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(515) 956-3696
1609 Golden Aspen Drive, Suite 101, Ames, Iowa 50010
Last modified on 2024-09-05 08:47:21
Launched in 2018, the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Laboratory Residency Graduate Fellowship (DOE NNSA LRGF) provides [excellent financial benefits and professional development opportunities](https://www.krellinst.org/lrgf/about-doe-nnsa-lrgf/benefits-opportunities) to students pursuing a Ph.D. in [fields of study](https://www.krellinst.org/lrgf/about-doe-nnsa-lrgf/fields-study) that address complex science and engineering problems critical to stewardship science. The DOE NNSA LRGF connects professors and students working in fields relevant to the DOE lab system with laboratory scientists, fostering collaborative research relationships. The program strengthen these university-laboratory links through an unusual and exciting provision: fellows work and study in residence at one or more of five approved DOE NNSA sites for a minimum of two 12-week periods. Longer stays are highly encouraged, up to or including pursuit of thesis studies at a chosen site. This [residency requirement](https://www.krellinst.org/lrgf/doe-lab-residency) opens compelling research opportunities to students and their advisors, including access to unique DOE NNSA experimental and computing facilities. The [Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration](http://nnsa.energy.gov/) funds the fellowship to train scientists vital to meeting U.S. workforce needs in advanced science and engineering.
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