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Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Research Project Post-doctoral
 Contact Info
(805) 893-2500
1021 Anacapa Street, Suite 300, Santa Barbara, CA 93101-5509
Last modified on 2024-07-05 04:10:07
NCEAS conducts transformational science focused on informing solutions that will allow people and nature to thrive. We are an independent research affiliate of the University of California, Santa Barbara, with a global network and impact. **Our Mission** We work to accelerate scientific discoveries that will enhance our understanding of the world and benefit people and nature, as well as to transform the scientific culture to be more open, efficient, and collaborative. We do this by: - Enabling collaborations between the brightest minds in the environmental sciences - Conducting breakthrough science that is grounded in big-picture thinking - Improving analyses through computing innovations that increase the (re)usability of data - Partnering with agencies and organizations that can help put the science to action - Training and inspiring generations of scientists to practice synthesis and open science **Our Core Values** The following core values guide our work and mission: Collaboration. We believe collaboration is necessary to understand the complexity of today’s environmental challenges and to seek solutions that will meet the needs of humans and nature. Inclusivity and Fairness. We believe science must be inclusive and fair, supporting the full diversity of people and ideas that are critical to the integrity and progress of the institution. Learn more about our [commitment to inclusivity](https://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/diversity-inclusion). Transparency. We believe science must operate in a transparent way, making data and knowledge accessible and free both within the scientific community and to the greater public. Cultivating an open culture in science is important not just for advancing scientific knowledge but also for fostering public trust in it.
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