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United States
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Equipment/Facility/Organization Other
 Contact Info
14 Dixon Ave, Suite 102, Concord, NH 03301
Last modified on 2024-04-13 04:40:12
****WHO WE ARE**** The Community Development Finance Authority is the financial engine that drives community economic development across New Hampshire. Created in 1983, we have more than 35 years of experience effectively deploying technical and financial resources to help Granite State communities thrive. CDFA invests an average of $15 million of financial resources on an annual basis, including the competitive deployment of grants, loans and New Hampshire state tax credit equity, to support nonprofits, municipalities and businesses. We invest in the people of New Hampshire by: deploying a well-tuned, effective investment system; enabling partners to make transformational and sustainable changes; and taking an innovative approach to development finance. Our impact is seen in revitalized downtowns, high-quality childcare facilities, renovated housing, clean energy projects, business expansion to provide jobs, and a healthy and vibrant nonprofit sector. Every year, our services create jobs, lift people out of poverty, ensure appropriate housing, stem substance misuse, and increase overall standards of living for many thousands of New Hampshire’s residents. CDFA’s innovative, collaborative and dynamic approach to development finance helps our partners to make transformational and sustainable changes.
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