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Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Travel Workshop/Conference Artistic/Exhibit/Collection Other
 Contact Info
161 Klevin Street, Suite 102 • Anchorage, AK 99508-1506
Last modified on 2024-05-11 08:33:02
**Mission** ASCA represents, supports and advances the creative endeavors of individuals, organizations and agencies throughout Alaska. **Strategic Goals Objectives** **Build an Alaskan arts and culture sector for the future** - Invest in networks of artists, organizations and agencies in their work to serve all communities and people of Alaska. - Fortify the capacity of arts organizations through high-level programs, services and convenings. - Develop Alaska’s future leaders, with an emphasis on the multicultural leaders of tomorrow. - Ensure that diversity, Alaska Native cultures and principles of equity are integrated into all agency activities and priorities. **Illustrate the value of the arts through arts-integrated approaches** - Form partnerships and cross-sector alliances to use the arts to advance efforts across a variety of arenas and industries. - Provide valuable resources and expertise to State of Alaska departments and employees. - Develop integrated arts education policies that will improve education outcomes. **Grow Alaska’s creative economy and develop the workforce of tomorrow** - Provide support, programs and services that foster a deep commitment to delivering arts education in school districts throughout the state. - Strengthen Alaska’s creative industries through convenings, professional development and network-building. - Promote the importance of paying artists for their work and provide high-level professional and business development tools for artists to help them grow their businesses and artistic practice. **Enable all Alaskans to lead expressive lives** - Improve the quality of life in Alaska by providing grants to arts organizations and artists that offer opportunities for Alaskans to participate in the arts. - Develop strong communities by utilizing the arts to address social challenges and celebrate successes. - Promote the importance and value of creativity for all. **Strengthen ASCA’s role as a cultural policy leader in the state and locally** - Streamline and align grant programs within our stated priorities. - Investigate models, beyond grantmaking, to maximize agency impact to support the arts sector. - Develop new private and earned revenue streams to extend the impact of the State’s public investment in the arts. *This strategic plan works to advance creativity as a core civic value and identity for Alaska. ASCA considers the arts and creative sector to include: Organizations, businesses, groups and individuals who serve as creators, designers, makers, educators, administrators, producers, presenters and distributors in the areas of visual art, music, literature, fashion, poetry, performing arts, cultural practices and traditions, culinary arts, language preservation, graphic design, architecture, public spaces, film and media.*
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