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(301) 427-8600
1315 East-West Highway, 14th Floor, Silver Spring MD 20910
Last modified on 2024-05-01 21:03:34
[About Us](https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/about-us) **Office of Habitat Conservation** Protecting and restoring habitat to sustain fisheries, recover protected species, and maintain resilient coastal communities and ecosystems. **What We Do** We protect and restore habitat to sustain fisheries, recover protected species, and maintain resilient coastal ecosystems and communities. Our goals are to: - Conserve habitat for managed fisheries and protected resources - Restore fisheries and protected resources impacted by oil and chemical spills - Increase the resilience of coastal ecosystems, communities, and economies through habitat conservation For us, conservation means protection and restoration. We protect healthy habitat by prioritizing our work to address the biggest threats. We restore degraded or injured habitat to ensure fish have access to high quality areas to live. We achieve this by: - Removing dams and other barriers - Reconnecting coastal wetlands - Rebuilding coral and oyster reefs Our approach to habitat conservation is collaborative and uses sound science in support of our major mandates like the Magnuson-Stevens Act, Endangered Species Act, and the Oil Pollution Act. We focus our efforts for the benefit of marine resources and coastal communities. And, we work in partnerships at all levels—with local, state, federal governments, private entities, and non-governmental organizations—toward shared goals and enhanced understanding. Healthy habitats support fish, clean water, and recreation. They are declining due to stressors like pollution, development, and extreme weather. We strive to address these issues through our programs and activities which directly support the nation’s communities and economy. Our major focus areas include: **Restoring Habitat** We work to increase fisheries productivity by restoring coastal habitat and supporting the recovery of protected species that rely on healthy habitat to breed, eat, rest, and grow. Since 1992, we have provided more than $750 million to implement more 3,300 coastal habitat restoration projects. [Learn more about how we restore coastal habitats](https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/topic/habitat-conservation/how-we-restore) **Protecting Habitat** Fish habitat is vulnerable to pollution and other threats, but some problems can be minimized or avoided by protecting habitats first. We work to increase fisheries productivity through supporting Essential Fish Habitat, fish passage, and deep sea coral research. [Learn more about how we protect coastal habitat](https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/topic/habitat-conservation/how-we-protect) **Improving the Chesapeake Bay** The NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office focuses its science, service, and stewardship capabilities on improving the health of the Chesapeake Bay and ensuring its sustainable use for generations to come. [Learn more about our efforts in the Chesapeake Bay](https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/topic/chesapeake-bay)
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