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Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Fellowship/Scholarship/Dissertation Research Project Other
 Contact Info
LSU 364 Nicholson Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4001
Last modified on 2024-07-01 09:03:01
ABOUT US The Louisiana Space Grant Consortium (LaSPACE), administered at Louisiana State University, is a statewide consortium established in 1991 under the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, which is a national network managed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) that includes all 50 states along with the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. LaSPACE is comprised of higher education institutions, state education boards, and non-profit organizations with NASA-related interests. Current affiliates include three educational boards or systems, five community colleges, five Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), three research intensive universities, six research active universities, six four-year universities, two workforce development organizations, and nine informal education non-profit organizations. Together we work to develop, support, and promote NASA-aligned STEM research, education, and public literacy in Louisiana. LaSPACE serves the state primarily through a portfolio of competitively awarded funding opportunities for students, faculty, and staff at higher education institutions in Louisiana to participate in research, development, and training projects in areas of priority to NASA and Louisiana. We also develop and deliver unique opportunities for direct participation in professional development and hands-on experiential projects. LaSPACE promotes scientific literacy in the state by participating in public STEM events and providing support to both formal and informal educators in Louisiana. Much of the LaSPACE NASA funding and jurisdiction cost share is devoted to competitively awarded projects that address NASA needs across all Mission Directorates (Aeronautics, Exploration Systems, Science, Space Operations, and Space Technology). Louisiana has identified priority research areas including advanced manufacturing, materials, clean technology & energy, coastal & water management, life sciences, and bioengineering. These areas are consistent with NASA needs and LaSPACE anticipates supporting projects in these areas over the next four years. The fundamental premise underlying our programming is involvement in research at all levels (undergraduate, graduate, and faculty) that aligns with NASA research priorities and mission goals, and then leveraging that infrastructure to increase NASA-relevant science literacy around the state. Building transdisciplinary teams that perform research and provide educational opportunities is the key to developing the 21st century workforce desired by both NASA and the State of Louisiana. LaSPACE’s strategic plan and programmatic priorities are driven by the State of Louisiana’s research, education, and workforce development needs, while being responsive to National STEM goals, NASA’s Strategic Plan, current NASA Mission Priorities (as detailed in the NASA EONS 2024 Omnibus Appendix 8), and NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) performance goals and objectives. The LaSPACE vision and mission complement and reflect the overarching vision and mission of the Agency while recognizing the unique capabilities and needs of Louisiana. The LaSPACE operational approach is grounded in our Core Values of Service, Partnership, Authenticity, Curiosity, and Engagement. LaSPACE Vision In alignment with NASA priorities and directed by LaSPACE, Louisiana will play a significant role in building the Nation’s next generation of scientists and explorers. LaSPACE Mission The LaSPACE Mission is to engage college students, academic institutions, science organizations, government agencies, and industry in Louisiana to create an inclusive, academic STEM ecosystem to build a diverse future STEM workforce.
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