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United States
 Contact Info
Room 4217 Helen C White Hall, 600 N Park Street, Madison, WI 53706
Last modified on 2024-05-28 10:28:36
The Information School at UW-Madison is focused on education and research that expands society's understanding of the role of information in all aspects of science, nature and humanity. We educate students and pursue work that adds to the collective knowledge, productivity and innovation, and to the well-being of people, communities, and society. **Our mission is to:** - Educate responsible leaders, critical thinkers, and creative innovators in the information professions who are adept in the creation, retrieval, use, and curation of information in all its forms, who are able to provide access to and understanding of information for all those who need or seek it, and who contribute to individual and collective knowledge, productivity, and well-being. - Create and disseminate research about past, present, and future information users and uses, the processes and technologies vital for information management and use, and the economies, cultures, and policies that affect information and access to it. - Contribute to the development of the faculties of information schools through a doctoral program built on interdisciplinary research and teaching excellence; and provide useful service to information professionals, the people of Wisconsin, and all information users.
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