Other Name
Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Training/Course Equipment/Facility/Organization
 Contact Info
(775) 684-7511
(775) 684-7519
107 Jacobson Way Carson City, NV 89711
Last modified on 2019-01-29 02:42:44
The Emergency Planning Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) requires each state to have a State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), the Nevada SERC is established by Nevada Revised Statue (NRS) 459.738. The SERC has designated planning districts within the state as Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) to coordinate the activities of each planning district. Each county is a planning district and each county has a designed the LEPC with the approval of the SERC.
Sponsor Relationship

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Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
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The SERC has developed this application kit as a template for Local Emergency Planning Committees...
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I. Goals - Identify what the LEPC would like to accomplish with the requested grant funds to...
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I. Goals- Identify what the agency would like to accomplish with the requested funds to prevent,...
Added on 2019-03-21T21:31:53Z
Deadline Approaching Grants
No grants from this sponsor have deadline within a month period.