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Last modified on 2024-05-14 08:33:09
Aims & Scope The Journal of Physical Chemistry A: Molecules, Clusters, and Aerosols; New Tools and Methods in Experiment and Theory The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (JPC A) publishes experimental, theoretical, and computational research on the physical chemistry of molecules, ions, radicals, clusters, and aerosols. JPC A emphasizes applications in the areas of atmospheric and environmental chemistry, aerosol processes, molecular geochemistry, combustion, astrochemistry, plasmas, cold molecules, catalysis, and energetic materials, among others. JPC A also publishes manuscripts that describe new tools or methods that are of broad interest to the physical chemistry community. An essential criterion for acceptance of research articles in the Journal is that they provide new physical insight. Please refer to this Collection on what constitutes new physical insight. Manuscripts that are essentially reporting data or applications of data are, in general, not suitable for publication in JPC A. However, section A4 includes articles on New Tools and Methods in Experiment and Theory where the requirement for new physical insights is relaxed. Sections: - A1 Structure, Spectroscopy, and Reactivity of Molecules and Clusters - A2 Aerosols; Environmental and Atmospheric Chemistry; Astrochemistry - A3 Combustion and Plasma Chemistry - A4 New Tools and Methods in Experiment and Theory
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