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United States
 Contact Info
Elmer L. Anderson Human Services, 540 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55164
Last modified on 2024-03-14 10:05:14
ABOUT US The MBA is a 25-member, Governor-appointed board. Board members can serve up to two consecutive, four-year terms. The Board has three officers: Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary, with the Chair appointed by the Governor. The Board advises on and coordinates government plans around aging to ensure that Older American’s Act requirements are met. The MBA administers state and federal funds and also creates public awareness, encourages research on aging issues and provides technical assistance and grants to local aging organizations. By participating in board and committee meetings, MBA members work to create a collective vision that represents the best interests of older Minnesotans. MISSION The Minnesota Board on Aging (MBA) works to ensure that older Minnesotans and their families are effectively served by state and local policies and programs, so they can age well and live well. The MBA does this through its three major roles: administrator, advisor and advocate. Administrator The MBA partners with Minnesota’s Area Agencies on Aging and others to administer and oversee the effective use of Older Americans Act and state funds to support older Minnesotans. Advisor The Minnesota Board on Aging provides objective information and promotes public education on ways we call all meet the changing needs of the state’s older population so they can age well and live well. Advocate The Board promote policies to the state legislature, the Governor and state agencies that accurately reflect the needs and interests of older Minnesotans.
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