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United Kingdom
Grant Type
Research Project
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Last modified on 2024-02-06 08:58:37
Be part of a thriving community of doctoral students producing world-class research in the arts and humanities The AHRC-funded Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (M4C) brings together eight leading universities across the Midlands, to support research students to become experts in their field and to employ their knowledge and skills in their career destinations. **Midlands4Cities:** - Is open to diverse and challenging approaches to arts and humanities research projects - Facilitates access to expert supervision across the breadth of arts and humanities research available in the eight M4C universities - Provides opportunities for training to underpin every student’s research and professional development - Enables regional, national and international networking with the creative and cultural industries to provide opportunities for placements, fieldwork and collaboration - Ensures integrity, equality, diversity, and inclusion across the DTP programme
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