Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Fellowship/Scholarship/Dissertation Training/Course
 Contact Info
(713) 798-7356
(713) 798-6374
One Baylor Plaza, MS:BCM120, Houston, TX 77030
Last modified on 2021-03-15 04:31:54
ABOUT US The Department of Anesthesiology at Baylor College of Medicine focuses on all aspects of the specialty including critical care, postoperative cognitive dysfunction, simulator-based anesthesiology education, obstetric anesthesia and pain management. Our faculty are champions for the education of medical students, residents, fellows and graduate students. We offer programs that recognize the unique needs of our trainees and work diligently to provide optimum learning experiences for everyone involved in our department.
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Added on 2023-08-17T04:27:20Z
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