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1122 Volunteer Blvd, Claxton 114, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-3410
Last modified on 2024-07-26 19:48:42
A strong foundation, an exciting future As part of a significant step forward in our journey, we have recently rebranded and are adopting a new name to reflect this transitional state. We are now the National Institute for Modeling Biological Systems. We’re still the NIMBioS you know and love and we are excited for this new chapter together. We are celebrating this pivotal point for NIMBioS and we express gratitude toward our founding director Dr. Lou Gross for the solid foundation NIMBioS was built upon. Building on the strong start in life NIMBioS had as an NSF Synthesis Center, we still foster a vibrant community focused on creating new science with our models. We will continue bringing our community together as an intellectual hub for transdisciplinary research and education in the quantitative life sciences. We are focusing on our unique strength in modeling. We are dedicated to supporting the research community and maintaining our status as an international leader, intellectual center, and emotional heart of the community of mathematical life scientists. How will we do it? We will lower the barriers for students and researchers to learn and accomplish goals within the field. Our mission is to foster the growth of transdisciplinary approaches within mathematics and biology NIMBioS is based at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Our mission is to support research efforts and researchers across the globe within the fields of mathematics, biology, ecology, public health, the life sciences and more. Building on our history starting out as an NSF Synthesis Center we are now operating as an independent institute. We work to foster the collaborative and intellectual space that allows researchers, educators, students, and policy makers to come together and succeed at creative, ambitious, transdisciplinary efforts that each of us would struggle to accomplish on our own. We help researchers in mathematical biology to bring their spark of insight to fruition as a grant proposal, educational program, or new collaboration. We can help you find a partner in a new area of biology that could benefit from your math, share and promote your work within the broader mathematical biology community, help you find mathematical biology initiatives to lead, by providing intellectual partners and administrative support. If there are other ways we can help, let us know.
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