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United States
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Last modified on 2024-06-04 03:48:10
About the Foundation Florence Vaughn Carroll was born on February 8, 1912 in South Bend, Indiana. She was the granddaughter of Edmund C. Westervelt, a prominent businessman involved in several enterprises, including the pulp and paper industry. In 1946, she married George Earl Carroll, a Latin, English, and journalism teacher. During her life, Mrs. Carroll was an active member of a large number of organizations that reflected both her ancestry and her interests, including the arts, genealogy, history, and community service. The Florence V. Carroll Charitable Trust was created to benefit the general public of St. Joseph County, Indiana. Mrs. Carroll died on May 20, 1988. Through the extraordinary financial acumen and prudence of Edmund C. Westervelt and the exceptional forethought and benevolence of Mission To support a variety of public and charitable purposes that benefit the general public in St. Joseph County, Indiana.
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**About the Foundation** Florence Vaughn Carroll was born on February 8, 1912 in South Bend,...
Added on 2016-09-19T05:05:53Z
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