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United States
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619 Patterson Office Tower, Lexington, Kentucky 40506
Last modified on 2024-08-06 21:57:06
The Child Well-Being Research Institute (CWRI) is a national, multidisciplinary collective focused on promoting child well-being and maltreatment prevention through cutting-edge research that informs policy and practice. CWRI has a multi-faceted approach to actualizing the promises of the Child Well-Being Research Network. Child Well-Being Research Network The Child Well-Being Research Network (CWRN) was a product of the Doris Duke Fellowships program founded by Dr. Deborah Daro at Chapin Hall, University of Chicago. It was comprised of 120 Doris Duke Fellows and was generously funded by the Doris Duke Foundation. The program was designed to identify and develop leaders who conduct practice and policy-relevant research that enhances child development and improves the nation’s ability to prevent all forms of child maltreatment. As the Fellowship ended, Fellows elected to transform that network into a broader, membership-driven network to support and connect child well-being researchers.
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