Sponsor Type
United States
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Last modified on 2021-03-15 05:10:20
For over 75 years, the Department of Pathology & Immunology has enjoyed a national and international reputation of setting standards for the highest quality in clinical practice, research, and education of residents, fellows, medical students, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Since 1943, when Dr. Stuart A. Wallace, the first chair of the Department of Pathology, moved to Houston from Dallas, the department has provided clinical and anatomic pathology services to institutions within the Texas Medical Center and many community health care centers in Texas
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Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
This ACGME-accredited fellowship provides robust training in disorders of the luminal GI tract,...
**About the Program**
The Hematopathology Fellowship Program at Baylor College of Medicine has...
**About the Program**
The Department of Pathology at Baylor College of Medicine and its...
Director and Chief Residents' Message
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