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United States
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Last modified on 2023-12-21 02:59:03
The Academy Spinal Cord Injury Nurses section, formerly known as the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses, believes that spinal cord impairment and related disorders are multifaceted, catastrophic experiences for individuals that have implications for families, significant others and society as a whole. SCI nursing, as an art and science, has a primary role in assisting individual with spinal cord injury/disorder (SCI/D), achieve and maintain an optimum level of physical and psychosocial well being. Nurses who specialize in the care of the individual with SCI/D are skilled practitioners with current knowledge of the pathophysiological and psychosocial implications of SCI/D, and possess the expertise to deal with the impact of SCI/D on the individual, family and society. Goals: - Provide, promote, and enhance the care of individuals with SCI/D - Develop and promote education resources for professionals and individuals with SCI/DPublish educational materials for professionals and persons with SCI. - Encourage research and evidence based practice related to SCI/D - Serve as a resource to nursing and health care organizations, educational facilities and consumer groups.
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Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
The SCIN (nursing) section of ASCIP, formerly known as the American Association of Spinal Cord...
Added on 2023-04-07T01:34:43Z
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