, p. e2021JF006153.

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Shen, Z., Aeschliman, M.*, and Conway, N.**, Paleodischarge reconstruction using oxbow lake sediments compromised by shifting hydrological connectivity.

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Palustrine wetland formation during the MIS 3 interstadial: Implications for preserved alluvial records in the South African Karoo.

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Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, v. 5, p. 100-113.

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Aeolian Research, v. 13, p. 91-104.

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