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United States
 Contact Info
(602) 542-4043
1700 W. Washington St., Suite 230, Phoenix, AZ 85007
Last modified on 2024-07-31 02:27:15
The Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family (GOYFF) is a cabinet-level agency that administers state and federal [grant programs](https://goyff.az.gov/content/grants) and engages stakeholders across all sectors throughout Arizona to improve services and service delivery to our citizens. Through a trauma-informed lens, GOYFF develops programs, coalitions, strategies, and initiatives to support Governor Katie Hobbs' priorities related to workforce development, substance abuse prevention, human trafficking, sexual & domestic violence, juvenile justice, aging, and child well-being. GOYFF also serves as the Governor's faith-based office and administers the state's AmeriCorps program. As part of this work, GOYFF staffs and convenes nine of the Governor's [councils and commissions](https://goyff.az.gov/content/commissions). ****Vision**** Strengthen the health and safety of Arizona's communities through collaboration and capacity building across the state. ****Mission**** Develop and implement programs, strategies, and initiatives to strengthen the continuum of services through partnerships with community, faith, private, public, and tribal partners.
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