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Sponsor Type
United States
Last modified on 2024-02-28 01:41:00
****About Us****
The Christian Community Foundation is a nonprofit empowering strategic, generous and impactful giving. Since our founding in 1992, CCF, along with our family of givers, has granted nearly a billion dollars to charities, ministries and organizations across the United States. Our founding mission and vision are what set us apart from other giving-focused organizations. Our aim is to help people direct money in a God-inspired way that can bring about transformation and healing in Memphis and beyond.
**OUR **Mission****
Christian Community Foundation exists to serve Mid-South donors and ministries to facilitate the building of God’s kingdom in our community and throughout the world. Our mission is to encourage philanthropy and increase giving. We seek transformation of the city of Memphis through churches and ministries that combine Christian faith and Christian action.
**OUR **Vision****
We seek transformation of the city of Memphis through churches and ministries that combine Christian faith and Christian action. Our vision is the transformation of the city of Memphis through the building of God’s Kingdom in the following areas: spiritual, academic, economic, relational.
Sponsor Relationship
Christian Community Foundation is not a part of any other sponsors in our database.
No sponsors in our database are part of Christian Community Foundation.
Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
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Deadline Approaching Grants
No grants from this sponsor have deadline within a month period.