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5825 Florida Blvd Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Last modified on 2024-05-06 09:02:54
ABOUT The Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry is responsible for administering many of the programs and enforcing the regulations that impact every aspect of the state’s agriculture and forestry. At the farm and forest level, these industries contribute $10 billion annually to the state’s economy. When the many support industries are added in, agriculture and forestry touch the lives of everyone in Louisiana, making them critical to the economic growth and prosperity of the state as well as a vital part of our rich cultural heritage. The Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry was created in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, Section 10 of the Constitution of Louisiana. The Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry heads the department and exercises all functions of the state relating to the promotion, protection, and advancement of agriculture and forestry, except research and educational functions expressly allocated by the constitution or by law to other state agencies. MISSION The Department’s mission is to promote, protect and advance agriculture and forestry, and soil and water resources. Our vision is to be a unified and coordinated team that effectively responds to the challenges facing the agricultural and forestry industries, and which pursues each and every opportunity that might provide a benefit to the state and its citizens. OUR VALUES Public First Each of us has the high honor and distinct privilege of serving the citizens of our state. With fairness and honesty at the forefront, we will be responsive, proactive and flexible in our dealings with others. Pursuit of Excellence We are committed to getting the job done right the first time in as effective and efficient manner as possible and in accordance with our overall mission. We will aspire at all times to do our jobs better in every dimension. Positive Response to Change Recognizing that our workplace, the markets and technology are evolving, we acknowledge that change is inevitable. We will meet the developing demands and expectations of the public with creative thinking, innovation and more efficient processes. Respect for Individual We will create a respectful and meaningful workplace, characterized by honest, direct and relevant communication. Working together as a team, we will honor diversity, individuality, and personal and professional differences. Community Mindedness We realize that our work impacts the community in which we reside and, many times, beyond such. Both as individuals and team members, we will strive to make our communities better places to live, work and learn. Departmental Office Missions The following departmental offices, as described by mission statements, are responsible for carrying out the functions of the department and may have a role with existing, expanding or new industry: - The mission of the Office of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is to ensure animal feeds, pet foods, fertilizers, agricultural liming materials and pesticides meet all requirements of law; to monitor, prevent, control and eradicate plant pests and diseases that threaten Louisiana’s agriculture, environment and economy; to facilitate agricultural exports through certification of products; to oversee the qualifications and practices of persons engaged in the green industry; to protect human health and the environment by ensuring the proper labeling, distribution, storage, use, application and disposal of pesticides, and through enforcement of all pesticide laws; to ensure that seed sold for planting meets label guarantees and quality standards; and to ensure a safe, abundant supply of food and fiber. - The mission of the Office of Agro-Consumer Services is to perform functions relating to the regulation of weights and measures, the licensing of weighmasters, scale companies and technicians; the licensing and inspection of bonded farm warehouses and milk processing plants, and the licensing of grain dealers, warehouses and cotton buyers. - The mission of the Office of Animal Health Services is to protect the public supply of meat and meat products and fish and fish products, to control and eradicate infectious diseases of animals and poultry, and to control livestock theft and nuisance animals. - The mission of the Office of Forestry is to protect, conserve and replenish the forest natural resources of the state. - The mission of the Office of Marketing and Agro-Economic Development is to promote the development and growth of markets for Louisiana agricultural and forestry products and to develop the channels of distribution through which these products are sold. - The mission of the Office of Soil and Water is to assist in the organization and administration of the Soil and Water Conservation Districts in protecting the land, water and related resources of the state. It is also responsible for implementing the agriculture nonpoint source pollution component of Section 319 and Section 404 (wetlands protection) of the Federal Clean Water Act, as well as other federal and state mandated soil and water resources management programs. - The mission of the Office of Management and Finance is to provide support services for the other offices of the department. These services provided include: fiscal, legal, procurement, property control, human resources, fleet and facility management, auditing, information technology, print shop and mail room, document imaging and district office clerical support.
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