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United States
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Last modified on 2024-11-12 03:49:25
The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics has been in operation since 1979, on the Santa Barbara campus of the University of California. It is funded by the National Science Foundation and the University of California. The general purpose of the Institute is to contribute to the progress of theoretical physics, especially in areas overlapping the traditional subfields, in ways which are not easily realized in existing institutions.
Its most significant characteristics are flexibility and responsiveness to perceived scientific opportunities. In line with its general purpose, the Institute provides an environment for the conduct of interactive research by both resident and visiting senior scientists, as well as younger postdoctoral members. The Institute maintains close contact with relevant experimental developments.
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Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
The KITP Fellows program award supports a single long visit of 6-8 weeks. All applicants must be...
The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics offers a unique environment for postdoctoral scholars...
The purpose of the Graduate Fellowship Program is to offer a unique opportunity for...
The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics supports visiting researchers in physics who are...
Deadline Approaching Grants
No grants from this sponsor have deadline within a month period.