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United States
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 Contact Info
350 Winter Street NE, P.O. Box 14480, Salem, OR 97309-0405
Last modified on 2024-04-25 03:15:56
Oregon’s largest consumer protection and business regulatory agency From protecting workers and consumers to regulating many types of businesses, DCBS serves in many different ways. **Mission** To protect and serve Oregon’s consumers and workers while supporting a positive business climate. **Vision** Oregonians are healthy, safe, and prosperous. **Values** - Respect - Integrity - Service - Excellence **Regulatory philosophy** DCBS, as the state’s largest business regulatory and consumer protection agency, strives for a balanced approach that protects Oregon consumers and workers while considering the effect our regulations have on the economy, businesses, and individuals we regulate. Our goal is to promote and maintain a competitive and thriving marketplace, and safe work environment through: - Engagement with stakeholders in policy development and rulemaking - Outreach and education - Effective compliance and enforcement - Responsive approaches and innovative solutions to emerging issues
Sponsor Relationship

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Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
Oregon OSHA and the Safe Employment Education and Training Advisory Committee (SEETAC) are now...
Added on 2018-05-28T02:14:38Z
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