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United States
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(800) 227-5558
Last modified on 2024-06-24 22:43:47
What We Do - The Chemists with Disabilities (CWD) committee strives to: - Ensure that all ACS-sponsored services and programs promote and advance the full participation of students with disabilities; - Promote opportunities for individuals with disabilities employed in or seeking employment within chemistry and its allied fields, supporting the ACS Strategic Plan; - Provide and promote a portfolio of programs, products, and services to increase participation and leadership in the chemical community by individuals with disabilities; - Serve as a resource to the chemistry community as a whole with reference to issues concerning the education and employment of individuals with disabilities. Mission The committee will promote educational and professional opportunities in the chemical sciences and in fields requiring knowledge of chemistry for persons with disabilities. The committee will champion the capabilities of those persons to educators, employers, and peers. Vision The committee envisions a time when all individuals, including those with disabilities, will advance the chemical enterprise by drawing on the full range of their talents
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**Purpose** To encourage the participation of undergraduates, graduate students and postdocs...
Added on 2022-12-13T07:16:23Z
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