Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Type
Research Project
Last modified on 2024-07-31 04:49:04
**About the Senate**
Overview of the Academic Senate
The Academic Senate is one of three branches in the system of shared governance in the University of California: The Board of Regents, which sets broad policy; the Administration, which directs the organization of the University and its finances; and the Academic Senate, which directs the educational function and provides faculty advice to both the Regents and the Administration. In accordance with Regents Standing Order 105, the Academic Senate sets admissions and graduation requirements, approves courses and curriculum, approves manuscripts published by the University of California Press, and advises on the budget and other matters pertaining to the conduct and welfare of the University.
The membership of the Academic Senate includes:
- Tenure-track and tenured Professors,
- In-Residence Professors,
- Professors of Clinical X,
- Lecturers w/SOE or PSOE,
- and select Administrators
Under the leadership of an elected chair, the San Diego Division of the University of California Academic Senate operates through thirty standing committees, including Senate Council, its executive committee, and through the San Diego Divisional Representative Assembly, a legislative body. The Senate is governed by its own systemwide and local bylaws and regulations promulgated by the San Diego Divisional Representative Assembly (local) or the Assembly of the University of California Academic Senate (systemwide).
The Senate’s standing committees address matters which span the operations of a university, including: academic freedom, academic appointments and advancement, admissions, diversity and equity, buildings and facilities, transportation, safety, educational policy, faculty welfare, benefit and retirement plans, undergraduate and graduate courses and curriculum, international education, the Library, campus planning, the campus budget, faculty rights and privileges, grievances, and research.
In addition to standing committees, ad hoc workgroups are formed in partnership with the Administration to address specific issues of interest to the faculty, and the Senate regularly participates in administrative committees, including search committees to fill campus and systemwide administrative positions.
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Each year the Academic Senate solicits applications for research and travel funding from Senate...
Deadline Approaching Grants
Each year the Academic Senate solicits applications for research and travel funding from Senate...