Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Type
Last modified on 2024-06-10 22:00:15
To make the world a better place through charitable giving, with a primary focus on the arts, cultural enrichment, higher education, care for the poor, and health care research in the western Pennsylvania community.
About the Foundation
Realizing the importance of making the world a better place, Lewis A. Patterson and Donna M. Patterson created their charitable foundation in 2006 to express thanks and gratitude to their beloved western Pennsylvania community for the many blessings of their lives. Their lifetime charitable giving pattern has favored the arts, cultural enrichment, higher education, care for the poor, and health care research. Thanks to the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, this legacy of giving will continue for many years to come.
Sponsor Relationship
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Mission: To make the world a better place through charitable giving, with a primary focus on the...
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