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United States
 Contact Info
(334) 240-0998
(334) 240-3408
771 South Lawrence Street, Suite 106, Montgomery, AL 36130
Last modified on 2024-06-05 09:41:48
What Is The AIAC? Created by the Legislative Act in 1984, the Alabama Indian Affairs Commission (AIAC) represents more than 38,000 American Indian families who are residents of the State of Alabama. Why Does AIAC Exist? Recognizing the unique cultural and sociological needs of Alabama’s “invisible minority”, the Legislature specifically charged AIAC to… “…deal fairly and effectively with Indian affairs; to bring local, state, federal resources into focus…for Indian citizens of the State of Alabama; to provide aid…assist Indian Communities…promote recognition of the right of Indians to pursue cultural and religious traditions…” Noting that charge for action, AIAC is placed in a liaison/advocacy role between the various departments of governments and the Indian people of our tribal communities. AIAC stands alone to represent the Indian people of Alabama who wish to stand together with their fellow citizens while maintaining their own cultural and ethnic heritage.
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