Other Name
Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Fellowship/Scholarship/Dissertation Equipment/Facility/Organization Artistic/Exhibit/Collection Other
 Contact Info
(214) 750-4222
5500 Caruth Haven Lane, Dallas, Texas 75225
Last modified on 2024-06-19 10:38:46
In 1953, we were founded on a simple, yet remarkable notion - that every day we have the opportunity to make tomorrow better for our communities. This vision has led us to match real community needs in North Texas in areas such as education, health care, public safety and poverty with the passions of individual and corporate donors driven to make a difference. In 66 years, we've made more than $1.9 billion in grants and are now one of the largest community foundations in the nation. Today, we celebrate this tremendous milestone with the countless men and women who have given back to our communities, and with those who still look forward to making tomorrow better.
Sponsor Relationship

  Communities Foundation of Texas is not a part of any other sponsors in our database.

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Deadline Approaching Grants
No grants from this sponsor have deadline within a month period.