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United States
 Contact Info
400 Centennial Building, 658 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, MN 55155, 651-201-8000
Last modified on 2024-03-19 02:09:38
**About MMB****Mission** We are stewards of the state’s financial and human resources, delivering effective services for the people of Minnesota **Vision** A high-performing and inclusive workforce improving the lives of Minnesotans **Values** Inclusion, Innovation, Integrity, Leadership, Purpose **Strategic Goals** - Collaborative Enterprise Leadership - MMB will provide collaborative enterprise leadership to continually improve state government services and outcomes. - Centering Our Customers - MMB will create a human-centered customer experience by putting the needs of our key partners and community at the center of our services, policies, and oversight. - Employer of Choice - Enterprise Employee Resources and the Office of the Chief Inclusion Officer will work to reduce barriers to working for the state, and improved employee engagement and experience, leading to a more diverse workforce and improved retention of underrepresented employee groups. - Responsible and Transparent Management of the State’s Fiscal Resources - MMB will uphold public trust by responsibly managing and directing the state’s fiscal resources.
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