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United States
 Contact Info
1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Last modified on 2023-09-27 20:50:40
**Vision and Mission** Why we exist: We advance scientific understanding, monitoring, and prediction of climate and its impacts to enable effective decisions. What we hope to achieve: People, businesses and the environment thriving in the face of climate impacts. **Our Philosophy** CPO provides strategic vision, leadership, and grant funds that produce relevant and timely climate science information, tools, data products, and expertise. CPO programs support partnerships that build end-to-end pipelines of information flowing from scientists to decision-makers in every sector and region of the nation. Our investments in ocean, land, and atmosphere monitoring systems enable scientists to quantify where and how Earth’s climate system changes over time. These observations are essential inputs into weather and climate models’ predictions at all timescales, making for a safe nation in the face of environmental challenges **CPO’s Unique Value** CPO’s position at the intersection of NOAA’s science and service missions, the climate research community, and the broader climate enterprise enables it to lead a research agenda and forge partnerships that enhance society’s ability to make effective decisions.
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