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United States
 Contact Info
(202) 586-7550
1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585
Last modified on 2024-12-02 20:18:45
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE or Department) is committed to managing its responsibilities associated with the legacy of World War II and the Cold War. This legacy includes radioactive and chemical waste, environmental contamination, and hazardous material at over 100 sites across the country. The Department has taken major steps toward fulfilling our commitments to clean up this environmental legacy by successfully implementing an accelerated environmental remediation program. For the first time, the Department is faced with larger scale closings of a series of entire facilities. In order to effectively manage remaining legacy responsibilities and to fulfill commitments to our former contractor work force, the Department established the Office of Legacy Management (LM). The Office of Legacy Management was formally established as a new DOE element on December 15, 2003. This Office is responsible for ensuring that DOE's post-closure responsibilities are met and for providing DOE programs for long-term surveillance and maintenance, records management, work force restructuring and benefits continuity, property management, land use planning, and community assistance. After merging personnel from four different organizations and four different cultures into one cohesive organization, management and employees began an intense effort to define ourselves for long-term sustainable operation. We came to consensus on how we are going to operate as a major element in the Department’s mission and developed new approaches to maximize efficiency and provide the best possible service to those who depend on us. LM has developed a leadership philosophy and core values and has made them an integral part of our policy and procedures. LM is committed to an ongoing process of self-assessment to constantly improve our service to our customers and the American taxpayer. Please review our leadership philosophy, core values, and our goals and performance measures and feel free to provide feedback on how we are doing and to make suggestions as to how we could improve.
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