Other Name
Sponsor Type
United Kingdom
Grant Types
Research Project
Last modified on 2024-03-08 07:32:11
Royce identifies challenges and stimulates innovation in advanced materials research to support sustainable growth and development. This vision underpins the broad research endeavour of the national materials community.
Royce supports world-recognised excellence in UK materials research, accelerating commercial exploitation of innovations and delivering positive economic and societal impact for the UK:
- Enabling national materials research foresighting, collaboration and strategy
- Providing access to the latest facilities and capability
- Catalysing industrial collaboration and exploitation of materials research
- Fostering materials science skills development, innovation training and outreach
Sponsor Relationship
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Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
**The Henry Royce Institute for advanced materials is offering access to state-of-the-art...
Through its facility access schemes, Royce can provide funding to utilise its...
****About the funding call****
Universities, research and technology organisations and companies...
Deadline Approaching Grants
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