Sponsor Type
United States
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 Contact Info
(831) 459-4420
(831) 459-3860
125 Hahn Student Services Bldg, 1156 HIGH STREET, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95064
Last modified on 2023-12-25 02:38:11
****Our Mission**** Prepare students for what they want to do with their lives by developing relevant career skills. ****Our Vision**** Banana Slugs changing the world, wherever they are, however they can. ****Our Services**** Our office works to support undergraduate and graduate students, as well as UCSC alumni. Career Success offers **career coaching for students and alumni**. We hold **career fairs** and work with on-campus and off-campus partners and employers to set up **recruitment events, on-campus info sessions, workshops, and more.** Our office also connects students with **experiential learning opportunities** on campus. We coordinate the Chancellor's Undergraduate Internship Program (CUIP), the Professional Career Development Program (PCDP), and the GANAS Career Pathways Project. Career Success also manages **hiring for on-campus positions** and supervises the onboarding process for all new hires. Finally, our website acts as a hub for **career resources**, including printable handouts and checklists, informational grad school and employment guides, and collections of job boards and external resources.
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Added on 2017-08-07T04:37:23Z
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