Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Training/Course Travel
 Contact Info
(202) 336-6029
(202) 336-6040
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Last modified on 2023-11-29 04:05:30
Through its publications, special projects, grantsmanship and other efforts, the Ethnicity, Race, and Cultural Affairs Portfolio (ERCA) seeks to increase the scientific understanding of how both culture pertains to psychology, and how ethnicity influences behavior. ERCA also: - Promotes recruitment, retention and training opportunities for ethnic minorities in psychology. - Works to increase and enhance the delivery of appropriate psychological services to ethnic minority communities and encourages all psychologists to develop some minimal level of multicultural competence. - Seeks to promote both greater inclusion of ethnic minorities in organized psychology, and development of public policies that support the concerns of ethnic minority psychologists and their communities.
Sponsor Relationship

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Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
The APA Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention and Training in Psychology II...
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The CEMRRAT small grants are intended to serve as "seed funds" to energize, empower,...
Added on 2018-01-05T05:51:12Z
Deadline Approaching Grants
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